
作者&投稿:越姚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我的都是Mix混音舞曲,希望楼主你喜欢!rem - weekend - 红番区 阿岩 zonkos - studio - fox Radu feat Dj Mahay moonlight shadow G Mix Marine Bomb1[Mix]Lazard Living on Video Floorfilla - Anthem #4 Dj Maximum Feat Dj D - Time Is Ticking Blue_Da_Ba_Dee-男ElectroHouse Crazy Baby...

One Night of Love (1934) 一夜爱情Imitation of Life (1934)House of Rothschild, The (1934)Here Comes the Navy (1934)Gay Divorcee, The (1934) 柳暗花明Flirtation Walk (1934)Cleopatra (1934) 埃及艳后Barretts of Wimpole Street, The (1934) 红楼春怨1934第6届(1933年度)奥斯卡奖最佳影片奖...

it(指事物)它 This is my watch, it's a Swiss one.这是我的手表,它是瑞士制的。Where is the dog? It is in the other room.狗在哪里?它在另一间房里。(用作各种无人称动词形式的主语) It is raining. 正在下雨。It is cold.天气寒冷。catch it 惹麻烦 have had it 没有成功...

a financial crisis broke out in the world.So it's very difficult to find out a good job.I attended lots of job fair *** ut I haven't got my dream job so far.however,I won't give up .Please believe me I am confident enough to face all kinds of challengs.I alsobelieve ...

I'm one of the few that's very pro performance-related pay.问题六:企业绩效评价用英语怎么说啊 Enterprise Performance Evaluation 问题七:“绩效”和“业绩”用英文有什么区别? 绩效 [jì xiào]基本翻译 performance 业绩 [yè jì]基本翻译 搐utstanding achievement 问题八:请问“绩效考核...

magnolia造句 magnoliaの例文 "magnolia"是什么意思
Studies on the antioxidative effects of magnopa officinal for sesame oil 复合酶生产酪蛋白磷酸肽的工艺研究 It's difficult to see magnopa in a sentence. 用 magnopa 造句挺难的 Shortened form of ply magnopa flowers 减字木兰花 Quapty evaluation and utipzation of germpla *** resources of magno...

(1) 外加的,同样的。如:Don’t say another word. 不要再说了。Let me have another cup of tea. 给我再来一杯茶。(2) 不同的,另外的。如:That’s another Story. 那是另一码事。Give me another cup. This one’s cracked. 请给我换个杯子,这个裂了。If I were you, I ...

还记得大学里最成功的那件事吗?以下是我分享的大学里最成功的事英语作文,一起来和我看看吧。大学里最成功的事英语作文篇1 How to succeed in campus as a college studentCampus life is as important as one of our body in our daily life, which we should learn to treasure ,especially the...

get one poiut和get a poiut 的区别
My duty was to get the four of us studying the subject.我的责任是使我们四个人研究这个主题。Who can get the machine running?谁能启动这台机器?6.get+sb.+to do使某人做某事 My idea is that we should get a porter to carry our luggage.我的想法是我们得请个搬运工来搬运行李。7....

如何在大学取得成功英语作文如下:How to succeed in campus as a college studentCampus life is as important as one of ourbody in our daily life, which we should learn to treasure ,especially the college life.ln our collegelife,we can take part in all kinds of activities held by ...

尘邓17775333688问: go out of one's way是什么意思? -
乌兰浩特市纳催回答: 1. 特意地,不怕麻烦地keep to oneself 不与他人交往go out of one's way 特意地,不怕麻烦地2. 不辞辛苦不做某事go from bad to worse 每况愈下go out of one's way 不辞辛苦不...

尘邓17775333688问: lose one's breath 与 out of breath 有什么区别?(比如用法上、意思等),希望能讲详细一点 -
乌兰浩特市纳催回答: 最主要的区别应该是是动词性质,后一个是形容词性质例如I am out of my breath.或者I lose my breath

尘邓17775333688问: 英语中的介系词有哪些 -
乌兰浩特市纳催回答: 介系词从形式上来分有四种.类别1:只有一个字的简单介系词.如:at, before, for, from, in, next, of, over, since, to, under, with类别2:由两个字合成的合成介系词.如:inside, into, out of, outside, upon, within, without类别3:由两个介系词组成的...

尘邓17775333688问: get out of one's way是什么意思 -
乌兰浩特市纳催回答: 用某人的方式.通常是 get out of one's way to do sth 意为用某人的方式、特意做某事

尘邓17775333688问: 用循环语句描述求1 - 1/2+1/3 - 1/4+...+1/99 - 1/100的一个算法 -
乌兰浩特市纳催回答: #include int main() { double sign=1.0, sum=1.0, deno=2.0, term; while ( deno<= 100 ) { sign = (-1) * sign; term = sign * (1.0/deno); sum = sum + term; deno++; } printf ("%lf\n", sum); getchar(); return 0; }

尘邓17775333688问: 编写程序,求1+3+5+7+……+101的和 -
乌兰浩特市纳催回答: #include "stdio.h" main(){int s=0,i,sign=1;for(i=1;i<=101;i+=2){s=s+sign*i;sign=-sign;}printf("1-3+5-7…………-99+101=%d",s); }

尘邓17775333688问: C语言;请编写一个程序,计算1 - 1/2+1/3 - ………+1/99 - 1/100,求原创 -
乌兰浩特市纳催回答: #include main(){ float sum=0.0; int i,n; float a=-1.0; printf("sum 1-1/2+1/3...."); scanf(...

尘邓17775333688问: only one out of six后跟动词什么形式 -
乌兰浩特市纳催回答: only one out of six 6 个之中只有1个 : 是三单: he/ she / it[一般现在时] 动词 + s / es / ies (如: sings / goes / flies)[一般过去时] 动词 过去式 (如: played /t ook / began )

尘邓17775333688问: 分数的英语表达方式 -
乌兰浩特市纳催回答: 一、用“基数词+序数词”表示 分数在英语中通常是借助于表达的.其中基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母. 如: 1、The centimeter is one-tenth of the decimeter or one-hundredth of the meter. 厘米是分米的十分之一,或者说是米的百分之一. ...

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