
作者&投稿:雍李 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jerry Elliott stunts (uncredited) John Epper stunts (uncredited) Frank Hagney stunts (uncredited) Peggy O'Neil armor double: Ingrid Bergman (uncredited) Allen Pinson stunts (uncredited) Ann Roberts riding double: Ingrid Bergman (uncredited) George Robotham stunts (uncredited) Russell Saunders stunts (...

Ryan J. Hesse lamp operatorRex Hiscocks rigging grip best boyNancy Honeycutt production coordinatorSteve Imbler transportation coordinatorLuana Jackman vocal contractorJ. Larsen Jay assistant production coordinatorEva Jensen studio teacherJoan Johnson assistant: Mrs. CantinGary Jones music supervisorAdam Jordan...

符周17283093840问: pepper with什么意思? -
亳州市清火回答: 撒胡椒粉调料: You don't have to pepper the soup.你不一定要在汤里撒胡椒面.3: The wall had been peppered with stains.墙上满是污痕: Smith peppered his opponent with long right.2: vt. 1. 加胡椒粉于pepper跟with的意思有很多,参见下...

符周17283093840问: 胡椒的英语单词 -
亳州市清火回答: pepper n.胡椒;辣椒;胡椒粉 vt.在…上撒胡椒粉;使布满 复数:peppers第三人称单数:peppers过去式:peppered过去分词:peppered现在分词:peppering 易混淆的单词:Pepper

符周17283093840问: pepper是什么意思 -
亳州市清火回答: 一、读音:['pepə(r)] 二、意思是胡椒粉;辣椒. 三、例句 The pepper in the food caused me to sneeze. 这食物中的胡椒味儿呛得我直打喷嚏. 四、词汇用法 1、pepper的基本意思是“向某人或某地连续地投掷(石块等)或射出(子弹)”,...

符周17283093840问: 辣椒英语语音 -
亳州市清火回答: 可以参考以下网址的发音:Pepper (辣椒/辣椒粉) Chili (Chilli是美式拼写) Paprika (红辣椒)

符周17283093840问: Pepper的功能作用 -
亳州市清火回答: Pepper通过视野系统来察觉人类的微笑、皱眉以及惊讶.通过语音识别系统来识别人类的语音语调以及特定表现人类强烈感情的字眼.然后情感引擎将上述一系列面部表情、语音语调和特地字眼量化处理,通过量化评分最终做出对人类积极或者消极情绪的判断,并用表情、动作、语音与人类交流、反馈,甚至能够跳舞、开玩笑. Pepper对人类的理解起初可能会比较受限,不过Pepper支持通过Wi-Fi接入云端服务器,这能够令其表现和各类识别系统更加智能.为了扩展其应用实现,Aldebaran Robotics公司也公开发布了SDK,开发者可以根据自己所想对机器人做部署和个性化设定.

符周17283093840问: 关于蔬菜的英语单词 -
亳州市清火回答: 常见的蔬菜(vegetables): pepper 胡椒hot pepper; chilli 辣椒sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒tomato 番茄,西红柿asparagus 芦笋cucumber 黄瓜aubergine, eggplant 茄子bean 菜豆beet, beetroot 甜菜...

符周17283093840问: 但请说明理由!)虽然很简单,但请说明理由1 his speech is easy - _(understand).2 he stood up,__(say)something and went out.3 有没有prefer do to do? -
亳州市清火回答:[答案] 1 his speech is easy to understand be +adj.+to do 做……是……的 be easy to do sth 做某事是容易的 2 he stood up,said say something and went out. 三个连续的动词,时态、形式都一致 3 有没有prefer do to do? 没有 只有以下: prefer doing to doing...

符周17283093840问: Pepper's ghost 佩伯尔幻像是什么东西? -
亳州市清火回答: 从物理的角度讲,这是一张CD.利用霍金的人存原理,“我们看到的宇宙之所以是这个样子, 那是因为我们的存在”,其实把宇宙换成Pepper's ghost 也一样....(你从哪里看到这么诡异的词啊,居然百度百科不到..)

符周17283093840问: 烹饪调料英文名称 -
亳州市清火回答: 调味品:番茄酱ketchup芥末mustard调味品relish酸黄瓜pickles橄榄olives胡椒粉pepper香料spice蛋黄酱mayonnaise(菜)油(cooking)oil橄榄油oliver oil醋vinegar沙拉酱salad dressing盐salt酱油soy...

符周17283093840问: 青椒的英语怎么说? -
亳州市清火回答: Green pepper

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