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英语单词"college"的正确读法是\/ˈkɒlɪdʒ\/(KOL-ij)。一、关于"college"的发音 "College"这个单词的发音在不同地区可能有一些差异,但标准的英式英语和美式英语发音较为接近。它的发音在第一个音节上重读,读作\/ˈkɒl\/(KOL),像“call”的发音,接着后面...

...a increasingly popular course in collegey意思
这段英文内容好像有误。意思不同。是office staff还是stuff? collegey是college吗?

两个单词 开头字母分别是Y和C的
yellow,year,yeah cold, code, coke ,cake, cat ,

college 与university 的区别?
college 是指专门性的学院,university是综合性的大学 college指规模较小,学科较少的高等院校,尤指与于特定职业有关的高等教育机构,像师范学校,技术学校等。也可指university中划分出来的各个学院,像文学院,机械学院,计算机学院等。该词在口语中常泛指提供高等教育的大学,强调大学教育。university指规...

创业孵化器(Y Combinator);合闸线圈;青年学院(Youth College)例句.YC rubber yellow circle rubber 黄圈类橡胶

http:\/\/\/mycollege\/gaoxiao\/ 回答者:wc119 - 经理 四级 3-25 15:26 --- 东北大学 http:\/\/\/ 辽宁大学 http:\/\/\/ 沈阳大学 http:\/\/\/ 沈阳工业大学 http:\/\/ 沈阳农业大学 http:\/\/\/ 中国...

y y什么意思
4、Snow : Were you in a leading position when you were a college student?你在大学的时候担当过什么领导职位吗?5、701 We know that you are leading exporters of coal and you can provide the quantity we need.我们知道贵方是主要煤炭出口商,能满足我们的需求量。

1、麻省理工大学 麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),简称“麻省理工”(MIT),位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿都市区剑桥市,主校区依查尔斯河而建,是世界著名私立研究型大学。 麻省理工学院创立于1861年,世界排名第以一 2、斯坦福大学 斯坦福大学(Stanford University),全名小利兰·...


Y&Y是意大利著名设计师Thomas·Yeager的天才设计师品牌。Thomas1984年毕业于欧洲乃至世界都堪称一流的服装设计殿堂中央圣马丁斯艺术设计学院(Central Saint Matins College of Art & Design)。1985年Thomas凭借其新颖的设计创意,成功成为Domenico Dolce 的助理设计师,逐渐在欧洲时尚圈崭露头角。1990年是...

甘广18249729689问: 求一篇80字大学考试作文,题目《my college life》 -
兴山区运德回答: I love my college,although she is not well-known,because I always enjoy myself here.I can do whatever I want to.Going to the park,having sports,talking with friendly people,all these are joyfull.I am satisfied with my classmates and the kind-hearted ...

甘广18249729689问: 关于My college life英语文章 -
兴山区运德回答: My college life I am proud of being a college student. I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my youth. As being born in small village of the remote countrysid...

甘广18249729689问: 英语作文My college life稍微短点的有中文翻译的谢谢
兴山区运德回答: 9.年轻的时候会想要谈很多次恋爱,但是随着年龄的增长,终于领悟到爱一个人,就算用一辈子的时间,还是会嫌不够.慢慢地去了解这个人,体谅这个人,直到爱上为止,是需要有非常宽大的胸襟才行. 9. When you are young, you may want ...

甘广18249729689问: 英语作文我的大学生活 -
兴山区运德回答: My College LifeMy college life is very interesting though some students think it is dull.I have got a good habit every day.Getting up early in the morning, I go to the playground to do some sports. Running is my favourite. Then I get back to do some ...

甘广18249729689问: 求一篇My study life的英语作文80词左右的 初三水平! -
兴山区运德回答: I've got myself some typical tips for my study.I don't usually study in the same place or sit in a position that you use for another purpose.Because it could make my concentration seperated.And I'd never try to listen to music or watch TV while I am ...

甘广18249729689问: 求十句英语的我的大学生活 -
兴山区运德回答: my college life is wonderful. I make friends with dofferent kinds of people, and I took part in social activities. The classes in college is different from high school, and I like the library for we can find as much information in it. Also, the college life practices me a lot, and it make me more and more independent.

甘广18249729689问: 有关大学生活的英语作文欣赏
兴山区运德回答: 我的大学生活 My Life in UniversityWith time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life. However, there was ...

甘广18249729689问: 描述你在校的学习和生活(英语)十句话左右 -
兴山区运德回答: I enjoy my school life. Everyday we would be learning many fascinating things from our wonderful teachers. I enjoy math and English the most. I especially love reading english novels and I am therefore one of the best English students in my class. ...

甘广18249729689问: 英语作文My school day(我的校园生活) -
兴山区运德回答: 我这有两篇,一篇长点一篇短的,看你需要哈 --------------- 长的: My school days My School Days Looking over my own school days, there are so many things that I would rather not tell, that it will take very little time and space for me to use in telling ...

甘广18249729689问: 英语作文.我的大学生活,在线等1个小时 -
兴山区运德回答: When I was in high school , I had dreamt of having a wonderful life in college . I said to myself that I would do lots of interesting things to make the next few years filled with happiness. I even make a detailed plan . but when I entered college I found it ...

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