
作者&投稿:酉宰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

For 50 years of brilliant creativity in biomedical science—exemplified by his legendary work on the genetic code; his daring introduction of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans as a system for tracing the birth and death of every cell in a living animal; his rational voice in the debate on re...

Didn't debate it, just made it The feeling is strong, so keep coming on With the bass and the drums there's nothing wrong Now get on up, take your shoes Swing your body, get wild and loose One, two, three, four, tippin' and tappin' Slippin' and slappin' there's no stoppin' ...


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Please also note that the switching distance is a matter of some debate in lipid bilayer simulations, and it is dependent to some extent on the nature of the lipid. Some studies have found that an 0.8-1.0 nm switch is appropriate, others argue 0.8-1.2 nm is best, and ...

甘勉17659668607问: off与of的意思,用法,有什么区别的 -
耀州区乐息回答: off[英][ɒf][美][ɔf, ɑf]prep.(表示方向)从…; (表示位置)在…的外面; (表示否定)不想; (表示时间)在…之前; adv.走开; 脱掉,关掉; 休息; 离,距; adj.远离的; 空闲的; 没有工作或不在运行的; 不新鲜的; n.起跑; 关闭(或断开、取消)状态; (赛马的)开始; int.离开!站开!滚开!; vi.[用于祈使句]走开,滚开,站开; 词典结果:of[英][əv][美][ʌv, ɑv,əv]prep.关于; 属于…的; 由…制成; aux.助动词 [非标准用语、方言] =have [主用于虚拟语气];

甘勉17659668607问: OFF ROAD是什么意思? -
耀州区乐息回答: “off road”的意思是:越野的 1、读音:[ˈɒf rəʊd]、美[ˈɔːf roʊd] 2、相关短语: Off-road 越野 ; 在道路之外的 ; 越野模式 ; 在困难道路上的表现 off-road mode 越野模式 fall off the road 翻译公司之路 ; 掉下去的道路 ; 脱落的道路 ...

甘勉17659668607问: 奔驰E260 oFF加个P是啥子意思 -
耀州区乐息回答: OFF是结束的意思,P是屁的意思,翻译过来就是说该车运行过程不会打屁.

甘勉17659668607问: 动词加off的短语 -
耀州区乐息回答: take\put\hurry\go\be\cut\switch\turn\

甘勉17659668607问: 辨析debate,argue,quarrel -
耀州区乐息回答: debate,argue,quarrel 最明显的区别是quarrel指人际关系不和、埋怨乃至吵架,而debate,argue,debate倾向于比较特殊和正式的场合的争辩如立法机构,argue则倾向于一般的辩论而且往往还要提出反对和坚持的理由.细微的区别比较请看下面 ...

甘勉17659668607问: without的用法在句子中怎么用? -
耀州区乐息回答: 一、基本用法1. (表否定)没有,无,不需.如:The letter was posted without a stamp. 那封信没贴邮票就寄出去了.We got there without any trouble. 我们到了那儿,一路上没遇到任何麻烦.You'll get wet if you go out in the rain without an ...

甘勉17659668607问: OFF是关吗 -
耀州区乐息回答: Off 有多种含义,在有“关”的意思时候,是adj形容词 关着的.off [ɔ:f; ɔf] adv. 1. 脱离 2. 离开,离去 3. 掉,落 prep. 1. 从…离开: to tear a page off the book 从书上撕下一页 2. 从…脱离,从…脱落: He took several books off the shelf. 他从书...

甘勉17659668607问: 所有off的短语带翻译 -
耀州区乐息回答: 用作介词 (prep.) 动词+~ come off 脱离,从…上掉下来,从…中去除,放弃 fall off 从…落下 get off 下,离开 let off 让…下,放掉,放过,免除 live off 以…为食; 以…为生 turn off 转向,拐弯,使离开,(使)厌烦…,(使)对…失去兴趣 fly ...

甘勉17659668607问: they debated the question of whether sthdents shoud wear unforms. 请问 句中of 用法 可以省去吗? -
耀州区乐息回答: 此句中 of完全是和 the question 连用 与 debate 无关 译为...的问题 the +名词+ of 可以省去 将后面whether sthdents shoud wear unforms作为question 的同位语 不过要使用 debate on sth. 句型 争论某事 they debated on the question whether sthdents shoud wear unforms 希望帮到你

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