
作者&投稿:矣逄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

很高兴为你解答 I never expect to be with you,and I only wish you to give me a glance.What I want is a galnce you give not being with you.What am I eager for is a galnce you give not being with you.What am I eager for is a galnce you give not a relationship ...

one more time one more chance罗马音要有分隔的啊
o ne mo re cha nce ki o ku ni a shi wo to ra re te o ne mo re cha nce tsu gi no ba syo wo e ra be na i i tsu de mo sa ga shi te i ru yo do kka ni ki mi no su ga ta wo mo ka i no ho u mu (ho me ) ro ji ri no ma do ko nna to ko ni...

能使凶险的个人野心湮灭和塞满实现野心的人流之间,只有一样是可能的调节剂,那就是“爱”。 美国小说家 罗森. N. Creativity is no more teachable than...If you wish to succeed, you should use perdistence as your good friend, experiece as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your...

Jean wangner‘s most enduring contribution to the study of afro-american poetry is his insitence that it (is to be analyed\/ were analyzed\/be analyzed) in a religious ,as well as worldly ,frame of reference,我选的是第一个,因为位置或者低点应该是单数,可是答案是第三个,这里又...

怎么才把学习学好拜托了各位 谢谢

nothing could have been more annoying 为什么不是nothing could be...
这里could have been more annoying表示那件annoying的事情已经发生了,如果用 nothing can be more annoying 表示这事还未发生,是对将来的假设。

It is more an expectation of luck than a concidence 翻译


翻译成英文: 你别太客气了!希望你可以在他今后的工作中给予他更多...
You are welcome. It's my pleasure. I hope that you can give him more help and guidance further more in the future.You are welcome.I wish more guidence and instructions would be give to him in the future work

谁帮我做个英语作文题目是fire prevention on campus
from out life. As a college student, it's high time for us to enhance our awarence of fire prevention plus the practice of preventing it.The top priority that is to accumulate the knowledge of fire prevention owing to we should know what we should do before our action.More...

依罡18375292792问: 为什么once more语法是对的?不应该是数词+more+名词吗?应该是one more time. -
克拉玛依市沙美回答: 因为once就是一次的意思,不用说one time,两次是twice,三次以上就是数词加times,如three times, four times希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

依罡18375292792问: once+more+这首歌是甚么类型的歌曲+类似的还有甚么歌
克拉玛依市沙美回答: 有1首爱情歌曲,歌曲里面有oncemore这歌词歌名:MyHeartWillGoOn(我心永久)歌手:CelineDion电影《泰坦尼号Titanic》主题曲

依罡18375292792问: 有关another two +n.=基数词+more +n.的用法再一次again=once more 那么它等不等于 one more time 和 another time 对于次数 是不是 一次两次的another two... -
克拉玛依市沙美回答:[答案] again是指一次基础上的另外一次,而another则是二次以上或者是不明数量下的另一次.所以这个相等是不成立的. 我想尝试第二次I want to try another two times. Another twice在理论上是有的,但一般情况下英语中不这么用.

依罡18375292792问: 天天向上胡维纳唱的英文歌名字
克拉玛依市沙美回答: yesterday once more 卡朋特兄妹 一首上世纪欧美最经典的英文歌曲.始创于1973年,曾被无数个歌手翻唱过.中文名《昨日重现》.曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲.理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲.这首...

依罡18375292792问: 什么时候最高级前加the most ,什么时候最高级双写末尾+est,比较级什么时候+more,各位帮帮忙! -
克拉玛依市沙美回答: 在英语中,部分双音节和所有的多音节的形容词及副词,其比较等级实在词前加more(比较级)或 most(最高级).以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的所有单音节及部分双音节的形容词及副词,在变比较等级时,应先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-er(比较级)或-est(最高级).

依罡18375292792问: 日本卡通里的英文字母OP+AG+DP+OVA+MOVIE+ED,各代表什么 -
克拉玛依市沙美回答: op=片头曲 ag=advanced generation dp不知道 ova=(Original Video Animation)是指原创动画录影带.OVA一般指通过DVD,蓝光碟等影碟发行的方式为主的剧集,也指一些相较于原著篇幅较小,且内容不一的动画剧集. movie=剧场版 ed=片尾曲

依罡18375292792问: The sentence wants - -- - once more. -
克拉玛依市沙美回答: 因为want to do sth的结构主语应该是人,而 the sentence 是事物,因此要用 explaining.如;The trees need watering,The trees need to be watered.

依罡18375292792问: The sentence needs - ------once more. -
克拉玛依市沙美回答: need doing=need to be done需要被....

依罡18375292792问: 英语中越来越..的说法我这有3种,哪个对.1、比较级+比较级 2、more and more+比较级 3、more and more+原 -
克拉玛依市沙美回答: 我只知道1和3是对的~ 都是一种强调句型

依罡18375292792问: 英语:基数词+more+n=基数词+other+n=another+基数词+n -
克拉玛依市沙美回答: 嗯,对的another adj. 指(三者或三者以上)另一、又一,常表示在原来的基础上增加,表泛指,直接接可数名词单数;如果与数词连用,后面接可数名词的复数.anot...

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