
作者&投稿:真缪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

弥仲15999144069问: 求人帮翻译成英语的
黄山市科莫回答: The main body cavity resonance: chest resonance, Yanqiang resonance, the first cavity resonance, and so on. Chest on chest resonance is inherent in the spatial structure of a resonant sound effects, it sings bass in the use of more time, it can let ...

弥仲15999144069问: 求系统解剖学里面各种生字词的读音... -
黄山市科莫回答: 系统解剖学重要名词 1. 椎 孔 vertebral foramen: 由椎体和椎弓围成的孔.所有椎孔相连形成椎管,内容纳 脊髓. 2. 椎间孔Intervertebral foramina:由相邻椎骨的椎上和椎下切迹围成.内有脊N和血 管通过. 3. 胸骨角 Sternal angle:位于胸骨...

弥仲15999144069问: ...A.voiceless B.plosive C.voicing D.nasals 5.The greatest source of modification of the air stream is found in the______.A.oral cavity B.lungC.pharyngeal cavity ... -
黄山市科莫回答:[答案] 1.The study of the phonic medium of language is defined as A.A.phonology B.phoneme C.phonetics 2.__C____ studies how a speaker uses hi speech organs to articulate the sounds.A.Acoustic phoneti...

弥仲15999144069问: 咀嚼东西时,舌头是怎么运动的? -
黄山市科莫回答: 哈哈...要详细的啊....看好咯..有点深奥分为三个时期:Oral phase、Pharyngeal phase、Esophageal phase.第一个时期是由意识所引发,食物经过咀嚼并与唾液混合之后的食物翻滚形成食团,经由舌头送入咽.食物入咽后即为...

弥仲15999144069问: 口腔中咽的作用 -
黄山市科莫回答: 咽(pharynx) 食物入食管和呼吸介质(水或空气)入鳃或肺的共同通路.咽介于口腔和食管之间,既属于消化系统又属于呼吸系统. 对于人体而言,咽是消化道与呼吸道的共同通道,呈前后略扁的漏斗形肌性管道.上附于颅底,下端至第6颈椎...

弥仲15999144069问: 裸钻放大显示cavity,影响镶嵌吗 -
黄山市科莫回答: 能选就尽量选过另外一颗钻石. 镶嵌是没问题,就是这种瑕疵大多人都不喜欢.

弥仲15999144069问: oretical ideal是什么意思? -
黄山市科莫回答: oretical ideal. 2.2 Organs of speech The articulatory apparatus of a human being, are contained in three important areas or cavities: the pharyngeal cavity --- the throat, the oral cavity --- the mouth

弥仲15999144069问: 什么事腺阳体??? -
黄山市科莫回答: 腺样体(adenoids)又称咽扁桃体(Pharyngeal tonsils),为一群淋巴组织,类似(上腭的)扁桃体,附着于鼻咽的后壁.如果儿童时期受到感染,腺样体会肿大和发炎,也可能造成永久性的肥大.腺样体肥大会妨碍鼻子呼吸,并影响鼻窦的排泄,而易患鼻窦炎,也会使欧氏管(otitis, 由鼻咽头至中耳的通道)阻塞,而导致中耳感染疾病.腺样体肥大或腺样体受到感染的儿童,通常可用手术连同扁桃体割除.

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