
作者&投稿:桂庾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ffer有拿给,给予的意思相当于give,后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,即offer sb sth =offer sth to sb,如:The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus.那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位让给了那个老人。

18.w ish to do sth.希望做某事 19.h ope to do sth.希望做某事 20.d ecide to do sth.决定做某事 21.r efuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 22.o ffer to do sth.主动提出做某事 23.l earn to do sth.学会做某事 24.a gree to do sth.同意做某事 25.c hoose to do sth.选择做某...

计算机常用英语术语、词汇表 绝对COOL资料!Computer Vocabulary In Common Use 一、硬件类(Hardware)二、软件类(Software)三、网络类(Network)四、其它 CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元 mainboard主板 RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存)ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器 Floppy Disk软盘 H...

完成这, 我们首先回顾那些文学注意努力那些后勤跨国公司的, 与那些后勤一起服务质量(LSQ低压元件客户满意度那影响(表格1,看见)。 下一步,我们在在LSQ和客户满意度和ffer之间的关系处理这些影响的具体的研究陈述上讨论交叉文化的影响的暗示。 我们以一个影响用户的全球后勤服务的优先权的因素的模型的暗...

11、if:条件语句,后面不需要放分号。12、else:条件语句否定分支(与if连用)。13、switch:开关语句(多重分支语句)。14、case:开关语句中的分支标记,与switch连用。15、default:开关语句中的“其他”分支,可选。常用函数:1、int isalpha(int ch) 若ch是字母('A'-'Z','a'-'z'),返回...

yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodness is to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodness is an utterly worth...

SSL 安全套接层 secure 密码 SID 安全标识符 sender 发送者 SLIP 串行线网际协议 server 服务器 server-based network 基于服务器的网络 session layer 会话层 share、sharing 共享 share-level security 共享级安全性 SMTP 简单邮件传送协议 SNMP 简单网络管理协议 Site 站点 SCSI 小型计算机系统接口 snffer 检错器...

接不定式作宾语的36个常用动词如下:1.aim to do sth.打算做某事 2.a sk to do sth. 要求做某事 3.d are to do sth.4.appear to do sth.似乎、好像要做某事 5.arrange to do sth.安排做某事 6.d emand to do sth.要求做某事 7.h elp to to sth.帮助做某事 8.h esitate to ...

However, I am also sad for the West, she end up very badly, she was killed, and killed her, is she has been willing to leave those who do not. Nancy had many opportunities to escape from the dirty world, but she gave up, that is reluctant to the last person who killed her. ...

攸婉15338277316问: 英语!offer 后面跟动词是跟to do 还是doing? -
滑县亚旭回答: to do,offer sth to sb offer sb sth

攸婉15338277316问: offer do sth for sb还是offer doing sth for sb还是都不是 -
滑县亚旭回答: offer sb. sth = offer sth. to sb. 这两个正确

攸婉15338277316问: offer do sth for sb还是offer doing sth for sb还是都不是 -
滑县亚旭回答: 都不是 是offer to do sth 意为主动做某事 楼上说的加名词用法也对

攸婉15338277316问: 英语单词中哪些动词后面加to do或doing或do或to do/doing或to do/do或doing/do -
滑县亚旭回答: let make have接do(只有这三个只接do)may can shall should could 以及其他情态动词接do mind doing 系动词接ding(am is are been was were) Be busy doing help to do或 help do 都可以 like to do 或 like doing都可以 order teacher ask need接to ...

攸婉15338277316问: 那书上说“某些动词后只能接动词不定式to do,如happen,offer……” 是不是都是指happen to do (无sb)? 谢 -
滑县亚旭回答: 如enjoy,avoid等当然如果不是这种动词不定式方面,happen这里的只能接动词不定式to do应该是相对于接现在分词doing而言的有些动词后面既可以接动词不定式又可以接动词现在分词,offer等就属于后面只能接动词不定式to do的,例如stop ...

攸婉15338277316问: offer…to…后面不是加动词原型吗 -
滑县亚旭回答: 首先是offer的用法,有offer sb sth 和offer sth to sb 及offer sb for sth ,offer to do ,看清此句正好使用了offer sb sth,其后面的to 和这个offer 无关联的,是个介词而已,后面当然要跟完成时了!这道题是个陷阱题!

攸婉15338277316问: 那些单词后面加doing,哪些单词后面加to d -
滑县亚旭回答: 只+doing做宾语的动词有: finish, enjoy, suggest, mind, dislike, practice, miss, keep, advise, allow, forgive, imagine, prevent, understand, resist, reject, consider, avoid, delay, deny, excuse, admit, endure, escape, pardon, postpone, risk, fancy, ...

攸婉15338277316问: provide 和 offer 后面的形式?
滑县亚旭回答: provide sb. with sth. 或者provide sth for sb. 例: They provide us with food. 他们供给我们食物. We provided food for the hungry children. 我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物. offer sth. to sb. 或者 offer sb. sth. for (doing)sth. offer to do sth. 例如:He offered me 300 dollars for that television. 他出300美元向我买那部电视机.

攸婉15338277316问: 英语语法 offer oneself to 后跟什么? -
滑县亚旭回答: offer oneself to sth或者offer oneself to do sth表示献身于....的意思

攸婉15338277316问: offer后面接suggest的什么形式 -
滑县亚旭回答: 名词形式 suggestion

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