
作者&投稿:贡牧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我的中文名字拼音是zi ran ,可以起个什么英文名呢?

In this world, all the true nature of the people, ideas are always different. 41、我永远无法找到原稿,然后将你一笔抹去。 I can never find the...The streets that pair and we like, loosen the hug, on each ran one side. 72、不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记。 Never think of, but never forget...

nature的《Young Love》 歌词
When we ran like wild horses through the night Sticking to the back roads and staying out of sight Making the most of what little time we had left How sweet it is, how sweet it was, young love Not a cloud in the sky, only the heavens and us That old radio singing tires...

It is better to die one's feet than ___. 求答案
综述:It is better to die one's feet than(live on one's knees).重点词汇:better 英['betə(r)]释义:adj.较好的,更好的;能力更强的,更熟练的;(健康状况)好转的,康复的;更合适的,更得体的 adv.较好地,更好地;更,更大程度上;更妥,更恰当 n.更好的事物,...

He is to go to another place to complete the task of self, we should bless him. Because of his intimate contact with nature. Happy every day is the best.亲人一直都会在你身边。只是你看不到他了。Loved ones will always be by your side. You just can't see him.生老病死是最...

【小鹿和妈妈的故事寓意】小鹿和妈妈的寓言故事讽刺了那些只顾自己不照顾别人心里和身体感受的人。【小鹿和妈妈的英文版】THE FAWN AND HIS MOTHER A Hind said to her Fawn,who was now well grown and strong,“My son,Nature has given you a powerful body and a stout pair of horns,and...

A reader unacquainted with the real nature of a classical education will probably undervalue it when he sees that so large a portion of time is...5. The boy ran so fast that I could not overtake him. “that I could not overtake him”(adv’’’),副词“fast”的修饰语。 6. My Father...

关于冬天的诗 英语小诗,短的,四年级英语小报!急!
Several of the continuous drizzle washed away by the heavy winter, Xianggang wake up all the way, Xinxinran open the eyes. 经过雨水的滋润,各种花草树木把大自然装饰一新。 After rain nourishes, all kinds of flowers and trees to a new decorative nature. 园子里的桃树吐出了嫩绿色的...


Today, the title of my speech is A Lesson from Nature.Around us , there are plants, animals and many other things. We live in nature, so to keep the balance of nature is very important for us. But today, too many trees are still being cut down in many countries and ...

季临17520109915问: 为什么nature做自然将时不用定冠词the
峨边彝族自治县克塞回答: nature (自然)与life(生命、生活),都是不可数名词(当然这两个词作别的含义时可以是可数的),所以肯定是不能用不定冠词,另外不可数名词如果不是特指,比如上述句子中的life,就不能加定冠词.再者,nature一词作“自然界, 自然, 大自然”讲时,不加任何冠词,这是英语的习惯,也没有什么道理可讲,你一定要记住.

季临17520109915问: nature的用法 -
峨边彝族自治县克塞回答: 平时不加,只有在特指的时候才加 Human Being can subdue the nature. 人能够征服自然. The Nature of Evidence 证据的本质 know the nature or character of. 知道某事物的本质或特征. change completely the nature of something. 完全改变事物的本质. Chemists study the nature of gases. 有的化学家研究气体的性质. Having the nature of a fad. 具有追求时尚的天性的 上面就是加the的例子,共同点是nature都是特指某种东西.恩,就这样.

季临17520109915问: 自然是一剂良方,它能恢复人已遭损害的健康. - --爱默生 求 英语原文的翻译 不要翻译器翻译的 -
峨边彝族自治县克塞回答: Nature is an effective prescription which can recover people's poor health.

季临17520109915问: nature reserve 和 natural reserve -
峨边彝族自治县克塞回答: 您好!两个都是正确的.nature reserve 大自然保护区natural reserve 自然的保护区两词的词性不同,但前者更为常见.

季临17520109915问: nature trail是什么意思 -
峨边彝族自治县克塞回答: nature trail[英][ˈneitʃə treil][美][ˈnetʃɚ trel] n.通往自然景观的小径; 复数:nature trails例句: 1. Virgin Islands National Park boasts an underwater nature trail in Trunk Bay.

季临17520109915问: nature在什么情况下加定冠词the? -
峨边彝族自治县克塞回答: nature 作”自然”时是不能加冠词的.如; Love nature, love our sweet home. Of all the subjects, nature is my favourite. 作”本质”是可以加冠词.如: When studying a new subject or a topic, we should never forget the nature of our aims.

季临17520109915问: nature lavender soothing soap是什么东西 -
峨边彝族自治县克塞回答: nature lavender soothing soap 自然薰衣草舒缓肥皂 请采纳

季临17520109915问: [高三英语]一道关于nature前有无the的问题 -
峨边彝族自治县克塞回答: 很多人都对这类问题很迷惑. 此义不可以用 the nature.不能作 the beauty of the nature.若加the,需用其他恰当的词,如the countryside,或 the scenery.可以说I believe the beauty of the scenery there will make an excellent impression on you. 而不能用 the beauty of the nature!

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