
作者&投稿:水烟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

是的,BAC+5为法国硕士学历文凭。法国驻华大使馆曾发表微博解释了法国高等院校学制和学历的概况。微博中称: “法国大学教育分成三个学位等级(学士:Bac+3 Licence,硕士:Bac+5 Master,博士:Bac+8 Doctorat),硕士阶段(Bac+5),学制2年,取得120学分并经过统一考试后方可获得硕士文凭,硕士文凭会...

...c表示各位数字,则按bac的顺序输出三位整数(n) 求代码
include <stdio.h> main(){ int m,n,a,b,c;scanf("%d",&m);if(m<100||m>999){ printf("error!\\n");} else { a=m\/100;b=m%100\/10;c=m%10;n=b*100+a*10+c;printf("%d\\n",n);} }

tobacco [tE5bAkEu]n.烟草, 烟草制品, 抽烟 tobacco to.bac.co AHD:[t…-b²k“½]D.J.[t*6b#kou]K.K.[t*6b#ko]n.(名词)【复数】 to.bac.cos或 to.bac.coes Any of various plants of the genus Nicotiana, especially N. tabacum, native to tropical America ...

AB的秩不会大于B的秩,AB的秩小于等于B的秩。举例即可:设A=O,B=E,则 设A=-E,B=E,则AB=-E,r(AB)=n,r(E)=n,r(AB)=r(E)。如果说令AB=C。那么说B经过线性变换以后可以得到C,也就是说B可以表示出C。那么B的秩应该不小于C的秩。因为只能是秩高的矩阵能够表示出秩低的矩阵。


题中应该是点O是AC边上的一动点吧,不是“点C”是AC边上的一动点 1.角OEC=角BCE=角ECO,OE=OC,角OFC=角FCD=角OCF,OF=OC,OE=OF。2.OE=OF,当AO=CO时,四边形AECF就是平行四边形,角ECF=90度,四边形AECF就是矩形,当O运动到AC的中点时,四边形AECF是矩形。3.60度。如果存在点O,...

比如:假设N为3,NC为4,文本为"daababac". 这里不同子串大小为3,为"daa","aab", "aba", "bab", "bac". 因此,答案应该是5。Input 输入 The first line of input consists of two numbers, N and NC, separated by exactly one space. This is followed by the text where the search...


解:只考虑如下图所示,点M靠近B,点N靠近C,顺序为BMNC,不考虑BNMC的情况:△ABM绕点A逆时针旋转90°到△ACG,连接GN 则:△ABM≌△ACG 所以:AB=AC BM=CG=1 因为:∠ABM=∠ACG=∠ACN=45° 所以:∠GCN=∠ACG+∠ACN=90° 根据勾股定理解得:GN=√(CN^2+CG^2)=√(3^2+1^2)=...

gee,fight,feat,fit,teen,teenage,ninty,ninty-nine,tea,teen,yeah,hint,tin,tight,fine,eight,eighty,tie,tan,heat,height,etc.词组:fit in , at nine, tie in, fit it in 句子:teen fit in the heat in teenage.He hint the heat high. his height hint him high.teen heat the tea...

龙卿19553497053问: 在某物体本身的后面,用back?请问用on the back of还是at the back of -
延津县英康回答: 意思不同 on the back of意思:紧跟着;紧接着 at the back of意思:作为…背后的原因;支持 用法不同 on the back of用法:on表地点时,指某物与另一物表面相接触,或与某地方接壤等.at the back of用法:at表地点时,指空间位置上的某一点,at指较小的地方,如指城镇时.侧重点不同 on the back of侧重点:on the back of是两个个体之间的在后面.at the back of侧重点:at the back of在内部的后面.

龙卿19553497053问: at the back of和in the back of还有on the back of的意思和区别是什么? -
延津县英康回答: 1.at the back of 在)...(内部的)后面. 比如在房间,房间内的后部 反义词: at the front of ...2.in the back of 在...背后.(要陷在里面).这个很少用的.You really need eyes in the back of your head. 你可得多留点神哪3.on the back of 在... 背面.比如书,名片等的背面.反义词:on the front of

龙卿19553497053问: HL 3150打印机报错print unable 1E turn the power of and then back on again -
延津县英康回答: HL3150打印机报错printunable1Eturnthepowerofandthenbackonagain的意思是:打印失败(打回印机故障)故障代码1E. 解决方法: 打印机无法打印,显示打印机设置错误,重新设置打印机即可. 需要准备的工具:电脑,打印机.具体步骤...

龙卿19553497053问: 在后排是"in the back row"还是"on the back row" -
延津县英康回答: in the back row 不能用on the back row

龙卿19553497053问: at the back of in the back of behind区别 -
延津县英康回答: at the back of 是指在物体外的后边,比如在电脑后面 in the back of 是指在物体内的后边,比如在公车内的后面 注意,人是不可能在电脑里面的,所以只能用前者. behind 是指跟随某物,或者支持某人,例如 I'm behind you 也可以用来表达在物体外的后边,等同于at the back of

龙卿19553497053问: burden on the back与burden on the shoulder的区别 -
延津县英康回答: burden on the back 是个固定搭配 I am having a heavy burden on my back. 我肩负着重担.burden on the shoulder? 有这个东西吗?哦 恕在下不才.

龙卿19553497053问: on the back of 什么意思 -
延津县英康回答: on the back of 紧跟着;在…之外(常用以表示接二连三的灾祸)在....背面 Write your address on the back of envelope. 在信封的背面写上你的地址. They are on the back of the menu. 它们在菜单背面.

龙卿19553497053问: "at the back of" "in the back of" "on the back of"这三者在意思和语法上有什么区别? -
延津县英康回答: 1.at the back of在…后方〔背后〕There used to be a big and beautiful garden at the back of their house.以前在他们房子的后方是一个美丽的大花园.支持The people are at the back of the reformers.人民支持改革家.在内心中The issue ...

龙卿19553497053问: 有at back of这个用法吗?on the back of怎么用๑ -
延津县英康回答: at back of 可以但是一般都说behind something.on the back of就直接用 There is gum on the back of a stamp 邮票背面有胶水~

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