
作者&投稿:俎瑗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. where is my home作文不少于五句话 Where is my home.When I was young, I thought where my family were there was a home. But when I grew up, and my families left me for work or study one by one, my mind changed and I thought that where my parents were there we...

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慧育家是不是在2019“回响中国”腾讯新闻教育年度盛典上获奖了?_百 ...
是的哦。去年的教育年度盛典,以“智慧教育,展望未来”为主题,聚力教育界专家学者、行 业领导者、专业研究机构、教育媒体和跨界专家等,共同总结中国教育改革的重大成果,交流面向人工智能和数字化的教育创新实践经验,彰显具有代表意义的先进机构和个人,探讨智慧教育的未来发展前景。慧育家获得了“2019年度...

诺梁13040003918问: 我急需以“美好家园”为主题的画 -
乌鲁木齐县感冒回答: 色彩要丰富``一定要暖色调```既然以家园``就要是一家人在一起的画面

诺梁13040003918问: 根据下面的图片,以“myhometown”为题,写一篇作文.不少于50个单词 -
乌鲁木齐县感冒回答: My home is in a town. It lies in the east of Zhejiang near the East SeA.It has a population of fifty thousand. Our town is in the south of our county.The Ease Sea is to the east of the town. To the south is flat land. Mountains are on the west. And a river ...

诺梁13040003918问: 以中秋节为主题的水粉画怎么画 -
乌鲁木齐县感冒回答: 你好,这里为你提供一些作画的思路哦: 先说一下中秋节主题的画里面可以有的元素,可以考虑画月亮上的情景,上面有嫦娥、玉兔,还可能有他们的小伙伴,嫦娥和玉兔在月亮上面多寂寞啊,所以我会想画上一些萤火虫,蝴蝶在上面,让月光...

诺梁13040003918问: 以myhome为题的小短文 -
乌鲁木齐县感冒回答: This is my home. There is a small garden in the center of the yard. And there are many beautiful flowers in the garden. But there aren't any trees.At the back of the yard, there is a nice house. There are three bedrooms , a large living room and a study ...

诺梁13040003918问: 关于“我心中的绿色家园”为主题的画要画什么 急啊!!!! -
乌鲁木齐县感冒回答: 我也参加,你可以画一个橙子房屋,在画上一个石子小路.在周围画一些树和草.在天空画一个大太阳和一些云,【房子还可以改成蘑菇小屋】在画一些孩子在快乐的玩耍.这样就好了

诺梁13040003918问: 关于"爱我长沙"为主题的绘画作品,画什么最好呢? -
乌鲁木齐县感冒回答: "爱我长沙"为主题的绘画作品,画什么最好呢?题材很广的,比如:背景是长沙的比较标志性的街道,一个小朋友在捡垃圾桶外面的垃圾! 比如:长沙有名的风景区,有人在清理墙上或柱子上的“狗皮膏药”(小广告)! 比如:老师带同学们到革命历史胜地参观! 比如:表现一个年轻人正热心外来打工或者旅游的人指路! 希望能对你有所启发!

诺梁13040003918问: 谁会这道题:书面表达.请你 书面表达. 请你以“My Home”为题,写一篇小短文,简单描述你的家.包括家中摆设、物品等.(不少于40个单词) - __________... -
乌鲁木齐县感冒回答:[答案]My Home Welcome to my home.There are five rooms in my home.You can see a living room,a bathroom,a kitchen and two bedrooms.I watch TV in the living room.My father sets the table in the kitchen.My brother answers the phone in his bedroom. 答案...

诺梁13040003918问: 写一篇“My home town”为题的作文,60词左右(1)它是一座现代化的城市,有小山,有公园.(2)空气污染比其他城市少,是居住的好地方.(3)这里有... -
乌鲁木齐县感冒回答:[答案] My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. ...

诺梁13040003918问: 以“My home”为题
乌鲁木齐县感冒回答: My Home Most people has a sweet home,so have I.I think my home is sweet because it is my best place to have rest or have fun with my friends or my parents. In my home, I love my bedroom, it's big and bright. In it, you can see a bed and a table. ...

诺梁13040003918问: myhome为题写一写你家里的房间及家人都在作什么英语作文 -
乌鲁木齐县感冒回答: We all have our homes, some homes may be larger, probably smaller, and some at home, some of the possible ugly, probably prettier. My family is no exception Oh! Here, let me introduce yourself! My home, although small, very small, but my family is ...

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