
作者&投稿:察申 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

都钧18053473295问: penta这个词怎么用 -
当涂县依美回答: 5 = penta 6 = hexa 7 = hepta 8 = octa 9 = nona 10 = deca 11 = hendeca 12 = dodeca 13 = trideca 14 = tetradeca 15 = pentadeca 16 = hexadeca 17 = heptadeca 18 = octadeca 19 = enneadeca 20 = icosa 一般后边加名词, 如 double shifts.或当名词前缀,如 hexagon 六边形.

都钧18053473295问: 钢琴谱上的那些意大利文...都是什么意思啊.. -
当涂县依美回答: ---力度记号---pp pianissimo 最弱p piano 弱mp Mezzo piano 中弱mf Mezzo forte 中强f Forte 强ff Fortissimo 非常强cresc. 渐强Crescendo 渐强< 渐强decresc. 渐弱Decrescendo 渐弱> 渐弱dim Diminuendo 渐弱poco 稍微---速度记号---Largo 最缓板...

都钧18053473295问: 音乐英文术语 -
当涂县依美回答: alto 男高音,女低音 tenor 次中音 baritone 上低音,男中音 bass 低音 soprano 女高音 mezzo-soprano 女次高音 sharp 高半音符号,升号 flat 调号 natural (sign) 本位号 staff, stave 五线谱 A,B,C,D,E,F,G 唱名la,si,do,re,mi,fa,sol G clef, treble clef 高...

都钧18053473295问: 中国传统乐器 英文介绍 -
当涂县依美回答:[答案] CHINESE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS There are many deep traditions of the bowed, plucked, wind, and percussion ... 13 strings made of silk, and that one was the ancestor of the Japanese Koto. The two most common tunings are the C pentatonic scale...

都钧18053473295问: 急``高分求助,本人急需把一段中文翻译成英文,需要语法正确的标准翻译,谁能帮帮忙? -
当涂县依美回答: Bruce (also translated Blues) is a pentatonic scale based on the vocal and instrumental music, it is also characterized by its unique harmony. Bruce, after the Civil War are, in black folk have the form of a concert, it is black plantation songs (when the ...

都钧18053473295问: 请把这两段钢琴曲的介绍翻译成英文.. -
当涂县依美回答: The song 彩云追月 was created in 1935 by Wang Jianzhong, it indicates a picture of the night sky, "color" for color, can see the color of the night, we will not be black, there are some glorious month, the moon, such as water , crystal clear. "...

都钧18053473295问: 什么是G major,第三品(5min) G minor pentatonic 第三品? -
当涂县依美回答: G major是G大三和弦或是G大调音阶. major:大 第三品(5min):应该是第三把位音阶练习(5分钟) G minor是G小三和弦或是G小调音阶. minor:小 pentatonic:五声音阶 G Dorian是以G为主音的多利亚调式:23456712.G、A、bB、C、D、E、F、G. G Mixolydian混合利底亚调式: Am7:就是由音名为A、C、E、G的四个音组成的A小小七和弦.

都钧18053473295问: 乐理培训英语怎么说
当涂县依美回答: vibration 振动 sound 音 tone 音(乐音) step 音级(scale step,degree) accidental(s... 多调性 major 大调 minor 小调 key signature 调号 pentatonic 五声的 natural 自然的 ...

都钧18053473295问: 关于乐理拍子意思详解 -
当涂县依美回答: 乐理基本知识 1:音(Tone) 是一种物理现象.物体振动时产生音波,通过空气传到耳膜,经过大脑的反射被感知为声音.人所能听到的声音在每秒振动数为16-2000次左右,而使用到音乐中的音(不含音),一般只限于每秒振动27-4100次的...

都钧18053473295问: 鲤鱼的英语翻译 鲤鱼用英语怎么说 -
当涂县依美回答: carp; cyprinoid 鲤鱼 carp [kɑːp]vi. 吹毛求疵 n. 鲤鱼 n. (Carp)人名;(罗)卡尔普;(英、葡、瑞典)卡普 [ 复数 carp或carps ] cyprinoid ['sɪprɪ,nɒɪd]鲤鱼 鲤鱼的 例句: 1. That night was the first time I heard about him catching carp. 这个平安...


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