
作者&投稿:璩峰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

no longer和not any more的区别
He no longer loves her. \/ He loves her no longer. \/ No longer doeshe love her.他再也不爱她了。【注】原来no more 也可表示时间上的“不再”(但要与非延续性动词连用,且位于句末),但在现代英语中,no more 一般不这样用。(2)以下各例中的more 和longer 分别为much 和long的比较...

rode和longer的o发音不一样 rode是绝对开音节词,元音字母读字母表中的读音 longer 第一个音节是闭音节,读半圆o

你好,你的翻译不正确,我来给你更正一下,o(∩_∩)o...首先,me是I的宾格,不能用于句子的开头,应该放在句子中某一动词的后面,作为指代的对象,而且【不再】你也没有翻译出来。I am no longer\/more lonely,或者是I am not lonely any longer,或者是I am not lonely any more.不再:【no...

5. no longer6. get back7. sooner or later8. run away9. eat up10. take care of11. ...26. What were you doing at ten o’clock yesterday morning?27. You look tired today.28. You...What’s one’s job?例:What’s your father’s job? 新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 4精选...

not… any longer的区别是什么呢?
not…any longer 相当于 no longer 常用来修饰延续性动词,主要强调“时间不再延长”例如:I am not a child any longer.not any more 相当于 no more 常用来修饰非延续性动词,通常指今后“再也不”,表示不再重复发生以前“动作”或存在的“状态”,强调终止界限。指次数上不再增多,例如...

rode both longer哪个发音不同?
rode [rəʊd],其中o发\/əʊ\/,both [bəʊθ],其中o发\/əʊ\/,longer [ˈlɒŋgə],其中o发\/ɒ\/。由上可知longer的发音与其它两个不一样。

younger taller longer shorter older等为什么要加er? 加了er_百度知 ...
younger taller longer shorter older 这些都是形容词 + er表示 比较级 ounger 英[ˈjʌŋgə(r)] 美['jʌŋɡər]n. 年纪较小者;adj. 较年轻的; 年幼的( young的比较级 ) 有朝气的; 年轻人的; 青年的;[网络] 年轻人;[例句]The...

作用 例 句1.作主语 1. The student who is talking with the monitor is Lucy.(指人作主语)2. A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words.(指物作主语)2.作表语 3.She is no longer the girl that she used to be.(指人作表语)3.作宾语 4The student whom (who)you want to...

大学英语专四选择题 My uncle is quite worn out from years o
D,that。首先排除which,空格是在后面句子里作表语,BCD都可以,但主句中出现了no longer,所以选that更有道理。that的用法有:1、that用作指示代词的意思是“那,那个”。可指前面提到的那件事,也可指在空间或时间上较另一事物远的事物或人,还可指要表明的或要提及的事物、想法等。2、that用作...

any longer和any more的区别
any longer和any more的区别:1、通常这两个词是固定句型: not...any longer 和not...any more. 都是表示不再继续;2、not...any more 是强调数量和程度的不再增加,表示再也不重复做某件事,例如: The baby didn't cry any more。3、not...any longer 是强调动作或时间的不再延续,表示...

驹贩15566374176问: 用no longer造句 -
东兴区注射回答:[答案] I could no longer ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy. 我再不能对他深感不快这个事实不闻不问了. She could no longer recollect the details of the letter. 她想不起那封信的细节了. He was long a famous musician, but he plays no longer. 他成为有...

驹贩15566374176问: no longer造句,谁会的,要注明中文翻译! -
东兴区注射回答:[答案] no longer ['l?g?]不再例句:These conditions no longer obtain.这些条件已不复存在了.We are a people no longer subject to foreign rule.我们是一个不再受外国统治的民族.The choice is no longer in their disp...

驹贩15566374176问: no longer造句,谁会的,要注明中文翻译!! -
东兴区注射回答: no longer 不再 例句:He worked and worked until he no longer hated mathematics.他不懈地学习着,直到不再讨厌数学为止.These conditions no longer obtain. 这些条件已不复存.The choice is no longer in their disposition. 选择权已不在他们手中了.

驹贩15566374176问: 含有no longer的句型怎么用 -
东兴区注射回答: 看例子吧:他不再是学生 He is no longer a student.=He is not a student any longer.祝学习进步!不懂继续问( 天天在线 )(*^__^*) 请及时采纳

驹贩15566374176问: no longer 造句并翻译 -
东兴区注射回答: He was no longer a boy.他不再是小孩子了.

驹贩15566374176问: 我也后再也不相信你了(no longer)造句 -
东兴区注射回答:[答案] I no longer trust you

驹贩15566374176问: 用no longer(不再)造两个英语句子 -
东兴区注射回答:[答案] I am no longer a student. It was no longer a disaster.

驹贩15566374176问: no longer 用法 -
东兴区注射回答: 这时一个状语.表时间 ,和延续性动词连用. 它的位置在句子的哪里是很重要的.比如, 1.-He no longer read books. (在主语和谓语之间) 2、any longer = not...any longer -He doesn't read books any longer.(句尾) 例句:These conditions ...

驹贩15566374176问: not any longer的用法和区别是什么? -
东兴区注射回答: 区别:no longer 和 not …any longer意为“不再”之意.1)当修饰动词时,nolonger通常置于be或行为动词前;例句:My daughter can finish the work by herself , because she is no longer a child. 我女儿能独自完成这项工作,因为她已不再是一...

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