
作者&投稿:逯审 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Not lazy, not relaxed, persistent, so there is a strong body; Study, focus more important, encounter not understand, look up the dictionary, the Internet read, did a lot of practice problem, trained my putational ability; I have reviewed the four classics and the books of shen shixi, ca...

when other students did not even realize I was wrong. Then she came to me and explained the mistake to me. And it turned out that I was picturing the diagram by mistake. Then she also explained her solution to me which

she got a very good record in major courses and earnd good scores major and general gpa 3.3. she particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as quantum chemistry and theory of electrochemistry.during the following two years, ms. zhang worked on a putational theory study...

处理自然语言的关键是要让计算机”理解”自然语言,所以自然语言处理又叫做自然语言理解(NLU,Natural Language Understanding),也称为计算语言学(putational Linguistics。一方面它是语言信息处理的一个分支,另一方面它是人工智能(AI, Artificial Intelligence)的核心课题之一。统计分析:假设检验、显著性检验、差异分析、相关...

lnvitational Crate,是什么意思
回答和翻译如下:lnvitational Crate.国际鹤。

Icanspeakalit'tleEng'lish.我可以说一点英语。 3、表语 表语是谓语的一部分,它位于系动词如be之后,说明主语身份,特征,属性或状态。 一般由名词,代词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词短语等充当。 Mysis'terisanurse.我姐姐是护士。 4、宾语 宾语表示动作行为的对象,跟在及物动词之后,能作宾语的有名词,代词,数词,动词...

英语学的好的帮我翻译一下 听力好的请进
Proformances and reliabalitise is important,but you don't really need all the lastest thick that features for the work you do,Or maybe you do, and you want a top of light notebooks with no compermises on technology proformances. You are still pretty noble .So long lasting...

9.What are the qualities you admire most in other people?在别人身上你最欣赏的品质是什么?Answer: it's best to be honest, brave and outgoing.答案:最好诚实、勇敢、开朗 10.Which is more important when it comes to marriage, ones appearance or character?当涉及到婚姻、外貌或性格时...

门钩15265453734问: 是Nationality -
兴化市盐酸回答:[答案] nationality [简明英汉词典] n.国籍,国家,部落,民族,民族性 Nationality:[ .næʃə'næliti ] n.国籍,民族 词形变化: 名词复数:nationalities 例句与用法: 1.There were diplomats of all nationalities in Geneva. 日内瓦有世界各国的外交官. 2.There are...

门钩15265453734问: nationality是什么意思
兴化市盐酸回答: nationality国籍; 民族性; 国家; 部落例句:We are both of the same nationality.我们俩是同一国籍的人.

门钩15265453734问: 中国的nationality怎么写 nationality什么意思 -
兴化市盐酸回答: nationality的中文:民族 nationality 读法 英 [ˌnæʃə'næləti] 美 [ˌnæʃə'næləti]n. 国籍;民族 例句1、She lives in France but has British nationality.她住在法国但属英国国籍.2、It was a year of unrest among the country's many ...

门钩15265453734问: nationality是什么意?nationality是什么意思
兴化市盐酸回答: nationality 英[ˌnæʃəˈnæləti] 美[ˌnæʃə'næləti] n. 国籍; 民族性; 国家; 部落; [例句]Asked his nationality, he said British 被问及国籍时,他说是英国. [其他] 复数:nationalities

门钩15265453734问: what nationality是什么意思 -
兴化市盐酸回答: 一般用在问人的国籍. 例:what nationality are you? 你是什么国籍?/你是哪国人? what is your nationality? 你的国籍是什么?

门钩15265453734问: 用英语造句"中华民族除汉族外还有50多个民族" -
兴化市盐酸回答:[答案] There are more than fifty nationalities in China besides the Han nationality .或:There are over fifty nationalities in China besides the Han nationality .

门钩15265453734问: international、national、nationality、native、nation的区别并列举例句,谢谢 -
兴化市盐酸回答: international adj. 国际的;两国(或以上)国家的;超越国界的;国际关系的He works in an international company. 2. nationaladj. 国家的;国有的;国民的;民族主义的This is a national park(国家公园 3. nationality、n. 国籍;国家;民族...

门钩15265453734问: nationalities什么意思 -
兴化市盐酸回答: nationalities 民族 双语对照 词典结果: nationalities[英][næʃə'nælɪtɪz][美][næʃə'nælɪtɪz] n.国籍( nationality的名词复数 ); 民族群体;例句: 1. There was no immediate information on their nationalities. 伤者的国籍暂不清楚

门钩15265453734问: 国籍的英文单词怎么读,怎么记? -
兴化市盐酸回答: nationality [,næʃə'nælətɪ] 汉语读音:乃生乃了提 其实汉语发音是不标准的你记忆的话 nation-ality 分成两部分 ality 是一个名词后缀 表示什么性质的 nation是国家的意思 联合起来就是nationality 国籍希望对你有帮助

门钩15265453734问: nationalith 什么意思
兴化市盐酸回答: nationality 国籍

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