
作者&投稿:姚贫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

例句:The children played under the watchful eye of their teacher.孩子们在老师的看护下玩耍。原型:play。短语:Games are played玩法 Played rough下马威 game played比赛场数 Getting Played玩到尽头 Played On Pepper唱片名 played的近义词 rollick 读音:英 ['rɒlɪk],美 ['r&#...

豫轻18381384124问: 与pick有关的短语 -
雁塔区康迈回答:[答案] pick at (1) 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸 (2) 少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地吃 pick off (1) 摘掉,摘下;取走,拿掉 (2) 逐个地或有选择地射中或打下 pick on 选中;挑出 pick out (1) 选出;挑出;拣出 (2) 区别出;看出 pick up (1) 拾起;抱起 (2) (...

豫轻18381384124问: pick 的相关词组 -
雁塔区康迈回答:[答案] pick and choose 挑,挑捡,挑三拣四 pick up vt.捡起,收集,继... pick off n.采取(传感,拣拾器) \ pick on 挑选,挑剔 pick at 吃一点点,挑毛病 pick out v.挑出,辨认出 pick up the pieces (跌倒后)重新爬起来(对...ice pick n.(餐桌上用的)碎冰...

豫轻18381384124问: 关 于 pick的短语 -
雁塔区康迈回答:[答案] pick at (1) 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸(2) 少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地吃 pick off (1) 摘掉,摘下;取走,拿掉(2) 逐个地或有选择地射中或打下 pick on 选中;挑出 pick out (1) 选出;挑出;拣出(2) 区别出;看出 pick u...

豫轻18381384124问: Pick组成的短语有哪些 -
雁塔区康迈回答: pick up 捡起;获得;收拾 pick out 挑选出 pick it up 把它捡起来 pick them [用以加强语气,尤指人群关系]谨慎选择 pick up the phone 拿起电话,接起电话

豫轻18381384124问: Pick组成的短语有哪些 -
雁塔区康迈回答:[答案] pick at (1) 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸 (2) 少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地吃 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸 try to pull or seize with the fingertips;keep touching and scratching · The baby is picking at the bed clothes.婴儿在抓弄被单.少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地...

豫轻18381384124问: pick的短语 -
雁塔区康迈回答: pick at (1) 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸 (2) 少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地吃 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸 try to pull or seize with the fingertips;keep touching and scratching · The baby is picking at the bed clothes. 婴儿在抓弄被单. 少量地吃;无兴趣或没...

豫轻18381384124问: 关于pick的动词短语 -
雁塔区康迈回答:[答案] pick at (1) 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸(2) 少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地吃 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸 try to pull or seize with the fingertips;keep touching and scratching · The baby is picking at the bed clothes.婴...

豫轻18381384124问: 收集有关pick的短语
雁塔区康迈回答: pick at (1) 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸 (2) 少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地吃 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸 try to pull or seize with the fingertips;keep touching and scratching · The baby is picking at the bed clothes. 婴儿在抓弄被单. 少量地吃;无兴趣或没...

豫轻18381384124问: pick的动词短语 -
雁塔区康迈回答: pick up拾起,提起 pick on惩罚,责备 pick at一点点地吃,挑挑拣拣的吃食物 pick out挑选某人或某物 pick up speed增加速度 pick off一个一个地瞄准后射杀 pick one's nose挖鼻孔 pick your way小心地 pick and choose挑挑拣拣

豫轻18381384124问: pick可以和哪些单词搭配成词组?分别是什么意思? -
雁塔区康迈回答:[答案] pick pick[pIk; pik]及物动词1 摘a.摘,采 b.摘给; [为人]摘,摘[给人][for]She ed him some strawberries.= She ed some strawberries for him.她采了一些草莓给他2 (用手或尖物一点一点地) 挖a.挖掘…,凿…[with]the...

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