
作者&投稿:花肾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

normal people在哪个app可以看
哔哩哔哩app可以看。这部剧是由《纽约时报》畅销书榜榜首小说《普通人》(Normal People)改编的。这部剧人与人之间尤其是男女主之间的对话十分含蓄、婉转,我看第一遍就会有些地方看不懂,然后我就反复看,现在我站在上帝视角来写一些东西。最后一集男女主坐在地板上演将要不得不分别的时候面对面静静的...

怎么评价《普通人》(Normal People)这部电视剧?
不以事件为核心,台词铺设不为叙事,悉数转移刻画人物性格,细腻而娓娓道来。其中爱情最让人信服的一点是,它不回避性,性的吸引力点触情感,爱同时是身体的。他们在爱里挣扎犹疑,体面又不堪的生命,仿佛你与我,Normal We。视听精致,演员自然,You‘re the worst之后最好的爱情剧集。这部《普通人》...



正常人 英语怎么写?
normal person,指正常人,反意即:abnormal peoson,变态,非正常人

normal意思如下所示:adj. 正常的;正规的;精神健全的 n. 常态;标准 短语:completely normal 完全正常的 fairly normal 相当正常的 perfectly normal 非常正常的 normal people 普通人 normal 用法:normal的基本意思是“正常的,平常的”,多指“符合标准,合乎规律”。也可指“正规的,规范的”。norm...

disabled people是残疾人,那正常人怎么说?普通人呢?
正常人:normal people 普通人:ordinary people 希望能帮上忙

(2)normal的用法 ①normal在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。例如:She refused to conform to the normal social conventions.翻译:她拒绝遵从正常的社会习俗。People who commit crimes like that aren't normal.翻译:犯这种罪的人心理都不正常.②normal无比较级和最高级形式。normal还可用作...

03 双语例句 Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are normal people. 统计显示抑郁症患者比正常人更容易生病。 The two countries resumed normal diplomatic relations. 两国恢复了正常的外交关系。 Some of the shops were closed but that's ...

例:Her height and weight are normal for her age.她的身高和体重对于她的年龄来说是正常的。2、ADJ A normal person has no serious physical or mental health problems. 身心正常的 例:Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are normal people.统计...

长烟15855799370问: normal common usual regular怎么辨析 -
合作市派罗回答:[答案] common,ordinary,normal,usual,regular,popular,general 1)common用于物,指不稀奇,很普通,无异常的特征;用于人,指很平凡,没有职位,不高贵. 2)ordinary指日常生活中随时碰到的、平凡的、平常的. 3)normal指正常的、通常的. 4)usual指通常...

长烟15855799370问: 跪求关于下面话题的英语小对话!Do you think a disabled people can live a normal life why or why not? -
合作市派罗回答:[答案] 给你少写点: a:Personally I don't think a disabled people can live a normal life b: How come? a: Simpl.y because they do not have the ability to performe normal daily tasks, e.g, a blind man wouldn't be able to even take an easy work like cleaning the ...

长烟15855799370问: normal/usual/common/regular/general区别~ -
合作市派罗回答: common, ordinary, normal, usual, regular, popular, general1)common用于物,指不稀奇,很普通,无异常的特征;用于人,指很平凡,没有职位,不高贵.2)ordinary指日常生活中随时碰到的、平凡的、平常的.3)normal指正常的、通常的.4)...

长烟15855799370问: Do you think disabled people can live a happy life as normal people now?英文表达附加汉语.Do you think disabled people can live a happy life as normal ... -
合作市派罗回答:[答案] 回答:Yes,I do .Because the the science have developed a lot and with the help of science ,the disabled people can do many things as as normal people .So it is possible for the disabled people to live...

长烟15855799370问: 英语翻译“他让我觉得我不平凡,可事实让我看清我只是一个普通的人” -
合作市派罗回答:[答案] He makes me feel not normal,but the fact makes me know that I'm a normal perpon.

长烟15855799370问: 跪求好心人分享我和我的祖国2019年上映的由 黄渤主演的免费高清百度云资源 -
合作市派罗回答: 《我和我的祖国 (2019)》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看 链接: ?pwd=fdsp 提取码:fdsp 导演: 陈凯歌 / 张一白 / 管虎 / 薛晓路 / 徐峥 / 宁浩 / 文牧野编剧: 文宁 / 修梦迪 / 薛晓路 / 何可可 ...

长烟15855799370问: Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as__sickness. -
合作市派罗回答:[选项] A. normal B. average C. regular D. ordinary 为什么选D? average,ordinary两个词语不是都有普通的意思么

长烟15855799370问: 这句话到底是用but还是while,可以解释原因吗?in most cases, the normal people were fooled by words__ - the aphasics were not同意一楼和二楼的看法,但... -
合作市派罗回答:[答案] but 这里but起转折强调作用 强调后句中aphasics were not fooled by words while只起对比作用 不强调

长烟15855799370问: 熟悉的普通人的生活片段不少于100字 -
合作市派罗回答:[答案] 我的邻居是个普通人,有房有儿子有孙子,全家幸福美满.固定时间就过来收房租,平时出门进门就打个招呼,房子有什么问题找房东可以帮我解决,虽然有时候很拖.顶楼种瓜种菜,养鸡种花.最单纯的生活,不愁没钱不愁没事做.我向往的生活...

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