
作者&投稿:都河 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

学校 英:[sku:l]美:[skul]n.学校; 学院; 上学; 群; vt.训练,锻炼; 教育,教导; 约束; 给…上学; 例句:They visited some factories, hospitals as well as the school.他们参观了这所学校,还参观了工厂和医院。复数:schools ...

英国留学 英国学制及行前准备

1、中文名:伊法魔尼魔法学校外文名:Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry建立时间:17世纪现任校长:艾吉尔伯特·冯塔纳地点:格雷洛克山,美国伊法魔尼魔法学校(Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry),是一所位于美国马萨诸塞州的魔法学校,创立于17世纪,位于格雷洛克山顶。2、学...

大多数名词直接在词尾加s:school—schools,apple—apples,book—books,desk—desks 2.以s、x、sh、ch等结尾的名词,在词尾加es:bus—buses,box—boxes,watch—watches,dish—dishes 3.以 “辅音字母+y”的名词,把y变i再加es:fly—flies,family—families,baby—babies 4.以f\/fe结尾的名词,把f\/...

在这种情况下, school 前面是不需要加 the 的。例如:He goes to school by bus every day. (他每天坐公共汽车去上学)You send a boy to school. (你送孩子去上学)They come home from school at three. (他们三点钟放学回家)What do you do before school? (上学之前你打算做什么?

伊法魔尼女巫学校坐落于格雷洛克山巅。伊法魔尼魔法学校(Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry),是一所在《神奇动物在哪里》中虚构的魔法学校,位于美国马萨诸塞州,创立于17世纪,位于格雷洛克山顶。学校被施以多种强大的魔法,使不会魔法的人看不见它的存在,有时在云雾的环绕中才会现形...

school,nice clock,哪个和其他两个发音不同?
School学校nice好的clock钟表。这三个单词当中的辅音字母c发音不同的是nice. 因为这个单词里面c 在元音字母e 的前面。一般情况下,字母c在元音字母 e,i, y前面读的是\/s\/ 其他情况下,一般读\/k\/

英文作文:My school life
i really\\y enjoy my school life. My schoolife is wonderful.\/question\/?qid=7007110602263 My school life I like my school.My teachers are fantastic!They are kind and caring.They always teach us many new things that we didn't know before. I was young when I ...

10、明显的,这是一句陈述句,我们应该按照主谓宾的顺讯来翻译我是一名二年级的小学生I am a grade two primary school student。11、primary school小学教育,secondary education中学教育,tertiary education大学教育Junior high school初中又称intermediate school和senior high school高中相当于中国的高中,...

Trinity SchoolY (纽约州,纽约市)Polytechnic School(加利福尼亚州,帕萨迪纳市)The Hotchkiss School (康涅狄格州,莱克维尔市)Sidwell Friends School (华盛顿哥伦比亚特区)Choate Rosemary Hall (康涅狄格州,瓦林福德市)Winsor School (马萨诸塞州,波士顿市)Castilleja School (加利福尼亚州,帕洛阿尔托...

东郭尹19666094445问: My school calendar 是什么意思 -
沾益县醋酸回答: 我的学校日历

东郭尹19666094445问: 关于my school calendar的五句话英语作文 -
沾益县醋酸回答: 您好:The school life is very busy but exciting.There are many activities in or school,we all take an active part in it.I have made many new friends and we ofter help and learn from each other in study.Our teachers have taught us a lot.They tell us what ...

东郭尹19666094445问: my school calendar作文不少于十句话(五年级) -
沾益县醋酸回答:my school calendar The school life is very busy but exciting.There are many activities in or school,we all take an active part in it.I have made many new friends and we ofter help and learn from each other in study.Our teachers have taught us a lot....

东郭尹19666094445问: Myschool calendar英语作文 -
沾益县醋酸回答: 聊着聊着我们终于把我们心中的疑问说了出来--那位老奶奶是你的家人吗?他怎么把您安置到这儿呢? 他说:“不是,她可是个好心人哪!我原来不认识她,他听了我的遭..

东郭尹19666094445问: myschoolcalendai是什么意思? -
沾益县醋酸回答: my school calendar 我的校历 school calendar [英][sku:l ˈkælində][美][skul ˈkæləndɚ] 校历; 例句:1.This does not really explain the school calendar in the uk, where people move aroundless. 这并没有真正解释英国学校的教学日程英国家庭搬家不那么频繁.

东郭尹19666094445问: 如何上小学五年级英语第三单元my school calendar -
沾益县醋酸回答: my school calendar我的学校日历calendar英 [ˈkælɪndə(r)] 美 [ˈkæləndɚ] n.日历; 历法; 日程表; (一年之中的)重大事件(或重要日期)一览表vt.把…记入日程表中; 把…列入表中; 为(文件等)作分类索引; 将…排入日程表网络月历; 历; 日历 日历

东郭尹19666094445问: 用五句英语写一篇《my schoo| calendar》小作文. -
沾益县醋酸回答: The school life is very busy but exciting.There are many activities in or school,we all take an active part in it.I have made many new friends and we ofter help and learn from each other in study.Our teachers have taught us a lot.They tell us what is worth doing,what is worth doing well and many other things.

东郭尹19666094445问: 我的学校日历英语怎么说
沾益县醋酸回答: My school calendar 希望你能采纳🌸

东郭尹19666094445问: 以My calendar为题写60字的英语作文 -
沾益县醋酸回答:[答案] My calendar(我的日程)I get up at seven o'clock,and then I go to school.The class begain at eight o'clock.After school I usually read books,but sometimes play with my friend.Before dinner,I usually do ...

东郭尹19666094445问: 我的学校总共有4座建筑物+其中两座是教学楼+另两座为食堂和宿舍.+用英语怎么说+? -
沾益县醋酸回答: 我的学校总共有4座建筑物+其中两座是教学楼+另两座为食堂和宿舍.My school has a total of 4 buildings + two of which are teaching building + another two seat forthe canteen and dormitory.望采纳,谢谢

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