
作者&投稿:泣盾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

宿环14713142182问: what is optimism? -
临夏市协美回答: Optimism is commonly thought of as being a rather trivial attribute. An optimist is widely thought of as someone who sees the silver lining in every cloud and views the world through rose-tinted spectacles (or a glass that's always half full). Pollyanna ...

宿环14713142182问: 内衣知识 - 什么是原单、跟单、追单、仿单 -
临夏市协美回答: 原单货(也叫余单、尾单): 国外大品牌提供面料、版型,到国内寻找厂家生产.质量合格的,就是专卖店里的"正品". "原单货"就是生产厂家从不到3%的"计划报废物资"中抠出一点,偷偷加工的成衣.它和"真货"的惟一区别,不过...

宿环14713142182问: 农具厂生产一批小农具,原计划每天生产120件,28天可以完成任务,实际每天多生产了20件,可以提前几天完成任务?列式子!!!
临夏市协美回答: 28-120*28/(120+20)=4天 可以提前4天完成任务.

宿环14713142182问: ...如句子11.nominate:to formally suggest that sb should be chosen for an important role,prize or position 2.deliver:3.passion :4.assure:5.optimism:6.precarious:7... -
临夏市协美回答:[答案] 1.nominate:to formally suggest that sb should be chosen for an important role,prize or position 2.2.deliver:to take goods,letters,parcels,etc.to people's houses or places of work3.passion :an extreme ...

宿环14713142182问: 原p是什么意思网络用语 -
临夏市协美回答: 指原神玩家,含贬义. 原批就是对原神玩家群体的一种侮辱性质的统称词,经常玩米哈游旗下游戏的玩家被称作米卫兵. 意思是某些不理智的玩家认为只有原神才好玩,其他的游戏都是垃圾(此类人有引战的嫌疑,也有许多反串黑充当原批)...

宿环14713142182问: 请根据以下提示,结合生活中的一个事例,围绕optimism用英语写一篇短文.Optimism is the faith that lea -
临夏市协美回答: Optimism is important in all aspects of our life. If you can change your mind from pessimism, you can change your life.Up to the beginning of Senior Grade Two, I did poorly in my English but I didn't give in because I was always encouraged by both ...

宿环14713142182问: 英语中给“optimism”下定义(段落) -
临夏市协美回答:[答案] a feeling that good things will happen and that something will be successful;the tendency to have this feeling 乐观;乐观主义

宿环14713142182问: 一段英文的出处(请给出原作者和作品,最好有链接,QQQ~) -
临夏市协美回答: <the art of building character>Christian D Larson书挺贵的,但是里面很多poems网上都有.希望对你有帮助:D

宿环14713142182问: 钢筋原材取样批次为60t,两长两短,允许60t - 100t取3长3段吗?在哪个规范上有说明? -
临夏市协美回答: 不允许这样做.每批为60吨,超过后每增加40吨(或不足40吨的余数)增加一个拉伸试验试样和一个弯曲试验试样.详细见GB1499.1-2007第9.2.2.1条.

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