
作者&投稿:宾琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


把这段话翻译成英文 我感觉有道词典上翻译的不对 通过之后加倍给分...
Spatiotemporal instability of ultrashort pulse space-time focusing dispersion effect of self-steepening nonlinear equation based on the spatiotemporal nonlinear dispersive medium instability, the expression of gain space focusing effect, arbitrary high order dispersion effect and self-steepening...


三、中心小岛的问题: 近视手术后一个月,角膜可能会有中心陡化的趋势形成中心小岛(central steepening),角膜中心1.5mm的区域内,有1.5D以上的陡化现象,即定义为central islands。症状包括鬼影或单眼双影。医生可能会在三个月后,再使用激光来治疗这些区域。 四、不规则散光及相关的最佳视力损失问题 ...

Sky Sailing的《Explorers》 歌词
Where we used to reside Is slowly recalling The things we discovered inside Oh the crystal caves We shed both our jackets And I hammered brackets From old metal chairs To the walls, a crude set of stairs To lead us down And you tied a rope To the steepening slope A jerry ...

求An Airplane Carried Me To Bed所有歌的歌词
And you tied a rope to the steepening slopeA jerry-rigged harness so we could descend in the darkBut the tide came inAnd we found ourselves in the sea,Deep underwater we both found that we could still breatheSo we spent the day submergedAnd we swam the evening awayThe water was ...

David Arkenstone的《Explorers》 歌词
Where we used to reside Is slowly recalling The things we discovered inside Oh the crystal caves We shed both our jackets And I hammered brackets From old metal chairs To the walls, a crude set of stairs To lead us down And you tied a rope To the steepening slope A jerry ...

不瞒你说,做完近视激光手术,可能会出现这4个后遗症 在日常生活中,人们对于近视早已经是见怪不怪了,几乎每个家庭中都有一个近视的人。通常情况下,近视的人都会选择佩戴眼镜以缓解,但也有越来越多的人开始尝试通过近视激光手术治疗。虽然近视激光手术比较先进也比较安全,但也可能出现某些后遗症,...

The steepening process is analogous to the cracking of a tapered whip. As a wave goes down the whip from handle to tip, the same energy is deposited in less and less material, which then moves more violently as it receives this energy.A wave becomes a 'shallow-water wave' when the ...

祁纯15630724004问: 关于英美法庭上OPENING STATEMENT也就是开庭陈词的写法 -
爱辉区新抗回答: 针对整个案子来写.首先有个简单的自我介绍,然后最主要的是说清楚你们的case theory,要知道英美法庭上,要打赢官司,最主要的是要make a good story.写opening statement的时候,可以假设这样一种情况,如果没有后面的审理,法官只依靠你的opening statement来判案,那么你会写些什么?但要主意的是不要把所有的fact都详细的罗列出来,只挑最主要的四五个来写就好.还有,不要过多的解释法条.简单来说,opening statement就是告诉jury,你们想要他们知道什么,你们想要获得什么样的结果,在庭审过程中将会通过什么证据或者途径来证明你们所期望的结果才是正当的,例如innocent.

祁纯15630724004问: 辩论赛三个环节分别用英语怎么说? -
爱辉区新抗回答:[答案] Opening Statement 开场陈词 Free Debate 自由辩 Closing Statement 总结陈词

祁纯15630724004问: 辩论赛三个环节分别用英语怎么说? -
爱辉区新抗回答: Opening Statement 开场陈词 Free Debate 自由辩Closing Statement 总结陈词

祁纯15630724004问: 电脑开机显示opening system not found怎么办? -
爱辉区新抗回答: 1、中文意思是:未发现操作系统; 2、根据先硬后软原则; 3、先检查硬件,主要是数据线是否插好,硬盘有没有问题; 4、然后是软件,看是否系统被损坏了,建议重新安装系统;

祁纯15630724004问: “辩论会” 用英语怎样说 -
爱辉区新抗回答: 辩论会:Dabate 正方: The claim 反方:The counterclaim Opening Statement 开场陈词 Free Debate 自由辩 Closing Statement 总结陈词

祁纯15630724004问: non - current asset 和 current assey 区别
爱辉区新抗回答: non-current asset和current assey的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、non-current asset:非流动资产. 2、current assey:流动资产. 二、用法不同 1、non-current asset:非流动性资产是指不能在1年或者超过1年...

祁纯15630724004问: pycharm unused import statement 是什么原因? -
爱辉区新抗回答: 就是import了一个模块,但是没有使用的意思,这个是pep8编程规范检查. 代码编写时要按照PEP8代码风格编写,不然会有波浪线的警告信息,解决方法:将鼠标移到提示的地方,按alt+Enter,选择忽略(Ignore)这个错误即好. 在桌面新建一个py文件输入同样的代码拖到pycharm就不会提示,但是右键new一个py文件就会unused imports. PyCharm是一种Python IDE,其带有一整套可以帮助用户在使用Python语言开发时提高其效率的工具,比如, 调试、语法高亮、Project管理、代码跳转、智能提示、自动完成、单元测试、版本控制等等.

祁纯15630724004问: open(opens) / be open / opening 的用法 -
爱辉区新抗回答: 用例子来说明吧: They open the window every day . (OPEN 动词) He opens the window every day .( OPENS 动词,主语第三人称单数用) The window is open .(OPEN 形容词' 开着的') He is opening the window . ( OPENING 现在分词,一般是进行时态用)如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

祁纯15630724004问: 健康让生活更美好 英语作文要两篇写的好的,重赏! -
爱辉区新抗回答:[答案] 1.Health Better Life Life is like a game, is out of the game rules of the game, we are players. You may play the leading role, may also be a supporting role. But no matter which one you are the game's opening statement, there you are always winners and ...

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