
作者&投稿:主父军 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

c后是i\/e\/y时发\/S\/,如:city;其它情况下(除字母组合外)发 \/k\/,如: country.

this is my school id (c(单词))
this is my school id card 这是我的学生证

Hardcore是一个形容词,并非一种音乐,因此有Hardcore Punk(例如Sonic Youth)、Hardcore Heavy Metal(例如Dio)、Hardcore Rap乐手像是Schooly D、Just-Ice、The D.O.C.、Too $hort、Chilli Rob G、Ghetto Boys等。Hardcore的认定标准往往会因人而异。 ※The New School:如果整个Rap乐史以三代(Generation)来划分,...

n.蛋糕 coat n.外套 music n.音乐,乐曲 picture n.照片 C在e前或i\/y前 ,例如:face n.脸 decide vt.决定 cinema n.电影 cycle n.循环 C在弱读字母ia ie io iu前 ,例如:official n.公务员 delicious adj.美味的 Ch发 ,例如:much adv.非常 chick n.小鸡 rich adj.富有的 teacher n....

Tomorrow is School C___ Day.Please get the classroom clean and...
1. Tomorrow is School Cleaning Day. Please get the classroom clean and tidy.翻译:明天是学校扫除日,请把教室打扫干净,整洁。解析:School Cleaning Day 学校扫除日,学校清洁日 2. The English teacher was very angry because half the students didn't pass the exam.翻译:英语老师很生气...

ESL C 老师不建议读summer school
去读Summer School或者Self Pace Course 你自己决定了、人家老师只是给你建议,至于你愿不愿意听就是你自己的事了

school中的c读k还是g为什么平时听到的是g  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 职场上受委屈要不要为自己解释?shihua513 2017-03-26 · TA获得超过234个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:335 采纳率:57% 帮助的人:28.8万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是?

之前一直延续』left school 指不再读书,实际是说之后的状态。【3】〖一个小技巧〗:选择题中,在备选项中两次以上出现的表达是对的,只出现一次的为错:BCD都是left school,只有A是left the school ,,故left school对。AD都是left,B是has left ,C是had left ,故left对,...

)w,l,a,m,k,n,a___( ) walkman 随身听 n,n,e,e,i,v,g___( ) evening 傍晚 o,t,r,e,r,h,b___( ) brother 兄弟 y,e,e,s,___( ) eyes 眼睛(复数)c,w,h,h,i___( ) which 哪个 i,r,k,t,s___( )skirt 裙子 ...

这个发音叫做不送气音。辅音字母s之后的p、t、k、c都是不送气的。sp spider 蜘蛛 spaceship 宇宙飞船 spinach 菠菜 spoon 药匙 spell 拼写 st stockings 长统袜 store 商店 star 恒星 stamp 邮票 storm 暴风雨 stick 粘贴,棍子 student 学生 stand 站立 sc scarf 围巾 scooter 小型摩托车 scanner ...

彩莲19819364726问: my school calendar中文是什么意思 -
平桥区布洛回答: 我的学校日历

彩莲19819364726问: my school calendar作文不少于十句话(五年级) -
平桥区布洛回答:my school calendar The school life is very busy but exciting.There are many activities in or school,we all take an active part in it.I have made many new friends and we ofter help and learn from each other in study.Our teachers have taught us a lot....

彩莲19819364726问: 我的学校日历英语怎么说
平桥区布洛回答: My school calendar 希望你能采纳🌸

彩莲19819364726问: Myschool calendar英语作文 -
平桥区布洛回答: 聊着聊着我们终于把我们心中的疑问说了出来--那位老奶奶是你的家人吗?他怎么把您安置到这儿呢? 他说:“不是,她可是个好心人哪!我原来不认识她,他听了我的遭..

彩莲19819364726问: 关于my school calendar的五句话英语作文 -
平桥区布洛回答: 您好:The school life is very busy but exciting.There are many activities in or school,we all take an active part in it.I have made many new friends and we ofter help and learn from each other in study.Our teachers have taught us a lot.They tell us what ...

彩莲19819364726问: myschoolcalendai是什么意思? -
平桥区布洛回答: my school calendar 我的校历 school calendar [英][sku:l ˈkælində][美][skul ˈkæləndɚ] 校历; 例句:1.This does not really explain the school calendar in the uk, where people move aroundless. 这并没有真正解释英国学校的教学日程英国家庭搬家不那么频繁.

彩莲19819364726问: 以My calendar为题写60字的英语作文 -
平桥区布洛回答:[答案] My calendar(我的日程)I get up at seven o'clock,and then I go to school.The class begain at eight o'clock.After school I usually read books,but sometimes play with my friend.Before dinner,I usually do ...

彩莲19819364726问: 我家离学校很近用英语怎么说? -
平桥区布洛回答: 我家离学校很近. 释义和例句: 1.My home is very close to school. 2.My house is very near the school. 3.My home is next to the shool. 例句 1 、马克斯,我觉得你离我很近. Max, I feel like you're so close. 2、 非常美国你家离海滩很近吗? Very ...

彩莲19819364726问: 如何上小学五年级英语第三单元my school calendar -
平桥区布洛回答: 虽然我很聪明,但这么说真的难到我了

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