
作者&投稿:羊高 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

须一篇3-5分钟的英语演讲稿内容必须与数学相关最好是夸数学的也可以是与数学家相关的小故事等等当然必须...One of the other nineteen young men died while in prison, and it was not until after ...Pierre de Fermat (1601-1663), who must ne conslcterect one ot the inventors of analytic ...


书里记录了罗伯特在巴恩斯的童年时光,他初次涉足舞台演出的经历和早期的电视剧角色。他对艺术和音乐的...Recent Posts (updated daily) User This Or That Game Marilee11 OT: Something I have to say....until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'!

此类疑问句可以对主语、表语和宾语提问。A.对主语提问 What is in your pocket?你口袋里有什么?这个问题可以有两种回答:a:There is an egg in it.在口袋里有一个蛋。b:An egg is(in it).一个蛋(在里面)。There are a lot of chairs in it.=A 1ot of chairs are in it.有许多椅子...

韦姝帆的英语日记: 第三天 动词时态
他和我相识已20多年了。 Has he studied French very long? 他学习法语很久了吗? How long have you studied English? 你学英语多久了? (现在仍在学) Up to now\/Until now we've had no problems. 直到现在为止,我们没有碰到任何问题。 3、表示从过去到现在之间经历过的事情。 标志词: often(常常),...

暮光之城中男主角 爱德华 的资料
书里记录了罗伯特在巴恩斯的童年时光,他初次涉足舞台演出的经历和早期的电视剧角色。他对艺术和音乐的...Recent Posts (updated daily) User This Or That Game Marilee11 OT: Something I have to say....until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'!

动词的时态和语态试题与解析1.He stepped into the office,___down and began to fill in the ...17.——We could have walked ot the station.It was so near.——Yes,A taxi___at all necessary...37.Helen___her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband___home.A.has left...

高考 英语单选
!11与前面的told连接tell sb to do sth 第二个to 省略 12花与卖被动关系,时态一致,过去时 13没人知道他将在什么时候结婚,事情还没发生。4the +名词单数表类指,a means of transportation.一种交通工具 14 seated作定语=sitting the girl sitting next ot me is my sister=the girl seated ...

Wish I could Keep You Much Longer 但愿我能多留你一会儿 I know You gotta Go cuz you got things to do 我知道你即将离开因为你有事要做 Wish I could Keep You Much Longer 但愿我能多留你一会儿 Now You to Busy for Me Girl like I was To You 现在你为着忙碌,而我,女孩,像我...

131. ot-=ear耳 otitis耳炎132. out-=out附在动词、名词、分词或形容词前,构成动词、名词、形容词,表示“出,向外,在外;远”等意义 outbid出价高于133. over-=above;above中ove的比较级与动词结合 over-brim满出134. over-=above;above中ove的比较级与名词结合 over-bridge天桥135. over-=above;above中ove...

姓倪19772316630问: 如何区别not.until与not.unless的用法 -
玉田县冠心回答:[答案] until 的意思是 up to the time when(直到……时为止),表示时间.如: (1) The hot weather lasted until September. 炎热的天气一直持续到9月. (2) I waited until three o'clock, but he didn't come. 我一直等到3点,但他没来. (3) The air ...

姓倪19772316630问: 英语问题,如何区别not...unless...,not...until...和not...before... -
玉田县冠心回答:[答案] until he has come 强调直到.才 是一种临界状态 直到他回来我才完成作业 before he came 强调再他回来之前 我没法完成作业 一、作为从属连词含义不同,引导从句性质不同 unless与until均为从属连词,unless表“除非”,强调条件,引导条件状语从...

姓倪19772316630问: not until 和 not unless有什么区别 You will not pass the exam - _ - you work hard这里填unless 还是 until? -
玉田县冠心回答:[答案] 选unless,是除非的意思当Not until位于句首时,句子要倒装.其结构为:Not until+从句/表时间的词+助动词+(主句)主语+谓语+.如:①Not until the teacher came in did the students stop talking.直到老师进来学生们...

姓倪19772316630问: not...until和unless的同义句转换 -
玉田县冠心回答: 两者的语法功能和语义功能不一样.not ... until是时间连词; unless是条件连词,表达的语义是不一样的.替换的结果是导致语义失真.例如:He will fail the course unless he gets a 90 on the exam. 除非他再考一个90分,否则,他这门课程就不及格. 【表示条件】 如果硬要改写的话: He won't fail the course until he gets a 90 on the exam. 直到他考出一个90分,他的这门课程才会挂掉. 【考试不能超过90分吗?严重的语义错误!】

姓倪19772316630问: 英语题not - until与unlessWe do not even know we are very sad - ___we cry.我知道until 可以,但为什么不能用unless呢?难道不能翻译为 除非我们哭,我们不... -
玉田县冠心回答:[答案] until 与not 连用,用于否定句,意为“直到...才...”,而unless作“除非、如果不”讲.此句意为直到哭,我们才知道伤心.

姓倪19772316630问: not untill 与 nuless的区别 -
玉田县冠心回答: 意思不一样,unless是除非 not until是直到

姓倪19772316630问: 初中英语题:Don't cross the street - -- - the traffic lights turn green. 用unless行吗?为什么? -
玉田县冠心回答: 直到交通灯变为绿色你才可以过马路或在交通灯变为绿色之前不要过马路.not ....until 直到.....才....或在......之前不.......而unless的意思是“除非或如果不......”,所以unless不可以.

姓倪19772316630问: 英语问题 我们只有努力学习才能提高自己 能不能用 not~until -
玉田县冠心回答: 你好.不可以.not - - - until- - - 强调的是“时间”概念.你的句子强调的是“条件”概念(如果).应该用not- - - - unless- - -来表达: We can't get improved unless we work hard. ///// 或者是 Only if / when we work hard, can we get improved.

姓倪19772316630问: until与unless的区别是什么
玉田县冠心回答: unless与until均为从属连词,unless表“除非”,强调条件,引导条件状语从句;until表“直到”,强调时间的延续,引导时间状语从句.1. I didn't know the news until my teacher told it to me. 2. I couldn't know the news unless my teacher told it to me.

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