
作者&投稿:郗柴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

小Y\/田鸡\/蛤蟆:ShadowHunter:暗影猎手 tc\/牛头:TaurenChieftain:牛头人酋长 NAGA\/蛇妖:Sea Witch:娜伽...Nuke: 做动词用, 指连续使用直接伤害的技能迅速杀死一个单位 (通常是英雄, 称为hero nuke). 例如

伊达政宗因为父亲辉宗的死而发起的人取桥合战是日本战国时期著名的以少胜多战役,这场战役里伊达政宗...BASARA里的风魔则更像是一个不愿意让别人知道自己是谁的HERO~ 话说他那绣花针武器看着蛮漂亮的,那么

赞美词中借助老爸瞬秒一群恶魔,恩,这句话需要好好解释一下,CG中Nicolai使用的是“狮鹫之心”(Heart of the Griffin),其中所封印的是他父亲的灵魂,所以...@GiveArtefact("x", y)给英雄x加上物品y,y可以是物品名或者物品代码,@TeachHeroSpell("Isabell",SPELL_PHANTOM)使Isabell学会法术PHANTOM, 也可以用法术...

更多见:http:\/\/\/zt\/hero5\/ 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 wwwyyyzzzfff 2010-07-08 · TA获得超过173个赞...(Ylaya's Quest) Turmoil in Ygg-Chall 部落的愤怒——兽人教学关,只有一关(Rage of the Tribes) 亚莎的意志——墓园(The Will of Asha) 光复父亲...

中文片名:中华英雄 外文片名:A Man Called Hero 开拍日期:1999年 片长:105分钟 导演:刘伟强 编剧:文隽 出品人:朱家欣 制作总监:朱家欣 联合出品:嘉禾电影有限公司 最佳拍档有限公司 协助拍摄:上海电影制片厂 中国电影合作制片公司 演员:郑伊健 谢霆锋 舒淇 杨恭如 ...

侯善18786575492问: 如何用英语写我的偶像(爸爸是我的偶像)英语小作文,小学四年级水平(My hero is my father)很急的! -
古浪县尤尼回答:[答案] 怎么不写要求的字数呢.My hero is my father.My father is xx(你爸爸几岁) years old.He is taller than me ,and he can paly baskteball very well.He is strong.I like paly with him.He is like a hero.He is ver...

侯善18786575492问: 英语 my hero 作文 -
古浪县尤尼回答: My father is my hero. For years he works hard to support the whole family. My father never complain about anything, even when our lives is very poor. He always teaches me to be honest. 字数有限望参考

侯善18786575492问: my hero英语作文,五到十句话 -
古浪县尤尼回答:[答案] Mother,my hero ! My mother,who is really my mother,always takes more responsiblity for my family and her work. She never complain anything about people and things. She always try her best to deal with things she met. She knows a lot of things and ...

侯善18786575492问: 如何用英语写我的偶像(爸爸是我的偶像)英语小作文,小学四年级水平 -
古浪县尤尼回答: 怎么不写要求的字数呢.My hero is my father.My father is xx(你爸爸几岁) years old.He is taller than me ,and he can paly baskteball very well. He is strong.I like paly with him.He is like a hero.He is very tired when he come home.Because he is ...

侯善18786575492问: My hero 的英语作文100词 英汉译文 -
古浪县尤尼回答: I think my hero is Bill Gates .I admire him because of his intelligence.when he was a college student,he had a talent for computer programming.And that is what changes the world.also,he donates money to the poor ,which means that he is very kind ...

侯善18786575492问: 初二英语作文 我心目中的英雄 -- 爸爸 60字 -
古浪县尤尼回答: The Hero in my heart--- My FatherI have heard a lot of sagas since I was young, I had been impressed by the valiant hero depicted in the stories, however, among all of them, no one can emulate the heroic characteristic of my father in my heart.My ...

侯善18786575492问: 英语作文myheroes六句带翻释,我没有英雄,所以我不会写 -
古浪县尤尼回答: There are two heroes in my family. They are my parents. They keep me healthy. They provide me with a happy and warm family. They are the only who love me forever. They help me foever asking for no reward. 我家有两个英雄.他们是我的父母.他们让我健康成长.他们给我一个快乐而且温暖的家.他们是唯一会永远爱我的人.他们会永远无私地帮助我.

侯善18786575492问: 简单的my hero英语作文 快!!!时间不够了!请五分钟内回答!要晚啦! -
古浪县尤尼回答: In my heart,my hero is LeiFeng.LeiFeng is a person who are very famous in chinese history.In the past,many people knew him as a moral model.Because LeiFeng has a good heart in helping people,especially in old people and children.He likes ...

侯善18786575492问: 用英语写以my hero为题的作文,100个单词.谢啦,必采纳! -
古浪县尤尼回答: To me, a hero is definitey someone who selflessly helps those who are in need. And so today, I would like to introduce to you someone I hold as the greatest and most superb hero in my heart - my uncle.Many people have uncles, but I think mine is ...

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