
作者&投稿:锁亚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

r(ation)(ally)rawhide reabsorp(tion)rea(cc)ommodate reac(tion)(ar)y r(ea)d(er)readju(st)readopt(ed)r(ea)dy-to-we(ar)rea(ff)irm(ation)reaf(for)e(st)(ation)r(ea)l r(ea)l(ity)r(ea)lize realli(ance)re(ally)re-ally reanim(ation)reappe(ar)(ance)reappor(tion...

n.组织;机构;安排;团体;分配;配置;组织工作;筹备工作;条理。复数: organizations。派生词: organizational-isational adj. organizationally-isationally adv.记忆技巧:organiz(e) 组织,安排 + -ation 名词后缀。He's the president of a large international organization.他是一个大型国际组织的主席。...

最好仔细看看语法书。像group,team,class等名词,在英语中叫做集合名词。group小组,集团team组合,团队 group单词趣味记忆法 Group单词趣味记忆法:G-reatR-oleO-fU-nityP-rotects这个记忆法是通过单词的首字母来构成一个短语,使得单词更容易记忆。在这个记忆法中,G代表Great,R代表Role,O代表Of,U代...

A puter that was ten thousand times faster than a desktop puter would probably be at least as putationally powerful as the human brain. 它可以下载到电脑、个人计算机、笔记本、掌上电脑或者其他任何形式的电脑上,通过萤幕进行阅读。 It is downloaded to a puter, PC, Mac, laptop, PDA or any o...

The Palace Musem, also named as The Forbidden City, had been started building since 1407 with 200thousand people spending 14years and finished in 1420.The complex consists of 9,999rooms. In China, the figure 9 is considered to be luck in traditional.Nowadays, The palace Museum...

ulas造句 ulasの例文 "ulas"是什麼意思
In chapter 4 , a chebyshev method beamforming for uniform circular arrays ( ucas ) is proposed based on dolph - chebyshev method for uniform pnear arrays ( ulas ) . this method is that it putationally efficient which makes it eminently suitable for real - time beamforming ...


一、意思不同:1、team 英 [ti:m] 美 [tim]n. 团队;队,组;工作组;(野鸭等)群,同胎仔;vi. 协同工作;合作;把(牛马等)联套在车上。2、group 英 [gru:p] 美 [ɡrup]n. 组,团体;群,批;(雕塑等的)群像;(英美的)空军大队;vt.& vi. 使成群,集合;...

一、意思不同:1、team 英 [ti:m] 美 [tim]n. 团队;队,组;工作组;(野鸭等)群,同胎仔;vi. 协同工作;合作;把(牛马等)联套在车上。2、group 英 [gru:p] 美 [ɡrup]n. 组,团体;群,批;(雕塑等的)群像;(英美的)空军大队;vt.& vi. 使成群,集合;...

一、意思不同:1、team 英 [ti:m] 美 [tim]n. 团队;队,组;工作组;(野鸭等)群,同胎仔;vi. 协同工作;合作;把(牛马等)联套在车上。2、group 英 [gru:p] 美 [ɡrup]n. 组,团体;群,批;(雕塑等的)群像;(英美的)空军大队;vt.& vi. 使成群,集合;...

掌蕊17255781432问: 麻烦翻译一下,谢谢!!! -
林周县氯唑回答: Your education is natinally recognized! Nearly 2,000 American companies —— including General Electric, IBM, Mobil, General Motors, Ford, and many others —— have used our training for their employees. If companies like these recognize the ...

掌蕊17255781432问: comeing together nationally within one or two specific societies 翻译 -
林周县氯唑回答: 以一个或两个特定的社会/团体,民族性地聚集在一起

掌蕊17255781432问: 英语中同根动词和形容词的转换
林周县氯唑回答: energetically: energy精力,energetic精力充沛的 environment:environmental环境的,environmentally环境地 hopelessly:hope名词希望,hope动词希望,hopeful有希望的 national:nation名词国家,nationally国家地 pollute:pollution名词污染,...

掌蕊17255781432问: intended - nationally - determined - contribution是什么意思 -
林周县氯唑回答: intended-nationally-determined-contribution 意欲国家确定的贡献

掌蕊17255781432问: 过生日用英语怎么写 -
林周县氯唑回答: 过生日的英文:celebrate the birthday 一、celebrate 读法 英 [ˈselɪbreɪt] 美 [ˈsɛləˌbret] 作动词的意思是:庆祝;祝贺;举行;宗教庆典;歌颂 短语: celebrate the 300th birthday 庆祝300岁生日 celebrate the 12th birthday 庆祝12岁生日 ...

掌蕊17255781432问: 金融词汇Nationally optimal tax什么意思
林周县氯唑回答: 全国金融税收

掌蕊17255781432问: 闻名全国的熏鸡中文译英文 -
林周县氯唑回答: 闻名全国的熏鸡中文译英文:英语就是:Nationally famous smoked chicken.或是:Nationally well known smoked chicken.【很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!】

掌蕊17255781432问: 创建卫生城市用英文怎么说 -
林周县氯唑回答: 创建卫生城市 英文翻译:build a nationally advanced clean city 或:establish a healthier city [例句] We provide reference for decision making in order to clear the pollution and establish a healthier city and accomplish the sustainable development of economy.根据调查结果提出了治理对策,为东莞市整治污染、创建卫生城市和实施城市建设可持续发展战略提供决策依据.

掌蕊17255781432问: 创建卫生城市的英文怎么说 -
林周县氯唑回答: 创建卫生城市 [词典] build a nationally advanced clean city; [例句]健康教育在佛山市创建卫生城市中的作用 Role of health education in construction of health city in Foshan City, Guangdong Province

掌蕊17255781432问: 英语高手来翻译~~ -
林周县氯唑回答: 1938年,泰勒名扬全国.当时,受罗泊特·哈金斯的邀请,他将他对“八年研究”进行评估的成果从俄亥俄州州立大学带到了芝加哥大学.这里的结构应该是carry sth from someplace to someplace 那个wi...

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