
作者&投稿:政命 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3. thisi *** yfather写一篇作文60词 My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesn't know at all. He has供敞垛缎艹等讹劝番滑 really done a lot for others. I don't like ...

i often play chess with my father.用yesterday改写句子?
I often play chess with my father.我经常和我爸爸下棋。用yesterday改写句子:I played chess with my father yesterday.昨天我和我爸爸下棋。

I have a wonderful family, My family is my parents, my sister and I. My birthday is on 16th February,My mother's birthday is on 27th April. My father's birthday is on 9th June. and my sister's birthday is on 7th July. My life is very happiness,and I love my family....

有谁知道family的含义是什么? father and mather I love you

1、a,e,i,o,u,y这些元音(包括半元音y[j])之间的互换,一对一,一对二、一对三的互换。2、辅音的互通,如b,p,m,f,v之间互换(都是双唇音),papa与father(中文的baba)都是同源,p,b,f互换。parent与father, p一f,th一t,r一r, (有些词会打乱辅音的顺序),这里的...

p,y,a,h,p组成单词 r,f,t,h,a,e组成单词
happy 快乐的,高兴的 father 父亲

b thumb 大拇指 lamb 小羊,小羊肉 comb 梳子 bomb 炸弹 crumb 面包屑 numb 麻木 d desk 书桌 doctor 医生 deer 鹿 duck 鸭子,母鸭 doll 洋娃娃 door 门 dog 狗,公狗 dancer 舞蹈者,舞蹈家 f food 食物 family 家庭 four 四 foot 英尺 five 五 fence 篱笆 fork 叉子 father 父亲 h hat...

my father will get home at seven o’clock否定句?
My father will get home at seven O'clock.我父亲将在7点钟到家。否定句:My father won't get home at seven O'clock.我父亲七点钟将不能到家。

Her mother is thinner than her father. Jack is taller than Tom. 2. as…as A+动词+as+形容词原级+as+B.表示A和B两者比较,程度相同,“…和…相同”。 My uncle is as tall as your father. Tom is as honest as John. My dog is as old as that one. A…+not+as+形容词原级+as+B 表示...

初一作文my fumuy30字左右写
My family\\r\\n There are three people in my family.They are my father,mother and I.We all feel happy at home.We love each other.\\r\\nMy father is a teacher.He is tall and thin.He looks younger than he is.I think he is very handsome.He is strict with me,but he ...

安咐15558489449问: my father can - --(make) kites用正确形式填空 -
濮阳县复方回答: may/might、can/could、shall/should、will/would、must 等情态动词后一律用动词原形,所以应该用 make,意思是“我父亲会做风筝”.

安咐15558489449问: My father don”t have have a car 能否等于?=My father not has a car -
濮阳县复方回答: 不能 have做有的意思讲时,在疑问句或否定句中,在美式英语中,无论何种情况,都要借助于助动词do或does. 你的这个句子 只能是My father does not(does't) have a car. 第一句中father是第三人称单数代词作主语,谓语用复数,要用does't不能用don't.

安咐15558489449问: 翻译成英语 (我父亲起动不了那辆车) -
濮阳县复方回答: my father can't start that car

安咐15558489449问: My++father++cant++play++cards++good错在哪里 -
濮阳县复方回答: good 错了, 应该用 [副词] wellMy father can't play cards well.我父亲打扑克打的不好.

安咐15558489449问: My fathere can swim. 的否定句、一般疑问句、肯定回答和否定回答 -
濮阳县复方回答: My father can't swim. Does your father can swim. Yes,he can. No,he can't.

安咐15558489449问: can you take a coat to my father can you take a coat for my father 两句有何不同可以吗 -
濮阳县复方回答: can you take a coat to my father 第一句话意为您能拿件大衣给我父亲吗?can you take a coat for my father 第二句话意为您能为我父亲拿件大衣吗?两句只是所用介词不同,但是所表达的意义就完全不一样了.第一句话是把大衣给我父亲,但是不一定父亲会穿,也可能是别人用.第二句话则把用大衣的人直接定义为我父亲.

安咐15558489449问: My father can drive the car.改为否定句 -
濮阳县复方回答: My father can't drive the car.或: My father cannot drive the car.can 的否定形式是: can't, cannot祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

安咐15558489449问: "My father wanted to konw can the boy play computer game ."合并为含有宾语从句的复合句!!
濮阳县复方回答: My father wanted to know if the boy can play computer game

安咐15558489449问: 用father、can、my、use、comruter、the连词成句 -
濮阳县复方回答: comruter应该改为“computer".My father can use the computer.翻译:我的父亲能够使用这台电脑. 解释:因为"the computer"在这里表示特指,因此“the computer"要翻译为”这台电脑".

安咐15558489449问: 求解答My father can not speak English so he can not make h - ----- - understood by the English man -
濮阳县复方回答: 你好,这道题的正确答案是:himself 他自己 make oneself understood 使某人被理解 固定搭配 我父亲不会说 英 语,因为他不能使自己被英国人所理解.*************************************************** ^__^祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问,如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************

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