
作者&投稿:申欢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Unit 1 hi \/haI\/ int.(引人注意时的喊声,打招呼)嗨 morning \/5m:nIN\/ n.早晨,早上 Good \/Ud\/ morning. 早晨好。上午好。Miss \/mIs\/ n.(对未婚女子的称呼)女士,小姐 goodbye \/7Ud5baI\/ int.再见 afternoon \/A:ft«5nu:n\/ n.下午 Good afternoon. ...

钢琴读作[pinu] 一读one[wn]4.ose读[uz]没有人none[nn]那些those[uz] 的单三现在式does[dz]鼻(子)nose[nuz] 同音词联想:由to(到)联想关闭close[kluz] too[tu:](也)丢lose[lu:z]6.ome读[m]词义联想:由close关闭联想 一些some[sm]closed(关着的)。来come[km]5.字母o读作[u:]欢迎welcome[we...

One Direction成员名字怎么读
Ha-rie Stie-els Lee-um Pain Lew-ee Tom-lin-son Ni-all Hor-ran Zay-n Ma-lik 就是这么简单

牛津初一英语单词表 急急急~~~
one \/wÃn\/ n.一three \/Tri:\/ n.三five \/faIv\/ n.五pen \/pen\/ n.钢笔six \/sIks\/ n.六...o’clock \/«5kl k\/ adv.点钟breakfast \/5brekf«st\/ n.早饭,早餐hurry \/5hÃrI\/ up ...else \/els\/ adv.别的,其它的grandparent \/5grQnpe«r«nt\/ n.(外)祖父(母)clothes \/kl«...

哈利波特人物 英文介绍
1.阿不思•珀西瓦尔•伍尔弗里克•布赖恩•邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore):阿不思是拉丁文中白色的意思,因为邓布利是与黑魔头伏地魔对立的白魔法师。邓布利多根据罗琳自己说是“蜜蜂嗡嗡叫”的意思。珀西瓦尔(Percival)有武士和刺穿帷幕之意。显然,邓布利多...

...a Row for the Hungry By Jeff Lowenfels成中文

俄 :Поздравляю В ас с Новмы годо м!日 :明けまして おめでとうございます --- http:\/\/\/wzfl\/article\/200512\/27237207.shtml 世界各国语言说新年快乐 http:\/\/ 2005-12-21 11:00:45 作者:jmon 阿富汗语:Saale Nao...

jay-z <the return><we got em goin'>歌词
Kels and Jigga man bacl on the scene Step up in the club so fresh and so clean Ladies be like damn! BLING! BLING! BLING Hov rap and I SING! SING! SING H to the O and the R&B King, before we do a show its like CHING! CHING! CHING!So Lodi Dodi, we likes to ...

A total of myths and legends Workers Nuwa's struggle with the Emperor, Nuwazhurong life's work were lingbing's attack. Public's defeat were angry and ill-daily L with the first hill.Hill is ill-chu up days were a total of one hit's work, sent a sound earth-shattering. ...

...York school. Last month she explained to one of her classes...
小题1:D小题1:C小题1:B小题1:A小题1:A 略

甄汪14730141275问: else一般用在什么和什么某些之后. -
勉县调经回答: 1.else 是个副词,一般用在某些词之后,在不定代词或副词(以-one,-body,-thing,-where结尾的词)之后... 2.else 还可用在疑问代词或副词(如:who ,what ,where等)后面表示强调.eg ...

甄汪14730141275问: else和哪些词连用 -
勉县调经回答: 1. else 是个副词,与不定代词或副词(以-one,-body,-thing,-where结尾的词)连用,表示“另外”、“其它”的意思,用于这些词后面.eg: Would you like something else to drink? 你还要喝点别的什么吗? We went to the park and nowhere else...

甄汪14730141275问: someone else's who else's anyone else's分别怎么用? -
勉县调经回答: 因为someone 表示一些人,属肯定语气,所以someone else's 用在肯定句; WHO是“谁”的意思,是特殊疑问词,所以大多who else's用在特殊疑问句 ,不过也有个别特殊现象;而anyone是指任意一个人 ,所以anyone else's用在一般疑问句和否定句中

甄汪14730141275问: no one 和no one else 的区别是什么?? -
勉县调经回答: no one 意思是没有人(谁也不) no one else 意思是除了...没有其它人了 no one ... except / outside ...也可以表示no one else的意思 如 No one knows outside two or three persons. 除两三个人外谁也不知道. No one would help you except your best friends. 除了你最好的朋友没有人会帮你的. No one else would help you but your best friends.

甄汪14730141275问: no one esle 和 anyone else的用法和区别? -
勉县调经回答: B. anyone else nor是否定词,所以不需要no这个否定词. anyone不包括自己,所以要加上else.

甄汪14730141275问: no one 为什么不能跟else -
勉县调经回答: else有“其他的”的意思,no one 已经是没有人的意思了,因此不能连用,anyone是任何人的意思,可以与else连用翻译成 其他任何人

甄汪14730141275问: else other 区别 清楚点 用法 -
勉县调经回答: else 是副词adv.,不是形容词 1、 别的,其他的 用法:作定语时不能修饰名词、而用来修饰不定代词和疑问代词而且均放在他们后面,做后置定语.如:Is there anything else you want? 你还要些别的什么吗? Who else is there in the house? ...

甄汪14730141275问: else、other和anyone的区别 -
勉县调经回答: else1. else 是个副词,与不定代词或副词(以-one,-body,-thing,-where结尾的词)连用,表示“另外”、“其它”的意思,用于这些词后面.eg: Would you like something else to drink? 你还要喝点别的什么吗? We went to the park and nowhere ...

甄汪14730141275问: 一道高中定语从句选择题,考查that与who的用法,no one else 应用什么引导词? -
勉县调经回答: that可以修饰人和物,who只能修饰人,而且A选项的who to写法也不对 no one是不定代词,因此that 和 who都可以修饰它

甄汪14730141275问: 英语 ·····+ else 这些的固定词组还有什么 -
勉县调经回答: something/anything /nothing/everything else somebody/anybody /nobody/everyone else who/what/how/why/whose else

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