
作者&投稿:芷净 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the shits like a samari sword, a censay, shit just dont change ta this day, i´m this way still tell that ut-slay its-bay, i´m a say my ick-day, choose my ick-pay, atin-lay, but uck-fay, ick-kay... CHORUS 1 (Eminem) this rap game, this rap game, I aint sell´...

电影《欢天喜地对亲家》以其粤语版本《欢天喜地一家亲》和英文名The Rollick Marriage,为观众带来了独特的观影体验。这部作品由著名导演王涛执导,梁广建和陈霖担任制作,杜琪峰和卢兆璋作为副导演共同参与。剧本的创作功臣是黄麦铨,他为影片带来了深厚的故事底蕴。主演阵容强大,包括吴刚、李燕燕、谢瑜和...

dye→dyeing 4、以重读闭音节结尾的动词,并且末尾只有一个辅音字母,应双写这一字母※注意※,再加ing,如cut→cutting、swim→swimming 5、以ie结尾的动词,要把ie变成y再加ing,如die→dying,lie→lying.6、以ic结尾的动词,要把ic变成ick再加ing,如picnic→picnicking,traffic→trafficking ...

翻译成英文 急急急!!关于动漫的...
In 2000, a scientific expedition in Antarctica, called for "the first apostle," Adam's "Big Light" adventure. In their contacts with the experiment, "a giant light of the" self-destruction, which have taken place in the "second shock", which led to World War II. Finally, ...

这,那the读[][i:] 词义联想:由Chinese(汉是读be[bi:] 语)联想China[tain]中国;体育读P.E[pi...1.ick和ic读[ik] music [mju:zik]棒stick[stik] 滴(答)tick[tik]快(的)quick[kwik]2.ridge...同义词联想:由clock(钟表) 忘记forgot[fɡt]联想[lɑ:m]clock(闹钟)。热(的)hot[ht]机器人[ru...

EVA 的英文介绍
故事梗概 Neon Genesis Evangelion At the turn of the millennium the inhabitants of Earth are nearly completely wiped out by a mysterious supposed meteorite strike on Antarctica. Roughly half the population dies as a direct result of the strike, and the rest are left to struggle for ...

赛马会 The Derby Stallion (2005)海岸情缘 "Summerland" (2004)凡妮莎·哈金斯 Vanessa Anne Hudgens 出生日期:1988年12月14日 出生地:美国加利福尼亚州,萨利纳市 昵称:Nessa V Van Baby V Vanney 身高:1.56米 特征:黑发 琐事:Van两部电影《Thirteen》(2003)和《Thunderbirds》的搭档演员都...

let the bass drum go \/\/敲响低音鼓吧 남자들은 위로 \/\/男人们出发吧 여자들은 get low \/\/ 女人们慢下来 당겨라 bang bang bang \/\/拉开吧 let the bass drum go \/\/敲响低音鼓吧...

It Must Be Love (Johnick Henry St. Mix) (Lp Version) 歌词_百度...
You must be the dream, I've been dreamin' of Oh what a feeling, it must be love Something is wrong alright I think of you all night Can't sleep til morning light It must be love Seeing you in my dreams Holding you close to me Oh what else can it be It must be ...

求生日快了的21 种说法。法语。韩语。德语。日语。葡萄牙语。西班牙语...
50. Gaelic (Irish) (爱尔兰地方语言)- Lá breithe mhaith agat! 51. Gaelic (Scottish) (苏格兰地方语言)- Co` latha breith sona dhuibh! 52....62. German-Plattdeutsch (德国地方语言)- Ick wuensch Di allns Gode ton Geburtsdach! 63. German-Rhoihessisch (德国地方语言)- Ich gratelier Dir...

相骆17759625564问: pick the flowers和pick flowers那个对,怎么用?先谢谢了. -
洛江区血尿回答: No picking flowers. They will impose a fine on anyone who should pick flowers at will 随便摘花的人会被罚款 Please don't pick the flowers. 请勿攀折花木. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 都可以的.

相骆17759625564问: pick the flowers改为否定句 -
洛江区血尿回答: 你给的是个短语.可以这么说:Don't pick the flowers.不要摘花

相骆17759625564问: 英语祈使句(公园里的规则)比如:DON'T smoke!don't pick the flower!.数量要多!是公园里的规则!要英语的! -
洛江区血尿回答:[答案] 比如:DON'T smoke!don't pick the flower!. 数量要多!是公园里的规则!要英语的! NO smoking.禁止吸烟 Don't walk on the grass.不要践踏草坪 Don't feed the animals.不要给动物投食 No parking.不准停车.

相骆17759625564问: Pick the flowers.改为否定句是 -
洛江区血尿回答: Don't pick the flowers.

相骆17759625564问: Don't pick the flowers 保持原句pick the可以换成什么? -
洛江区血尿回答: pick的同义词是pluck,可以替换.但是pick更通俗易懂.

相骆17759625564问: 摘花英语怎么说?用 pick吗? -
洛江区血尿回答: pick the flowers 网络 摘花; [例句]Please don't pick the flowers.请勿攀折花木.

相骆17759625564问: 用英语说出我们不能摘花的4种形式,现在我写出来一种:We mustn' tpick flowers.求大神 -
洛江区血尿回答: 1. Care for the flowers. (care for: 第二个义项为 "爱护" ) 2. No picking of the flowers. (仿照No smoking. No parking. 加of只是凭多年学英语的感觉) 3. Do not pick the flowers. 4. Flower picking is forbidden. 5. Have mercy on these flowers. (...

相骆17759625564问: 改句子:Don't pick the flowers.(意思不变,换种说法) -
洛江区血尿回答: Pick no flowers.

相骆17759625564问: pick up the flowers的中文
洛江区血尿回答: pick up the flowers把那些花捡起来

相骆17759625564问: 不要摘花用英语怎么说 -
洛江区血尿回答: Do not pick the flowers 例句:不要喂鸟、不要爬树、不要摘花,不要在此湖里游泳.Don't feed birds, climb trees, pick flowers or swim in the lake. 不要在草地行走!不要摘花! Don't walk on the grass! Don't pick the flowers! Don't chase the hens.

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