
作者&投稿:不珊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

自由英文是freedom,具体如下:freedom英 [ˈfri:dəm] 美 [ˈfridəm]n.自由,自主;直率;特权,特许;自由权 例句:Today we have the freedom to decide our own futures 今天我们可以自由决定自己的未来。

we have our own library =?
We had a library of our own.one's own n. = n. of one's own

As we continue to cultivate love in our own lives, we can create a ripple effect that extends far beyond ourselves. 难词解释: 1. Transform (v.) - 改变,转化 2. Unity (n.) - 统一,团结 3. Overcome (v.) - 克服,战胜 4. Glue (n.) - 粘合剂,粘合物 5. Thrive (v.) - 茁壮成长...

to see the world,see the reality,also see our own.是什么意思_百度...
to see the world,see the reality,also see our own 看世界,看到的现实,也要看到自己的 双语对照 例句:1.Our conditioning leads us to see the world as an object, thus we think of ourselves as separate from it. And we go even further: through the ego, we see ourselves as ...

These shirts are cut on our own patterns.这些衬衫是按照我们自己的纸样裁的。挖空;掘:They are cutting a canal.他们在挖掘一条水渠。长出(牙齿):He is cutting his permanent teeth.他正在长恒齿。严重伤害…的感情,使…极为伤心:His ingratitude cut me to the heart.他的忘恩负义伤透了...

world of our own专辑介绍
专辑中,Westlife尝试了大胆的翻唱,如从Four Seasons乐队的曲目中汲取灵感,他们的功力在与Billy Joel的"Uptown Girl"相提并论时得到了验证。主打歌"World Of Our Own"虽然偏离了他们一贯的抒情曲风,却呈现出与'N Sync的"Bye Bye Bye"相似的节奏感,展现了他们的多面性。专辑由Steve Mac、Wayne ...

英语三级 作文 在线等
〔参考范文〕A Welcome Speech一封欢迎词(107 words)Ladies and Gentlemen,First of all, please allow me to express the most heartfelt welcome to all of you on behalf of our Class One in the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University. We have been looking forward to seeing you...

archive of our own beta 怎么转中文
archive of our own beta 指的是:我们自己的测试版存档。一、archive 1、意思:n. 档案;档案馆 vt. 存档 2、读音:英 ['ɑːkaɪv],美 ['ɑːrkaɪv]3、例句:The repository is the official archive of our work.库是我们的正式的档案。二、beta 1、意思:n. ...

comments on Hamlet
the lover of Ophelia; he that was mad and sent to England; the slow avenger of his father's death; who lived at the court of Horwendillus five hundred years before we were born, but all whose thoughts we seem to know as well as we do our own, because we have read them in Shakes...

we have had our laughs
We had a library of our own.one's own n. = n. of one's own

里峰13280359487问: study on our own中,on和own怎么解释?整个短语如何理解? -
黄岛区依尔回答: on (表示状态)系于, 悬于 own 自己on our own就是靠自己 study on our own是靠自己学习,意译:自学 =teach oneself

里峰13280359487问: on our own 怎么连读? -
黄岛区依尔回答: 昂 闹沃 NO恩....(你看的懂么···只能打字让你看音译) 如果前一个单词的结尾有辅音,下一个单词原音开头一般可以考虑连读,但不是所有都会,主要看习惯

里峰13280359487问: on our own 怎么连读? -
黄岛区依尔回答: 谐音:昂 闹沃 NO恩 on our own 美[ɑn aʊr on]凭我们自己,靠我们自己; [例句]A week later, the same guys jumped on me on our own front lawn一个星期后,同一伙人又在我们家门口的草坪上袭击了我.

里峰13280359487问: You and I are on our own -
黄岛区依尔回答: You and I are on our own翻译成中文意思是:你和我都是靠自己 you 英 [ju] 美 [jə] pron.你;大家;你们,您们;各位 复数: yous 双语例句:1. I'm sorry I blew up at you 对不起,我对你发脾气了2. I believe you have something of mine 我想你拿了...

里峰13280359487问: Don't expect others, everything on our own是什么意思
黄岛区依尔回答: 别期望别人,事事都要靠我们自己don't 不要,别expect 等待,期望others 别人,其他的everything 每件事on our own 靠我们自己.

里峰13280359487问: we are less intelligent in groups than on our own. 这句话怎么翻译? -
黄岛区依尔回答: 我们在组里(工作)时比我们自己(工作)时更少聪明 写成这样会好理解一些,但是有点长 When we are in groups, we are (usually) less intelligent than when we are on our own 中文翻译读起来有点别扭,因为中文里没有less intelligent这个词组,而且“在组里工作”一般不这么说 如果把less intelligent翻译成“更笨”那么connotation就不一样了 所以我会把这句句子倒过来写,再把那个蹩脚的“在组里工作”换掉 我们自己(工作)时比我们与人合作时更聪明

里峰13280359487问: on our own 的近义词 -
黄岛区依尔回答: by ourselves.翻译为:靠我们自己. ourselves 英[ɑ:ˈselvz] 美[ɑ:rˈselvz] pron. 我们自己; “myself”的复数; (把) 我们自己; [例句]We sat round the fire to keep ourselves warm. 我们围坐在火边取暖. 双语例句 柯林斯词典 常用短

里峰13280359487问: when i was young,my father wanted us do things on our own 什么意思 -
黄岛区依尔回答: when i was young,my father wanted us do things on our own_有道翻译 翻译结果: when i was young_有道词典 when i was young我小的时候;当我年轻的时候更多释义>>[网络短语]When I was young 当我年轻时,当我小的时候,当我年轻的时候 When I was young 当我年轻的时候 when i was young 我小的时候my father wanted us do things on our own_有道翻译 翻译结果: 我的父亲希望我们做我们自己的事情

里峰13280359487问: You're on your own翻译成什么更准确 -
黄岛区依尔回答: 你要独立.(潜意思是你已经是大人了,要独立做事情.) Now that you're growing up you must learn to stand on your own two feet.你既然已经长大成人,就得学会独立生活.

里峰13280359487问: 有谁知道on your own 的中文歌词 -
黄岛区依尔回答: Watchin the time go the second hand is movin to fast Who ever thought that it ever really ever would last And if your conscience weighs a little heavy tonight Maybe you'll find it maybe you'll find Nobody told you that nothin plays out like it seems Twenty...

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