
作者&投稿:绪疤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

entrance n. 入口,进口;进入;进入方法,进入方式;入场权 vt. 使出神,使入迷;使喜悦,使狂喜 entry n. 进入,入场;入口处,门口;登记,记录;参加比赛的人

from a broken tooth. ‘Cats behave like well-trained paratroopers,’ a doctor said. It seems that the further cats fall, the less they are likely to injure themselves. In a long drop, they reach speeds of 60 miles an hour and more. At high speeds, falling cats have time ...

急需新概念2 62\\64课课文
NCE2(64):The Channel Tunnel The Channel Tunnel In l858, a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one mile tunnel across the English Channel. He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel. ...

以更好的保护真实权利人的合法权益。In addition, in a suit for damages caused by the registration mistake in the compensation mechanism can be introduced in damages, in order to better protect the real person's legitimate rights and interests....

A coin has two sides.It is not except for books.There are also lots of harmful knowledge in books,such us voilence,eroticism,trick. In my opinion, we should learn how to choose a good books and read the books that we can benefit from them. 本回答被提问者和网友采纳 已赞过 已踩过...

题目为我的周末 高中英语演讲
Hi, my name is Chen Yi. I’m going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday, I’m going to learn NCE in the morning. Then, I’m going to go home and do my homework. On Sunday morning, I’m going to the bookstore by taxi. I want to buy some books. In the afternoon...


solidarity is the most important,because you are a member in a team,we need have the member's insprit.We need love each other,perhaps you can't love someone,but you also can't give their some trouble,if your team have some problem,I really want to ask you,do you really ...


in是什么意思? in是什么意思?

进堵17250917048问: “once in a blue moon”是什么意思?有何出处 -
邻水县氨碘回答: once是“一次”的意思,blue moon 蓝色的月亮,是指“一个月中第二次满月”,这种情况是很少的,大约每32个月左右会出现一次“一个月两次圆月”的现象.因此,once in a blue moon 这个口语表达的意思就是:很少发生的事情,十分难...

进堵17250917048问: blue moom是啥意思? -
邻水县氨碘回答: Blue Moon是蓝月亮的意思.在天文学,是指的一个月中的第二次满月,月运的周期是29.5天,根据日历,每个月大多都有至少30天,因此每32个月左右才会出现一次二次满月的现象.西方人据此创造了著名的短句:once in a blue moon,意为千载难逢.在很多人的眼里,蓝月代表着奇迹. 记得采纳啊

进堵17250917048问: “once in a blue moon”是什么意思?有何出处?谢谢. -
邻水县氨碘回答: 极少;从不 月亮会呈现兰色的例子极少,在火山爆发之后或者是在非比寻常的气候的情况之下.但这并不是这词组所意味的那样.其实恰好相反“as a blue moon"原先是用来形容一些荒唐以及不可能的事情.只有在后来才被用来形容“不大可...

进堵17250917048问: once in a blue moon 出处是哪里? -
邻水县氨碘回答: Once in a blue moon,它的意思是很难得到,几乎不可能.也有一首歌:歌手:Lighthouse FamilyWish we could choose our own landscape,Wish me and you could just go anywhere we wanted.Once in a blue moon we'd stay out lateAnd watch the...

进堵17250917048问: once in a blue moon 是算介词短语吗? -
邻水县氨碘回答: 错误理解.这个是副词+介词短语组合而成的短语,核心是副词once,因此其本质上是副词短语.原来,blue moon指的是在一个月里出现第二次全月.这种现象是很少发生的,每隔32个月才出现一次,所以美国人用once in a blue moon来形容(事情发生)概率极小.

进堵17250917048问: This is a chance once in a blue moon,once是什么意思?? -
邻水县氨碘回答: 你好once in a blue moon.Once就是一次, blue moon翻成中文就是:蓝色的月亮. Once in a blue moon是一个习惯用语,意思是很少发生的事, 也就是中国人所说的千载难逢.整句话意思就是:这是一个千载难逢的机会.有帮助请采纳,谢谢.

进堵17250917048问: Once in a blue moon -
邻水县氨碘回答: 现代天文学意义上的blue moon(蓝月亮)指“一个月中的第二次满月”,由于月运周期(月亮绕地球一周)是29.5天,而根据日历,每个月大多都有至少30天,因此,大约每32个月左右会出现一次“一个月两次圆月”现象.不过,一个月中...

进堵17250917048问: once in a blue moon 意思:永无,罕有.“极少见的情况”在英语中是用“蓝月亮”来说,汉语中的常见表达 -
邻水县氨碘回答: (1)once in a blue moon 百年不遇,罕见2)promise somebody the moon开空头支票(3)moon cake 你应该知道...

进堵17250917048问: once in a blue moon 是什么意思
邻水县氨碘回答: blue moon直译为“蓝月”,但作为词组的意思是“不可能或稀有的时期或事情”.“blue moon”也专指“一个月中出现的第二次满月”.由于这种现象大约每32个月才会出现一次,所以取其“罕见”的意义.但这个直接把“blue moon”和月亮挂钩说法的出现要比“blue moon”的原始意义晚得多,是1946年《太空与望远镜》杂志上一篇文章首先这样使用的,实质仍是借用“blue moon”的原始意义表示这种天文现象难得一见. Blue moon也是游戏高级战争的国家 主要成员有Olaf Grit Colin Sasha

进堵17250917048问: Once in a blue moon 这句话话是啥意思啊 -
邻水县氨碘回答:[答案] 现代天文学意义上的blue moon(蓝月亮)指“一个月中的第二次满月”,由于月运周期(月亮绕地球一周)是29.5天,而根据日历,每个月大多都有至少30天,因此,大约每32个月左右会出现一次“一个月两次圆月”现象. 不过,一个月中第二次...

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