
作者&投稿:壹奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、中文名:伊法魔尼魔法学校外文名:Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry建立时间:17世纪现任校长:艾吉尔伯特·冯塔纳地点:格雷洛克山,美国伊法魔尼魔法学校(Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry),是一所位于美国马萨诸塞州的魔法学校,创立于17世纪,位于格雷洛克山顶。2、学...

小学生的英文翻译Pupil,英式读音为[ˈpju:pl],美式读音为[ˈpjupəl] 。[ju:]是一个复合元音,由辅音y, y, uh-y 连接oo构成,发woo时口型紧缩。

英国留学 英国学制及行前准备

class课堂 classroom 教室crayon蜡笔 chalk粉笔 chemistry化学 study学习 书房 school学校 scholar奖学金 student学生 y没有

school 学校 triangle 三角板 textbook 课本 teacher 教师 uniform 制服 volleyball 排球 volunteer 志愿者 writing bursh 毛笔 window窗户 x-ax is x 轴 yard 院(school yard school year ) youth青春 zero 零 zinc锌 费了好大的劲,希望能采纳。个别字母单词太少。

W和S was swear sweat sweet swim sweep whose west snow show swap wasp sword swam swift somewhat somehow S,W,Y whisky snowy sweetly swiftly swampy wayside sway SH shot school shout shut shift shit shinny shore show shop share sharp sheep she shy ...

she’s my schoolbag 全部释义和例句>> 她是我的书包 schoolbag英['sku:lbæg]美[ˈskulˌbæɡ]n.书包;[例句]My schoolbag has helped me a lot in my study.我的书包已经帮了我很多在我的书房里。[其他]复数:schoolbags ...

美国的魔法学校现在不需要去报名了,中国人可以去的。伊法魔尼魔法学校(Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry),是一所位于美国马萨诸塞州的魔法学校,创立于17世纪,位于格雷洛克山顶。学校历史 伊法魔尼魔法学校成立于17世纪的1620年至1634年间。在一开始,这所学校只有一间简陋的石屋、两...

schooloay 是什么意思

是的,也可以用完成时 I have studied at Ping Jiang Primaly School for four years.还可以说 I used to study at Ping Jiang Primaly School .

佴闵13561473127问: 英语手抄报“my schoolbag”简单点 -
耿马傣族佤族自治县酒石回答: My schoolbag!度 Hello!My Engilsh name is Forest .I have a new schoolbag. My schoolbag is vrey heavy,many books in my schoolbag.An English book,a Chines book and a math book...... My schoolbag have pleasant goat'picture.It's vrey nice.I like it's,vrey mach. I love it vrey mach!

佴闵13561473127问: 求助my school英语手抄报 -
耿马傣族佤族自治县酒石回答: My School 我的学校e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333365643032 This is our school.At the school gate, you can see the main road in front of you.Coming into the gate, you can see the tall teaching building in the middle of the school.On the two ...

佴闵13561473127问: 以unit1myschool为主题做一张手抄报 -
耿马傣族佤族自治县酒石回答: 你好,很高兴为你解答my school 我的学校 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳.

佴闵13561473127问: 以"welcome to our school!"为主题的手抄报 -
耿马傣族佤族自治县酒石回答: i am so glad to hear that you will wisit my i 'd like to tellyou something about my school 然后介绍你的学校

佴闵13561473127问: 英语手抄报 我的校园生活(初一) 急!!! -
耿马傣族佤族自治县酒石回答: my school lifehello everybody,i'm a grade 7 student,i'm studying at xxx school.every morning we have 4 classes,and have 3 in the favorite subject is maths,because i like learning to how to solve different kinds of problems.after school,i ...

佴闵13561473127问: my new school英语手抄报8开纸大小,请各位务必在今天上午之前给我答案. -
耿马傣族佤族自治县酒石回答:[答案] I am one a member of the high school now, I love this school very much.The school contains beautiful teaching buildings, big playground, the book building and science building.There are plenty of gre...

佴闵13561473127问: 我心中的学校英语手抄报怎么画 -
耿马傣族佤族自治县酒石回答: 1.先在手抄报的最上方用立体字写出题目 2.在网上搜索有关英文的知识,笑话,脑筋急转弯,谜题等(谜题最好是有答案的) 3.在画纸的四周画几个好看的图形(中间不要上颜色) 4.把查好的内容写在图形的里面 5.最后在空白处画几个小图案就行了

佴闵13561473127问: 英语手抄报:我的学校我的家带翻译 -
耿马傣族佤族自治县酒石回答: My School, My Home.I consider my school is just like a big family which I would call it home. Because there are so many classmates who are just as my sisters and brothers. They are all ready to offer me a helping hand whenever I am in difficulty. So I ...

佴闵13561473127问: 英语小报 my ideal school -
耿马傣族佤族自治县酒石回答: My ideal school I want to have enough time to sleep,so my ideal school starts at9:30am and finishes at 3:00pm. There isn't too much homework to do every day,so I can spend much time on my hobbies.I love English so I want to have English lessons ...

佴闵13561473127问: 关于School rules 的英语手抄报 -
耿马傣族佤族自治县酒石回答: My school rulesMy school has so many rules. First the students should be allowed to wear uniform. Sensed boys should not be allowed to have long hair and Long fingernails. Third the students should not be allowed to smoking. Fifth the students ...

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