
作者&投稿:仁叙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

伍彩15618775449问: 停车场 计时卡 英语怎么说啊 -
秀城区北豆回答: 应该是metering ticket感觉合适点在澳洲,那种路边的计时表叫metre,投币的.在停车场机器上买好的,打印出一张票,上面有时间,然后你把它放车前台上的,叫parking permit / parking ticket.还有一种是进去时领张票,出来时付钱,也叫parking ticket.停车场也有一种电子装置,自动扫描的,不用停车,也可以在收费高速公路上用,叫e-tag各国应该各有点不同吧

伍彩15618775449问: 停车场 计时卡 英语怎么说啊应该叫Clocking ticket呢?还是metering ticket -
秀城区北豆回答:[答案] 应该是metering ticket感觉合适点 在澳洲,那种路边的计时表叫metre,投币的.在停车场机器上买好的,打印出一张票,上面有时间,然后你把它放车前台上的,叫parking permit / parking ticket.还有一种是进去时领张票,出来...

伍彩15618775449问: 贵宾停车证和来宾停车证英语怎么说 -
秀城区北豆回答: VIP Parking Permit 贵宾停车证 Visitor(Guest) Parking Permit来宾停车证

伍彩15618775449问: 急:“泊位证”规范的英文是什么? -
秀城区北豆回答: parking permit 或 parking pass 例如:可是校内停车证真的很难申请,你可能得停到校外.Sharon: But an on-campus parking permit is really hard to get. You might have to park off-campus.后来他被发现了,遭到了法庭的传讯,法官想知道他是从哪儿弄到这张停车证的.He got caught and summoned to court, where the judge wanted to know where he got his parking pass.

伍彩15618775449问: 非单位车辆禁止入内 英语怎么说 -
秀城区北豆回答: 1. 未满18岁者 / 未成年者 禁止观看 / 禁止入内 Adult only. (No minors.) 这个,中文说的太啰嗦,英语相对来说比较简单 禁止入内 Do not enter. minor 指未成年者2. 禁止携带宠物入内 No pets 就可以吧.(正确)3 非本单位车辆禁止入内 一般这样说:No public parking. (非公共停车场)或 Private parking.(私家停车场) 或者 Permit parking only. 即凭停车证(即交月费者).

伍彩15618775449问: 罗莱纳州立大学(NCSU)就读是怎样一番体验 -
秀城区北豆回答: 这里交通主要靠校车或者自己的代步车,骑车比较累,走路有点远. 校区之间来回主要靠校车,学校有很多条线路,有一个APP叫Rider可以查到现在校车在什么位置,还是很方便的.周末的时候校车司机都休息了,想去学校就只能开车或者走去学校了.学校停车需要买停车证(Parking Permit),我至今未买过,停车证是一次买一年的,有很多种,最常用的平均下来一天一美元的样子.

伍彩15618775449问: 英语作文题目是fromnextmonthemployeeswh?
秀城区北豆回答: MEMO - From next month employees who use your company car park will need a parking permitIt has brought to our attention that many company staff were unable to find a ...

伍彩15618775449问: 求英语+经济学达人回答下面3个问题Question 1Cherie has a two hour lecture starting at 2.00pm.She purchases a parking permit that is valid until4.00pm.Her ... -
秀城区北豆回答:[答案] 晕...我的英语水平有限,点出点来你再重新组织吧... 1.沉没成本 sunk cost Cherie should not go to the cafeteria,for the money spent on permit can't be changed whatever she does,it is a sunk cost.What's more,if she chose to go to the cafeteria,she would ...

伍彩15618775449问: 请英文高手帮忙写封关于停车罚单的英文解释信,谢谢. -
秀城区北豆回答: Dear Sir,This mail is to contest a parking ticket No. xxxxx (改成罚单号) you issued on Nov. xx, 2010 (改成确切日期) at the parking lot of 1xxx Xxxx Street (改成停车场地址及街道名). At the time when the parking ticket was issued, I had ...

伍彩15618775449问: 精通英语的帮个忙啦!
秀城区北豆回答: As school is a common study place for us,we must comply with the School Rules,wearing tidy, don't be late and leave the class early, it is necessary to pay attention to hygiene,keep the campus clean. And when you go up and down stairs,keep left. ...

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