
作者&投稿:钊君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

한순간에 모든걸 앗아갈 like a poker game 그럴수론 난 이성을 되찾아 pokerface son yo 피할 수 2...

Don 和他的爸爸喜欢打球。他们每周带着球和球拍去学校,和他们的朋友玩。但是在一次游戏中Don伤到了腿,现在不能打球了。Don的爸爸看见Don的失落,计划给Don一个惊喜。他的爸爸将带着他去打球公园,他们将要看一场大赛。PS.随便翻译了一下,LZ有几个字打错了。ther woll watch a big game.改正:...

2)Today is***,***sunday.the weather is clear.I have an argue with my mother because i Surf the Internet.Mother scold me that i have just play the game on the computer and don't learn the knowledge on the Internet.I contradict my onther and told my mother that the rest is so ver...

This is not a game this fame the real life is as sickPublicity my ass, consume my fuckin dickFuck the guns, im done ill never look at ...I don't owe you a mo-therfuck-in thingI'm not Mr. N'Sync, I'm not what your friends thinkI'm not Mr. Friendly, I can be a prick...

thanks giving day的英语介绍
In the United States, Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, it is the second Monday in October. On this holiday, a Thanksgiving meal is prepared with all the trimmings; families gather together and talk, while others watch a game or a parade filled ...

求Girlfriend (remix) 歌词
Girlfriend 女朋友 Hey Hey You You 嘿嘿 你啊你 I don't like your girlfriend 我不喜欢你的女朋友 No way No way 没门儿 休想 I think you need a new one 我想你需要一个新的女朋友 Hey Hey You You 嘿嘿 你啊你 I could be your girlfriend 我可以成为你的女朋友 Hey Hey You ...

to visit my uncle.When will you go to Beijing? I will go to Beijing next summer.Who will win the game? I think Jim will win.What are you going to buy? I am going to buy some books?Where will you go the day after tomorrow? I will go to the Great Wall ...

求分析。和翻译。how long have you had that bike over ther...
一、副词修饰句子:1、Luckily, he won the game in the end. 很幸运,他最终还是赢了。2、Frankly,he was a thief. 说实话,他是个小偷。二、副词修饰名词:1、Most of the people here know each other well.这里的大多数人相互挺熟。2、My son hopes for a trip abroad. 我儿子挺想到...

第二篇:My favourte subject is english .with the development of china .more and more pepole beagain to learn it .because with it you can fand a good job .and even can make more money .as we all knowen that the olympic game will bi hold in china ,and then there will ...

The winners,Bob and( ),who won the game,praised the losers,( )an...
ther和chey是什么?应该是she;them;us 这是考你同位语。同位语与被它限定的词的格要一致,并常常紧挨在一起。http:\/\/baike.baidu.com\/view\/409810.htm winners在句中作主语,它的同位语必须是主格形式,所以用she;losers作praise的宾语,它的同位语必须是宾格形式,所以用them;us ...

芒章19387329704问: other前能加the吗? -
沧源佤族自治县左旋回答: other前可以加the. another; the other; others; the others; other这5个词组都源于other一词,其意义十分接近,因而在使用时极易造成混淆.现将其用法归纳如下: 1. other作形容词,通常用在单数或复数名词的前面,意为“别的;其他的;另外的...

芒章19387329704问: other等词的区别和用法 -
沧源佤族自治县左旋回答: other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等.它们的用法现归纳如下; 1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意...

芒章19387329704问: 初中英语 other用法 -
沧源佤族自治县左旋回答: other 后既可接可数名词复数形式又可接不可数名词. 如:可数,other pencils 其它的铅笔,other students其他的学生.不可数other tea 别的/其它的茶,other information 别的/其它消息. other的用法 1)泛指另一个用another. 2)一定范围内...

芒章19387329704问: other和others的用法 -
沧源佤族自治县左旋回答: other+单数可数名词 others后面不能加名词,他和other的关系是:other+可数名词=others one...the other表示“一个怎么怎么样,另一个又怎么怎么样”后面也接可数名词的单数形式

芒章19387329704问: 关于Other的用法 -
沧源佤族自治县左旋回答: other another others the other the others1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”.如: Do you have any other question(s)? 你还有其他问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in ...

芒章19387329704问: 如何记住other,the other 等的用法 -
沧源佤族自治县左旋回答: other、another、others、the other.the others 1.other后既可接可数名词复数形式又可接不可数名词,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”.如:可数,other pencils 其它的铅笔,other students 其他的学生.不可数other tea 别的/其...

芒章19387329704问: other, the other, another与others用法区别 知道的告诉一下,急求! -
沧源佤族自治县左旋回答: other+名词复数 the other+名词单数 another+名词单数 others后不加名词

芒章19387329704问: other, another, the other, others, the others的区别.后面都加什么词? -
沧源佤族自治县左旋回答: 含义和用法都有区别. 1. other后面要加名词的,它是形容词,意思是别的,其他的意思,不能单独用, 如:I want some other books. 我想要一些其他的书. He mixes well with other children in the school. 他在学校里与其他孩子能很好相处...

芒章19387329704问: other,others,the other,the others四个单词的用法. -
沧源佤族自治县左旋回答: other 一般不单独使用,通常后面接可数名词复数,如other students others一般是一种省略形式(代词),就相当于other+复数名词, 如Some students live in the campus, others(=other students) live at home the other是指两者中的另一个, 如I have two books, one is about English, the other is about Chinese.the others 跟others差不多,很多时候the是可以不加的,加上的话表示特指的或限定的

芒章19387329704问: another和the other和other的用法 -
沧源佤族自治县左旋回答: 其用法是: another泛指三个或三个以上的人或物中没有确定的另一个, another+数字+名词= 数字+more+名词 the other则指已知的两个人或两事物中的另一个. others或 other+ 名词,泛指"别的人或别的物" the others指"一定范围内的其余的人或物". 注意:若强调确定数目中的"一(几)个"与其余的,用one...the others或"the other +复数名词"结构.

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