
作者&投稿:蒸磊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

口语中一般不用father,一般就是用Dad或者papa 求采纳 父母亲的英文怎么写中文 家人的英文是:parents。单独父亲是:father ,或者暱称,也就是家里人之间叫dad。单独母亲是:mother,暱称是mom。纯手打,望给分 父亲的英语怎么写 father [英伐[ˈfɑ:ðə][美][ˈfɑð...

所谓父爱如山,父亲对我们的爱是伟大的。不管什么时候,父亲都是我们身后最坚实的后盾,一直鼓舞支持着我们前进。那么你想知道父亲用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来父亲的英语说法和 父亲节 的英语 祝福语 ,欢迎大家一起学习。父亲的英语说法1:father 英 [ˈfɑ:ðə] 美 [&#...

father的音标是英 ['fɑːðə]或美 ['fɑðɚ] ,句中作为名词和动词使用。一、词汇分析 father n. 父亲,爸爸;神父;祖先;前辈vt. 发明,创立;当…的父亲 二、短语 1、My Father 我的父亲 ; 我的爸爸 ; 我的父亲一 ; 我父亲 2、father figure 长者 ; ...


爸爸:father 音标:['fɑːðə]妈妈:mother 音标:['mʌðə]叔叔\/大伯:uncle 音标:['ʌŋk(ə)l]阿姨\/姑妈:aunt 音标:[ɑːnt]爷爷\/外公:grandfather 音标:['græn(d)fɑːðə]奶奶\/外婆:grandmother...

father [英]['fɑ:ðə(r)][美][ˈfɑðɚ]n.父亲;祖先;(尤指天主教和东正教的)神父;天父 vt.成为父亲;创立(新思想);创造;发明(新方法)复数: fathers 第三人称单数: fathers 过去式: fathered 过去分词: fathered 现在分词: fathering 双语例句 1.h...

father 英[ˈfɑ:ðə(r)] 美[ˈfɑðɚ]n. 父亲; 天父; 祖先; (尤指天主教和东正教的) 神父;vt. 成为父亲; 创立(新思想); 创造; 发明(新方法)。

爸爸妈妈弟弟,英语是:father,mother,brother。father 英[ˈfɑ:ðə(r)] 美[ˈfɑðɚ]n. 父亲; 天父; 祖先; (尤指天主教和东正教的) 神父;vt. 成为父亲; 创立(新思想); 创造; 发明(新方法);[例句]His father was a painter 他父亲...

father and daughter 英 [ˈfɑːðə(r) ənd ˈdɔːtə(r)] 美 [ˈfɑːðər ənd ˈdɔːtər]父与女;父亲和女儿;父亲与女儿;父女情深;父女。father 英 [ˈfɑː...

fat her是什么意思
father英 [ˈfɑ:ðə(r)] 美 [ˈfɑðɚ]n.父亲; 天父; 祖先; (尤指天主教和东正教的) 神父;vt.成为父亲; 创立(新思想) 创造; 发明(新方法)[例句]How did your mother manage when your father left?你父亲走了以后,你母亲是怎么熬过来的呢?[其他]...

居艳15916106847问: 以“My Father”为题,写一篇英语作文,字数40~50字 -
德化县特安回答: My father is forty-three years old. He is a teacher. He works very hard. He always wears a yellow coat and a pair of blue trousers. He like doing sports and he likes basketball best.My father loves me very much. He cheeks my homework every day. He...

居艳15916106847问: my father英语作文(不少于6句话,三种句型) -
德化县特安回答: My father was born in 1940.He was a son of a teacher.He lived in Sichuan Province when he was young,Later he left for Xinjiang at the age of twenty,and has lived there until now. Myfather is thin,not tall,and has a serious-looking face.Though he's ...

居艳15916106847问: 以my father为题,写一篇作文.5、6句就好.马上就要,好背一点的,下星期要考英语口语真实一点的,(我的父亲不是教师),个子中等,对我很严格,教我... -
德化县特安回答:[答案] my father worked as a (doctor,teacher…)我爸爸的职业是…2.he love his job and also take care of his family.他不仅热爱工作,还是一个顾家的好男人3.he is a just man 他是一个正直的人4.he is ver...

居艳15916106847问: 英语作文my father.初一 -
德化县特安回答: My Father My father works in a large company.He is very busy on weekdays,but he stays with me on weekends.He says he loves my mother and me,so he works that busy to earn us money.I love my father too,and his biggest wish is that I can go to university.So I will study very hard to make us a happy family.

居艳15916106847问: my father 英语作文6句话写一位家庭人员,要求写出他的职业,使用的交通工具,他的爱好,周末经常做什么事情.(不少于6句话) -
德化县特安回答:[答案] 如果是随便编的就这样吧My father is a lawyer.He has a nice car.He like play tennis with me.He always boat on lake with mom and me at weekend.He is a nice cook.I like his barbecue.That's awesome....

居艳15916106847问: 英语小作文 My father 8句 -
德化县特安回答:[答案] My father is a handsome man.He is forty-two years old.He is tall and thin with a pair of glasses.He is an English teacher in No.1 Middle School.He is patient and helpful so his students all like him very much.He likes reading,surfing the internet and ...

居艳15916106847问: 英语作文my father8句 -
德化县特安回答:[答案] My father My father is doctor.He has a short hair.and small eyes.we is tall and strong.He'40. He likes Chicken.He is my good father.I like my father.

居艳15916106847问: 英语作文 My Father 10句话 -
德化县特安回答:[答案] my father is a common constrction engineerer,he is very intelligent ,which you can find out from his appearence:single eyelid man with big and black eyes,big nose ,erect bridge with a pair of golden g...

居艳15916106847问: my father英语作文短篇 -
德化县特安回答: Hi, my name is Cindy. I have a good father. I like him very much.My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day. He likes helping people. So he ...

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