
作者&投稿:竺贪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

急需一篇英语作文,初二基础,名字是:The best friend I know 50字_百度...
Friend, what does that mean? This is the question I have been thinking a child, I just muddle that is just a friend, and I play together, laugh together, with crazy people, to grow up, I truly understand the significance of friends. Friend is a friend, confidant, mutual ...

求SPYAIR的my friend罗马音
mata sugu ni yurushi au 也能够、马上就原谅对方 どんな辛い时も donna tsurai toki mo 不论是在多么痛苦的时候 君が笑うから 笑えた kimi ga warau kara waraeta 我只是因为你正在笑 所以也能够笑出来 远回りした分だけ too mawari shita bun made 只是绕了远路的那一小份 分かりあえ...

spyair的my friend 罗马音歌词。。求大大帮忙分开T^T Ashita mata...
A shi ta ma ta.’ So re zo re no mi chi o a ru i te mo ha na re na i my friend.A ri no ma ma i ki te yu ku tsu yo sa to u shi na tcha【这啥?!】 i ke na i mo no ga ko ko ni a ru.Hon tō【卧槽这又是啥?!】 ga ki no ko ro ka ra i tsu...

e-friend的复数e-friends。e-friend,网友。[例句]Tell your partner about a natural disaster you heard about from your e-friend.告诉你的同伴你从网友那里听来的一个自然灾难的事。名词的复数:1. 一般情况加s。2. 以s,x, sh, ch结尾加es,读\/iz\/。3. 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加...

请列举名词的复数形式是变y 为i 加e s
例:friend→friends; cat→cats; style→styles; sport→sports; piece→pieces 二、凡是以s、z、x、ch、sh结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数。读音变化:统一加读[iz]。例:bus→buses; quiz→quizzes; fox→foxes; match→matches; flash→flashes 三、以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改变...

friend (朋友) →friendly (友好的)love (爱) →lovely (可爱的)month (月份) →monthly (每月的)live (生活,居住) →lively (充满生气的)day (天) →daily (每日的)五、 在有些国名后加上-ese构成形容词,表示“……国的”.如:China (中国) →Chinese (中国的)Japan ... about your friend.2.Introduce your you...
1.谈论你的朋友。如:长相,身高,他(她)的喜好,他(她)对人怎么样?。。2.介绍你的朋友:叫什么?;来自哪里、?他(她)的喜好。。。3.你将来想做什么工作? 比如说教师,(可以说比较喜欢小孩子 ,回悉心教导之类的。)医生(喜欢这个职业的性质,治病救人。)具体该怎么写还是要自己写 ...

friendy的反义词 谢谢
hostile, unfriendly

2) 以辅音加-le结尾的词,去掉e,加-y 例:terrible→ terribly simple→ simply 但:polite→ politely (直接加ly)3)以-ic结尾的词,加-ally 例:heroic→ heroically 但:public→ publicly(直接加ly)4) 以辅音加y结尾的形容词,变y为i,再加-ly 例:happy→ happily easy→ easily ...

My View On Making Friends Everyone has his friends.Our abilities are limited and sometimes we can't do our work by ourselves,then we need a help offered by a friend.Meanwhile we'll be lonly and bored if we don't have a friend.A friend can bring us happiness and make our ...

秦伏19844551308问: 找15篇英语的完型填空 -
兴义市地屈回答: My friend Pedro works in the post office. He is a good sportsman; and he belongs to the Ajax Sports Club. Three months 41 , Pedro 42 a money-box. He got a flat box, and he 43 it white.He cut a slit 44 the top of the box.(The slit wasfor the money, of ...

秦伏19844551308问: 这就是我的朋友 用英语怎么说? -
兴义市地屈回答: “这就是我的朋友”英文:This is my friend. 词汇解析: 一、this 英 [ðɪs] 美 [ðɪs]1、pron. 这;这个;这里 2、adj. 这;本;这个;今 3、adv. 这样地;这么 二、is 英 [ɪz] 美 [ɪz] vt.是 三、my 英 [maɪ] 美 [maɪ] adj.我的 四、friend 英 [...

秦伏19844551308问: 我和我的朋友 英文怎么说 -
兴义市地屈回答: My friends and I 英文发音:[maɪ frɛndz ənd aɪ] 中文释义:我的朋友和我;我和朋友们;我和我的朋友;我和朋友 例句: My friends and I eat a lot of grass every day. 我和我的朋友每天吃许多草. 词汇解析: friends 英文发音: [frɛndz] 中...

秦伏19844551308问: 关于:我的朋友.英语作文60字左右,不要抄的,6年级水平. -
兴义市地屈回答: My friend My friend is XXX.He is XX years old.He is a good boy.He has(因为he是第三人称单数,所以have改为has) good grades(成绩) .He likes reading books and playing baskerball(篮球),so he usually plays basketball with me.His ...

秦伏19844551308问: 英语作文假如你是彼得(pedro).你的朋友乔(joe)邀请你周六和他一起去郊游,但因为你在周六有固定活动,所以不能去.根据下表内容给他回一封电子邮... -
兴义市地屈回答:[答案] Dear Joe:I would love to go for a picnic with you this weekend,but I am afraid I can't keep you company.Because I have a full schedule this saturday.On saturday morning,I have to practice the piano ...

秦伏19844551308问: 找个英语高手,根据题目,写段对话,谢谢!
兴义市地屈回答: Situation 1:(A:You B:roommate) A:Hi. Is Pedro there, please? B:Sorry,Pedro is not in.This is his roommate speaking.What's the matter? A:I am calling to invite him to a party on Saturday night.Could you please carry the message for him? B:OK.But I'...

秦伏19844551308问: MY++friend++to+buy++me+a+personso+I+am+very+++++++++++填啥
兴义市地屈回答: 这个句子不通啊.甚么叫“我的朋友要给我买1个人,所以我很……”这样的句子怎样填啊?另外,前半句是错的.正确的表达方式应当是:Myfriedisgoingtobuymeaperson.

秦伏19844551308问: 用英文写一段对话你打电话给朋友,佩德罗,邀请他和你一起去,周六晚上其他一些朋友来参加晚会.他的室友接听电话,并告诉你,佩德罗将要到星期六下午... -
兴义市地屈回答:[答案] A FOR ME, B FOR PEDRO'S ROOMMATE MIKE A:hello, is Pedro there? B:hello, this is Pedro's roommate Mike, he's not here at this moment, is there anything I can do for you? A:OK, thank you Mike. this is xx(你自己名字)so do you know when ...

秦伏19844551308问: I++shall++call+my+friend++kitty++分析句子成分 -
兴义市地屈回答: I shall call my friend Kitty.我应该叫我的朋友凯蒂.————————————————句子成分分析:I 主语shall call 谓语(情态动词和实义动词连用)my friend 宾语Kitty 宾语补足语

秦伏19844551308问: 英语小作文带翻译写我的朋友她来自哪有什么爱好 ......70个字 -
兴义市地屈回答: Today I want to introduce my best friend to you. Her name is ..., She comes from....She has many hobbies, such as singing songs,dancing, painting pictures....... In daily life,she always play with me and share happiness and sorrows with me .I want to...

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