
作者&投稿:彘曲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

现在分词:tidying 复数:tidies adj.1.整洁的,整齐的 2.〈口〉(数量)相当大的;可观的 3.爱整洁的;爱整齐的 n.1.盛零碎物品的容器 vt.& vi.1.使整洁;使整齐 ;使有条理;整理 形容词 adj.1.整洁的,整齐的 I was shown into a tidy living room.我被引到一间很整洁的起居室里。His ...

thisi *** yroom写作文
1. 英语小作文 This is my room,It's very nice!My room is not very big ,and it is full filled with things .Toward the door is my bed with a cupboard at the side .On the cupboard there is a TV and I can relax myself .I always put masses of books and newspapers ...

例句:His room is empty.他的房间是空的。5、earthy 读音:英['ɜːθi]、美['ɜːrθi]意思:adj. 泥土的;粗俗的;朴实的;世俗的 例句:The houses in the village are mostly earthy.村里的房子多数是用泥土打造的。

写篇短文< My room is a mess>
My room is a mess I never knew that until i went to one of my classmates' room the other day.Compared with her tidy room,mine is not even a place for a humanbeing to live in.Shirts and pants gather on my bed,while socks always hide under it.My kitty's hair sticks on...

My room is a mess 英语作文 100词左右
【My room is a mess】I never knew that until I went to one of my classmates' room the other day. Compared with her tidy room, mine is not even a place for a human being to live in.Shirts and pants gather on my bed, while socks always hide under it. My kitty's hair...

Tom is tidyiny his room now对吗?

Please tidy up your room and ___ everything awawy. A get B put...
选B。第一个get away是抽身,脱身,第二个put away是把。。。收好,放好。第三个take away是拿开,剥夺。第四个give away是泄露,失去 根据意思是让他把房间收拾好,让他把所有东西收起来

Please tidy up your room and ___ everything awawy. A get B put...
你好!答案是:B put Please tidy up your room and __put__everything away.把东西收拾好英文是:Put the things (或 everything)away.希望对你有所帮助,望采纳。

路孙13589987040问: my tidy room 作文 急 必须有好句,有东西在哪,my room my room is tidy 也行 -
定边县太可回答:[答案] My mother help me clean my room everyday,today i want to do it by myself .Firstly i fold the quilt up well.I clean up my table before i do else.And then i clean the windows.Finally i sprinkle water an...

路孙13589987040问: 我的卧室卧室写英语作文? -
定边县太可回答: My bedroom My bedroom is small but very clean and tidy. There is a bed in my bedroom. There is a desk near the bed. A chair is in front of the desk. Look !There is a cat and a football under the bed. There are some pictures on the wall. I often do my...

路孙13589987040问: 以my tidy house为题写一篇短文介绍自己的家庭,(不少于10句话) -
定边县太可回答: Hello! This is my beautiful house. This is living room, the TV is on the table, the stereo is next to the TV, the black sofa is in the middle of the living, three windows are behind the TV, my living room is clean. This is my bedroom, a big bed is in the ...

路孙13589987040问: 我的卧室英语作文八十到一百个词 -
定边县太可回答: Hi, my name is Victor. Look, this is my bedroomIt's small but nice. I have a big bed and it is very soft and comfortable. There is a lovelyTeddy bear on the bed and it is a gift from my mother. I have a small desk and I usually do my homework there. In ...

路孙13589987040问: 我的卧室"英语"小作文 -
定边县太可回答: My Bedroom Hi , My name is Victor . Look , I have a nice room . Come and have a look . It's small and nice . There is a big bed , a small desk , a shelf and a closet . The bed is near the desk . There is a shelf near the closet too . Many good books ...

路孙13589987040问: 英语作文我的卧室 -
定边县太可回答: Look , I have a nice room . Come and have a look . It's small and nice . There is a big bed , a small desk , a shelf and a closet . The bed is near the desk . There is a shelf near the closet too . Many good books are in the shelf . I like the books very ...

路孙13589987040问: 英文版我的房间作文〔一百个词左右〕 -
定边县太可回答: 1Because of I am very lazy ,so that my bedroom is very clean . this is my bedroom,beside the window is my table,it is a pink table,and I do my homework on it everyday,beside the table is my bookshelf,I have many books in it,and my bed is in the ...

路孙13589987040问: 我最喜欢的房间 英语作文 初中 -
定边县太可回答: 我有一间属于我自己的房间.I have a room of my own.那是一间有绿色的窗帘、有五彩缤纷的衣柜、里面是有许多我的衣服,还有一张白色的小床、一张电脑桌和写字桌,平时,我爱收拾一下我的房间,我的故事书和学习书都放在书架上....

路孙13589987040问: 求以我的卧室为题写一篇不少于60个词的的英语短文
定边县太可回答: 我有一间虽然不大但很舒适整洁的卧室.卧室里有一张小床,一个书桌,一把椅子和一个小书架.书架靠近窗户,上面放的是我最爱看的书和一些古典音乐光盘.西面的墙上挂着一把小提琴,那是我的最爱,闲暇时我总是拉小提琴自娱自乐. ...

路孙13589987040问: 以“我的房间”为题写一篇英语作文带翻译
定边县太可回答: My room is not big, but it's clean and tidy. There is a bed of course. Above the bed, there is a picture of Yaoming, my favorite basketball star. There is a basketball under the bed. Beside the bed there is a desk and a chair where I study and surf the ...

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