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physical fitness 英 [ˈfizikəl ˈfɪtnɪs] 美 [ˈfɪzɪkəl ˈfɪtnɪs]例句:Physical fitness is having a strong healthy body.身体健康就是有一个强壮健康的身体。词汇解析:1、physical 英 [ˈfɪz&...

锻炼身体:physical exercise 单词解释:physical |ˈfɪzɪkl| [常用于名词前] connected with a person's body rather than their mind 身体的;肉体的;躯体的 例句:The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health.痛苦的经历损害了她的身心健康。exercise |ˈ...

physical exercise是什么意思
physical exercise 体育运动;身体操练 短语:physical training exercise 健身锻炼 physical health exercise 健身体育 例句:Physical Training Exercise is the best time for the evening. Movement in the evening would resolve the capacity of thrombosis increased by 39 per cent.锻炼体育锻炼的最佳时间...

health解析如下:一、释义 n. 健康;卫生;保健;医疗;状况;人的身体(或精神)状况;二、词形变化 复数 healths 形容词 healthy 副词 healthily 三、词语搭配 mental health 心理健康 good health 身体健康 world health organization 世界卫生组织 ministry of health 卫生部 physical health ...

身体健康很重要,精神健康也是一样。用英语翻译一下 注:physical...
Physical health is as important as mental health.

improve my physical health的作文
have always written assignment or sit at the computer before.Long desk writing and sit at the computer before will let you of the physical deterioration, you should add movementUsually eat more vegetables, don't eat so much meat, eat too much meat is not good for your health(...

什么单词中带 g h y的?只要有就行,但是一定是这个顺序 例如:..g...
geography 地理

Mental health is just as important as physical health.什么意思...
Mental health is just as important as physical health.心理健康就象生理健康一样重要。Mental health 心理健康和(指精神上)as important as 和……一样重要 physical health 身体健康(指生理上)

英语写作热门话题解析 导语:平时多积累英语写作中的热门话题,出到相关的话题时就能从容应对了。1、健康——(96年健康,97年吸烟)physical health\/body health physical fitness mental health\/ psychological health 2、家庭和教育 (92年沟通,03年温室花朵,05年养老足球赛)family education\/...

因此,现代人的健康内容包括:躯体健康、心理健康、心灵健康、社会健康、智力健康、道德健康、环境健康等。健康是人的基本权利,是人生最宝贵的财富之一;健康是生活质量的基础;健康是人类自我觉醒的重要方面;健康是生命存在的最佳状态,有着丰富深蕴的内涵。refers to a person's health is physical,ment...

子晨18571213146问: physicalphy healthy 什么意思 -
隆尧县绿脓回答: 你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:physicalphy healthy 身体健康 望采纳 谢谢

子晨18571213146问: physic,physics和physical的区别 -
隆尧县绿脓回答: 1、意思不一样 physic:医学,医术,泻药;给…服药,治愈. physics:物理学;物理现象;物理成分. physical:身体的, 物质的, 自然的, 物理的;身体检查,体格检查. 2、词性不一样: physic:可用作名词和动词. physics:用作名词. physical:可用作形容词和名词. 3、发音不一样: physic:英 ['fɪzɪk] 美 ['fɪzɪk]. physics:英 [ˈfɪzɪks] 美 [ˈfɪzɪks]. physical:英 [ˈfɪzɪkl] 美 [ˈfɪzɪkəl]. 参考资料来源: 百度翻译--physic百度百科--physics 百度百科--physical

子晨18571213146问: 请教一个关于health的短语 -
隆尧县绿脓回答: everyone want to have a mentally and physically healthy body.everyone want to be mental and physical health.一个是形容词修饰名词短语,一个是副词修饰形容词短语.

子晨18571213146问: 请教一个关于health的短语mental and physical health与mentally and physically healthy 有什么区别, -
隆尧县绿脓回答:[答案] everyone want to have a mentally and physically healthy body. everyone want to be mental and physical health. 一个是形容词修饰名词短语,一个是副词修饰形容词短语.

子晨18571213146问: keep fit 和keep healthy的区别 -
隆尧县绿脓回答: keep fit和keep healthy区别为:词性不同、侧重点不同、用法不同. 一、词性不同 1、keep fit:keep fit是指保持身材. 2、keep healthy:keep healthy是指保持健康. 二、侧重点不同 1、keep fit:keep fit侧重于实质的身体上的健康. 2、keep healthy...

子晨18571213146问: 身体健康的英语 -
隆尧县绿脓回答: Healthy body

子晨18571213146问: 急寻关于一批"Physical Health"这个话题的英文单词和句子段落 -

子晨18571213146问: “身体素质”怎么翻译? -
隆尧县绿脓回答: 身体素质 physical quality ;fitness 1、Development of physical quality and healthy quality. 发展身体素质与发展身体健康素质. 2、What are the basic fitness requirements of an athlete? 对运动员身体素质的基本要求是什么? 3、How can an athlete reach peak fitness for a competition? 怎样才能使运动员的身体素质达到最佳状态?

子晨18571213146问: 英语作文 How do you keep healthy?100字左右 初一 -
隆尧县绿脓回答: Health is very important to every one of us.With health we can enjoy the colorful life,we can do what we want to do.How to be healthy is an important question.Here are my opinions.First,early to bed and early to rise is a good habit to keep healthy life....

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