
作者&投稿:村绿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Firstly,we should try to solve the problems by ourselves.Then if we still haven`t made it,we can trrn to our teachers and classmates.Thus ,we can seek out the answers more effitiently.Furthermore ,we must habe the confidencee to solve the problems .第二篇:It is necessary...

though it is a little small.It has many interesting places in it.Now Xianyang is developing rapidly.There are many factories and companies in it.The people here work very hard,

He showed me some books , one of ___ was a selection of short...
这就是那本我正在寻找的不寻常的书。The only thing that he could do was to wait paitiently.(作宾语,可省略)他唯一能做的事情是耐心等待。三、先行词被序数词修饰时。如:The first thing that we do in the morning is to clean the classroom. (作宾语,可省略)我们早上首先要做的...


How to overcome difficulties in my English studies 80字左右的...
in the English study.Firstly,we should try to solve the problems by ourselves.Then if we still haven`t made it,we can trrn to our teachers and classmates.Thus ,we can seek out the answers more effitiently.Furthermore ,we must habe the confidencee to solve the problems ...

My Experience on English Study When it comes to English, some college students feel nervous, because they can not pass College English Test Band4 before graduation. That means they will not obtain bachelor’s degree when they graduate. For their part, English is a hard nut to ...

阮英13025701602问: patiently用英语怎么读 -
沐川县西咪回答: patiently ['peiʃəntli] adv. 耐心地;有毅力地 The teacher told him to weigh this matter patiently. 老师让他耐心考虑这事.

阮英13025701602问: patient作病人和耐心讲时发音有区别吗 -
沐川县西咪回答: 读音没有区别. patient 1/ ˈpeɪʃnt; ˋpeʃənt/ adj ~ (with sb/sth)有耐性的; 忍耐的; 容忍的 * You'll have to be patient with my mother she's going rather deaf. 你对我母亲得有耐心--她的耳朵越来越背了. * patient research, questioning, ...

阮英13025701602问: patient和patience和patiently的区别,并各出五道题和答案,谢谢 -
沐川县西咪回答: 最主要是词性不同. patient可做名词和形容词两种词性.做名词时是“病人”之意(可数);做形容词时是"“有耐心的”意思. patience只做名词,意为“耐性,耐心” patiently为副词,意为“耐心地” 例:She is very patient with young children. She treats her patient patiently. Facing the naughty boy,she lost her patience. 题目的话网上有很多,其实这样的问题最好翻牛津或朗文,都有例句又清楚.

阮英13025701602问: 等待英语怎么说? -
沐川县西咪回答: 等待的英文是 "wait",英式读音是 /weɪt/,美式读音是 /weɪt/. 释义:等待是指暂时停留或延迟行动,直到某件事情发生或某人到达. 用法:"wait" 既可以用作动词,表示等待的行为,也可以用作名词,表示等待的状态或时间. 词形变...

阮英13025701602问: 鳄鱼的英语怎么读 -
沐川县西咪回答: 1、发音: 英:[ˈælɪgeɪtə(r)] 美:[ˈælɪˌɡetɚ] 2、意思: n. (名词) 鳄鱼; 鳄鱼皮革; 鳄类动度物知; 3、例句: Crocodiles bask on the small sandy beaches. 鳄鱼在小沙滩上晒太阳. 复数: crocodiles 扩展资料: Alligator 是指...

阮英13025701602问: 《My prayer》学这首歌,帮忙标下中文的发音,不是中文的翻译哦! -
沐川县西咪回答:[答案] dear god 迪阿 嘎的 i know that she's out there... 哎 呢欧 待 西斯 奥 得啊 the one i'm suppose to share my whole life with 得 ... 完 啊哇 哈次 维偶 比特 艾斯 温 (完 啊哇 哈次 维偶 比特 艾斯 温) i will wait so patiently (patiently) 哎 维偶 维特 搜 配讯特累 ...

阮英13025701602问: pleasure和 the的发音 -
沐川县西咪回答: pleasure用汉语表明的读音就是 普来惹 惹 偏向 日,音标看下图! The 的读法 1.在元音字母(a,e,i,o,u)开头的单词前,读zi; 2.在非元音字母开头的单词前读ze. 3.强调重音,口语中一般用不到 看下音标 用在辅音前是[ðə] 用在元音前是[ ði:, ði]

阮英13025701602问: 蜗牛的英文怎么读 -
沐川县西咪回答: snail:蜗牛 英音:[sneil] 美音:[snel]英音读法:s(三声) 内 噢 美音读法:s(三声) 耐 噢

阮英13025701602问: patiently等于什么? -
沐川县西咪回答: 你好,很高兴回答你的问题,正确答案为:patiently= with patience impatiently = without patience************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! **************************************************************************

阮英13025701602问: patiently的反义词是什麽 -
沐川县西咪回答:[答案] impatiently

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