
作者&投稿:皮览 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

翻译,不要机器翻译One night, a little swallow flew over th...

ow\/ u \/ bowl window \/au \/ now cow flower oy \/oi\/ boy toy ur \/ : \/ turn 辅音组合 th \/θ\/ thank mouth \/ δ\/ this that with tr \/tr\/ tree train truck dr \/dr\/ dress driver sh \/∫\/ shirt wash short ch \/t∫\/ child chair catch \/ k \/ school Christmas \/ dз\/ ...

ow [ou] yellow sparrow tomorrow 元音字组在非重读音节中读[E]音或。例如:neighbour serious famous biscuit coffee -sion -tion [Fn] impression nation -sion在元音字母后 [Vn] vision decision occasion -tion在s后 [tFEn] question suggestion -sten [sn] listen -stle [sl] whistle -sure [VE] ...


hare,dareair;chair,hair,fair.ea;chair.tea,ear,ee; sheep,bee,jeepear;dear,fear,hear,gear,ir;bird,air,shirt,oo;too,zoo, roomoa;boat,coat,goat,ou;out,foul,hour.shoutow;low,bow,bowl,oy;boy,toy,joy,enjoyor;for,forth,for,ur;turn,four,fourth,ck;clock,cock,dockth;with,...

单词辨音。 ( ) 1. A. j a cket ( ) 2. A...
1-5 BDACB 6-10 AABDC

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F

o在th前读|| other[′] adj.特别;其它的 (69)oo读长音|u:|too[tu:] adv.太 (66) zoo[zu...ow读作|| throw[θr] v.投;掷 (78) borrow[′br] v.借 (85) tomorrow[t′mr] n.& adv

( B ) 9. fam_ _s A. ow B. ou C. ir D. ew ( B )10. wa__ __ A. ck B. sh C. ch D. th ( C )11.tele_ _one A. th B. gh C. ph D. ch ( B )12. __ __brella A. un B. um C. up ...


卫钱13225845132问: now and then是什么意思 -
东营市复方回答: now and then 偶尔;有时 翻译:有时 近义词是sometimes 例句1.Although Phil is busy,remains to me now and then.虽然菲儿很忙,她偶尔还是会给我发电子邮件.now and then 指的是一种经常性的习惯动作,可以用在一般现在时中,表示现阶段...

卫钱13225845132问: now and then啥意思? -
东营市复方回答:[答案] now and then [英][nau ænd ðen][美][naʊ ənd ðɛn] 有时,时而,不时; 间或; 望采纳~

卫钱13225845132问: now and then是什么意思 -
东营市复方回答: 时而; 不时 He fluctuated between hope and despair. 他时而充满希望时而失望. Her moods kept changing,now happy, now sad. 她的情绪总是变幻不定,时而欢喜,时而忧伤.扩展资料; 近义词; occasionally英 [ə'keɪʒnəli] 美 [ə'keɪ...

卫钱13225845132问: every now and then是什么意思? -
东营市复方回答: 不时地

卫钱13225845132问: now and then 什么意思 -
东营市复方回答: 用这个软件就可以查到了:谷歌金山词霸 时而;常常;经常

卫钱13225845132问: now and then和every now and then的意思完全相同吗? -
东营市复方回答:[答案] 二者完全相等.译为 时而不时

卫钱13225845132问: 英语问题! - 这句话是什么意思?为什么用now and then
东营市复方回答: 这是一道高考题,now and then 时而,偶尔,不时 这句话的意思:我们应该不时的写写信,即使我们没有太多的话要说

卫钱13225845132问: then and now是什么意思 -
东营市复方回答: 彼时与此时; 那时和现在; I don't see much difference between then and and then 意思是:有时,时而,不时; 间或

卫钱13225845132问: now and then 等于then吗? -
东营市复方回答: 不等于,就相当于汉语中,今后和以后的区别

卫钱13225845132问: every now and then什么意思 -
东营市复方回答: every now and then 不时地;常常 双语例句 1.Well, I guarantee that your neighbor doubts himself every now and then too. 跟读 好吧,我在这里可以向你保证你的邻居也会常常的怀疑他自己.2.We know that God is not an absent God. He does not just drop in on us every now and then, but He is with us all the time. 我们懂得了上帝并不是一个实际的存在,他不会时不时地直接出现在我们之中,但他一直与我们同在.

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