
作者&投稿:威拜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

例如,我们可以说 "personal opinion"(个人意见)、"personal space"(个人空间)、"personal growth"(个人成长)或"personal responsibility"(个人责任)等。

individual 和single,personal,private的区别是什么?
individual是相对于collective“集体”的“个人”e.g. The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community.还可以表示“个人独特的”e.g.She has her own individual way of walking single表示一个(人),或单身 e.g.He is still single.personal 表示私人的,个人的 ...


private personal区别private car 还是personal car
private --- adj.私人的;个人的;私下的;私有的;personal --- adj.私人的;个人的 (更多的情况是“一个人用的”)如果我们说,这是他的私生活,(不宜告诉你),就用private;如果我们说,这是他的个人行为,(不代表公司),就用personal。private car personal computer (PC)其实,由于国外公...

'pɝsənl]adj. 个人的;身体的;亲自的 n. 人事消息栏;人称代名词 短语:personal income tax 个人所得税 personal care 个人护理;个人护理用品 personal interest 个人利益;个人兴趣爱好 personal property 动产;私人财产 personal safety 人身安全;个人安全 personal growth 个人成长 ...

d盘文件夹下 personal 显示17g 但找不到怎么回事

美国读硕士的Personal Statement 一般写好多字的英文呢?
太长,美国大学又感觉你啰嗦,而且写作的话题往往失去重点。我自己成功申请到UC-Berkeley。根据我本人的经历,Personal Statement字数为800-1000字最好。实在想多写,也别超过1500字。注意double-space、12号字、Tims New Roman字体。这是美国大学论文的标准写作格式。希望我提供的信息对您有帮助,加油~!

personal造句:1. Please respect my personal space.请尊重我的个人空间。2. I don't want to discuss my personal life.我不想谈论我的个人生活。3. She keeps her personal belongings in a locker.她把个人物品存放在储物柜里。4. The personal computer has revolutionized the way we work....

人:person people,梨 pear,力量 power,人格 personality,扑克 poker,礼貌 polite,警察 police,私人的 personal,穷的 poor,纯洁的 pure,菠萝 pineapple,管子 pipe,水管工 plumber,派对 party,完美的 perfect,笔 pen,花生 peanut,表演 performance,手机 phone,请 please,照片 photo,短语 ...

ptoday_19_11_08+09+10_What_the_fuck_should_I_do_with_my_life (A...
What do you want to do for personal growth? What do you want to do for your health? You get the idea! Your values are basically what’s most important to you in your life. For example, mine are: freedom, new experiences, connection, and vibrancy. You choose how you define your ...

凤青17667766524问: 谁能用英语解释personal growth和professional growth的区别 -
永和县艾尔回答: personal growth n. 个人成长personal growth:个人成长 | 人成长 | 个人发展Personal Growth Model:个人成长模型Learning and personal growth.:学习...

凤青17667766524问: 以p开头的英语首字母,以g开头的英语首字母,组成一个词组,响亮的,有哲理的 -
永和县艾尔回答: Pleasure Given 施善者 Popcorn Gone 消失的爆米花 Personal Growth 自生 Polite Gemini 礼貌的双子座

凤青17667766524问: 求一篇如何实现个人成长的目标的英语作文参考 ? -
永和县艾尔回答: On our journey to find our true self and achieve our full potential, we sometimes get into hard times. However, we must never lose hope for the future, which will help us to achieve personal growth. The following ideas may help you to reach your goals ...

凤青17667766524问: 谈谈你对性格决定命运的看法英语 -
永和县艾尔回答: th scores of choices that, in subtle yet discernible ways, can either enrich or impoverish our personal

凤青17667766524问: 一个英语句子By contrast,the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine,since by definition it is a journey and not the specific signposts or ... -
永和县艾尔回答:[答案] since[英][sɪns] [美][sɪns] prep.从…以来;自从…之后;自从 adv.以后,此后;后来;(距今几年)以前;(从那时候起几年)以前 conj.自从…以来;自从…的时候起;既然;因为

凤青17667766524问: 大学生酒店餐饮部个人成长与收获的英语演讲怎么写 -
永和县艾尔回答: Personal growth and harvest of College Hotel Catering Department 重点词汇释义 大学生 undergraduate; university student; college student; academician; university man 酒店 hotel wineshop; public house; tavern; rummery 餐饮部 food and beverage department 个人成长 personal growth 收获 harvest; gain; gains; gather in the crops; results

凤青17667766524问: 阅读理解 There are two basic ways to see growth:one as a product the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external(外... -
永和县艾尔回答:[答案] 答案:1.C;2.D;3.C;4.B; 解析: (1) 文章第二段最后几句提到,在成长的过程中,这种旅途真的永无止境;要体验世界的新路子,尝试新的观念,接受新的挑战. (2) 由第三段可推知,在成长的过程中,人们需要有乐于冒险、面对不可预测的事物...

凤青17667766524问: ...非常感谢~!:)短文:There are two basic ways to see growth,one as a product,the other as a process.People have generally viewed personal growth as an ... -
永和县艾尔回答:[答案] 见证成长有两种基本方法,一是看结果,一是看过程.人们一般将个人的成长看做可以辨认和衡量的外在结果或产物.工人的得到晋升;学生成绩提高;异国人学会外语————这些都是人们用可测量结果展示他们所作努力的例子.相比之下,个人的成...

凤青17667766524问: There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external (外在的) ... -
永和县艾尔回答:[答案] CADCB 1.文章第二段最后几句提到,在成长过程中,这种旅途真的永无止境:要有体验世界的新路子,尝试新的观念,接受新的挑战.答案:C 2. 从第一段可知,作者把获奖、掌握外语,提薪看作“外部结果”,而把“乐意接受挑战”看作成长...

凤青17667766524问: first hand experience is often necessary for personal growth,什么意思 -
永和县艾尔回答: first hand experience is often necessary for personal growth 第一手的经验对个人成长来说往往是很必要的 例句:1.Challenging yourself is important for your personal growth. 挑战自己对于个人成长很有必要.2.Challenging yourself is so important for your own personal growth. 挑战自己对你的个人成长非常重要

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