
作者&投稿:孙习 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这个是单片机用18b20采集温度,传给电脑的程序;电脑那端用VB里的串口控件就能捕获了,你可以吧里面发送出去的数据换成你采集的 --- include <AT89X51.H> include <intrins.h> define Key_UP P1_0 define Key_DOWN P1_1 define Key_SET P1_2 define RelayOutPort P2_0 define LE...

Så gik kejseren i processionen under den dejlige tronhimmel og alle mennesker på gaden og i vinduerne sagde: “Gud hvor kejserens nye klæder er mageløse! hvilket dejligt slæb han har på kjolen! hvor den sidder velsignet!” Ingen ville lade sig mærke med, at han in...

cleo的in & out 歌词,要罗马音,或中文字音
nae yaegil yogichuhgi mooluhsseulttae kohminee dwikehchi mangsulyo chikehchi nuh yongginaeda chajonshimee dajilkka (neukkim wassulttae) noonbitmalgoh niga wahbwa (monga kkeullirttae) chaelguhuhpshi naegehwahbwa naeh gutmohseubeh sokji malgoh (naegeh boyobwa) chuhdeulgwaneu...

MOV A,#0BEH ;向DS18B20发出读温度命令 LCALL WR18B20 LCALL RE18B20 ;读出温度数据 RET ;--- DS18B20复位初始化程序 --- RST18B20:SETB P3.3 NOP CLR P3.3 MOV R0,#06BH ;主机发出复位低脉冲 MOV R1,#03H DSR1: DJNZ R0,DSR1 MOV R0,#6BH DJNZ ...

get hair health, and N streets paved with good mood crashes with dead. US little girl is a busy man these days is organizing the Spring Festival entertainment agencies do, send text messages she Pada Rao told me what happened to America Niu right to me caused by "loss" dismissive smile...

One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are ...

求Pure Love You Can (伊朗)的中文歌词。。。
ba la la la the moon smells it all ba ra la la la la ba la la la ‘cause this is pure love ba ra la la la la ba la la la the moon smells it all ba ra la la la la ba la la la ‘cause this is pure love to nistio ta abad bito delam migireh amma zamoone...

geliaobayou nuni buxijiu naomuna alemdabjiu mazuzaban dusaonelao 우리 모두 함께 만들어 가요 모두 다 눈을 떠봐요 눈앞에 wuli maodu hamgai manderlao gayou maodu da nuner daobayou nunapai 세상을 봐요 꼭 마주잡은 두 손으로...

《回家》) 一课, 写到6 个前往佛罗里 2000 年 太原师范专科学校学报 Journal of Taiyuan Teachers Co llege 第3 期 达度假的青年男女“dream ing of go lden beaches and sea t ides as the gray, co ld sp ring of N ew Yo rk van ished beh ind them " (“当纽约灰暗寒冷的春天在他们身后消失...

behind 读作 [bɪˈhaɪnd]。意思为 在(或向)……的后面;落后于;留在原处。例句:I'm right behind you on this one.(在这件事情上,我完全支持你。)

人素18648841486问: on one's behalf是什么意思?
称多县迪尔回答: 你好喔,on one's behalf的意思是(代表你的)

人素18648841486问: on one's behalf和in one's behalf有区别吗 -
称多县迪尔回答: in one's behalf是错的 on one's behalf 代表某人采纳我哟!

人素18648841486问: on behalf of 和 on behalf的区别 -
称多县迪尔回答: On behalf of one | On one's behalf1、就是所有格上的区别,在意义上没有不同,可相互替换. She signed the paper on behalf of me. She signed the paper on my behalf.2、美国人也常常用介词 in 取代介词短语中的 on. He attended the great ceremony in behalf of his families.

人素18648841486问: on one's behalf和On one's benefit 和on one's side区别是什么 -
称多县迪尔回答: one one's behalf代表... on one's side支持...,和...站在同一立场上On one's benefit 英语中没有这样的表达,应该是 to one's benefit 对...有利

人素18648841486问: on one's behalf和in one's behalf有区别吗? -
称多县迪尔回答: on one's behalf 和in one's behalf 很接近,但是有些细微差别.in one's behalf 用在 in the interest of ...;on one's behalf 用在 on the p...

人素18648841486问: on behalf of和in the name of的区别 -
称多县迪尔回答: on behalf of是代表某人做某事 也可以说on one's behalf 代表的是人 可能是经人授权所以代表某人做事情 比如说“我代表经理来看望你们” 就是 I come here to visit you on behalf of our manager in the name of以……的名义 一般是以某件事或者某个理由的名义 比如说“她以爱的名义剥夺了他自由” She deprived him of his freedom in the name of love 放到句子里就发现意思的差别了

人素18648841486问: on one's behalf和On one's benefit 和on one's side区别是什么 -
称多县迪尔回答:[答案] one one's behalf代表... on one's side支持...,和...站在同一立场上 On one's benefit 英语中没有这样的表达,应该是 to one's benefit 对...有利

人素18648841486问: on one's own和by oneself意思的区别 -
称多县迪尔回答: 我来回答,on one's behalf 和 in one's behalf 很接近,但是有些细微差别.in one's behalf 用在 in the interest of ...; on one's behalf 用在 on the part of ...; Don't trouble to do it on my behalf. (不要为了我去麻烦了.) He interceded in my behalf. (...

人素18648841486问: On your behalf什么意思 -
称多县迪尔回答: on one's behalf 为…的利益,代表 如有不懂,请追问. 谢谢!

人素18648841486问: on behalf 的中文意思 -
称多县迪尔回答: on behalf prep.代表,为了 on behalf of sb./ on one's behalf 还可解释为 为了...的利益

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