
作者&投稿:姜侨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

dream of,wish,expect,hope的区别
I hoped to have seen you in Paris last week.(结构是somebody hope to do someyhing)我原指望上星期能在巴黎见到你。a member of和 a number of 用法和意思是一样的 :很多的什么什么 如 : A number of species have disappeared from the earth.许多物种已经从地球上灭绝了。[即谓语动词...

9. Take Me \/ 제이.와이(J.Y)10. Lonely Dream11. Force The Game12. Breakdown13. White Dream14. Jerry's Theme15. Distorted Facehttp:\/\/\/dls\/5905\/13110\/2009073112489951441.wmahttp:\/\/\/dls\/5905\/13110\/2009080312492668051.wmahttp:\/\/\/dls\/5905\/13110\/...

指的是自己动手制作的意思。dly是“DoItYourself”的英文缩写,意思是自己动手制作。DIY最初兴起于电脑的拼装,并逐渐演绎成为一种流行生活方式;简单来说,DIY没有专业资质的限制,想做就做,每个人都可以利用DIY做出一份私人订制表达自我的“产品”来。DLY是什么意思阿 1、DLY是一种精神,由dream(梦想...

西决◢ -dream | 东霓◢ -dream 浮浅Superficia | 言冷Coldwords 岛屿cucumber # | 海岸cucumber ゆ...4. 关于爱情的的英文短句 百度知道里的 借用仅供参考1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面...There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action. 我突然就觉得...

用L Y D开头的英文各种句子
Love your dog because it is a cute animal.(爱你的狗因为它是可爱的动物)Light your dream when you are young.(年轻的时候请点亮梦想)Live your day happily wherever you are.(不管你身处何地都请幸福地生活。)Limit yummy dumplings'amount so that our dumplings will sell a good ...

求个关于思念的英语短句,寓意要好。要含有P C Y这三个字母
思绪划进凝固的梦幻,搁浅在静谧的记忆里……Thought is in the solid dream and the quite memory ……愿我思念的涟漪,化作这帧诗笺,融进你的心魂……May my missing be this poem instilling your heart 我对你思念,像一条波涛滚滚的江河,日日夜夜奔腾不息……My missing for you is like...

I have had a dream since my boyhood. I want very

realize the dream英语作文
I can fly, I largel7y I can touch I largel7y happiest, I am amongst polished who, I wish pains' s amongst polished markets. My present job is service, in the bustling city, Benz neon of bridge, on the bus. Because this business is I can achieve my friends and I said at the ...

梦的英语单词是dream.他没有缩写吧,没见过。人名:Jay Tony Lily Lucy

hope:vt.1. 希望,盼望[+to-v][Y][+that]I hope that he will succeed.我期望他会成功。I hope to see you and your family soon.我期待不久能见到你和你的家人。vi.1. 希望,期待[(+for)]Everyone hopes for snow.人人盼望下雪。n.1. 希望,期望[U][C][(+of)]You mustn't give ...

诺泽17666974736问: 英语作文mydream(Iwanttobeadoctor) -
硚口区得力回答:[答案] 我的梦想是当一个医生.因为医生是一个伟大的职业,医生可以帮病人把病治好,当我们生病的时候,比如感冒,头疼,胃痛等等,都可以去找医生治疗.医生还可以挽救病人的生命.因此我的梦想是当一个医生.现在,我会看一些关于医学方面的...

诺泽17666974736问: My Dream 求一篇英语作文!我的梦想是当一名医生 照着这题目帮我写一篇! -
硚口区得力回答:[答案] My dream I think different people has different dream .What about you?To be a doctor or a singer and some others.Oh I only want to be happy .I am very sad because I didn't get high score in this exam .I think it is too difficult for me .But no one can ...

诺泽17666974736问: 英语作文——my dream is doctor -
硚口区得力回答:[答案] 我是一个平凡的人,我有一个平凡的梦想:做一名医生. 因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦.可以让人变得健康. 同时,我认为,帮助了别人,自己也将会得到快乐.所以,我希望未来我可以做一个医生. I am an ordinary person, I have an ...

诺泽17666974736问: 英语作文,未来当一个医生. -
硚口区得力回答:[答案] 我的梦想是当一名医生(my dream is doctor) I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor. Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change...

诺泽17666974736问: 以“my dream”为题,写一篇英语作文.有具体要求的1.我是一个平凡人,我有一个平凡的梦想.做一名医生.2.因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛... -
硚口区得力回答:[答案] My dream I am a people who no-famous,I have a dream.I want to be a docter .Because I think docter can treat ill people,can make ill people health.The same as,I think help other people can make me happy.So I hope to be a docter.

诺泽17666974736问: 有关My dream的英语短文,我的梦想是一名医生……大约80多字就行了?跪求啊! -
硚口区得力回答:[答案] 1、I am an ordinary person,I have an ordinary dream:Is a doctor.Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.May let the human ch...

诺泽17666974736问: my future英语作文,要求:我想当一名医生 -
硚口区得力回答:[答案] 我的梦想是当一名医生(my dream is doctor)I am an ordinary person,I have an ordinary dream:Is a doctor.Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get...

诺泽17666974736问: My dream job(医生)英语作文请不要复制别人的 -
硚口区得力回答:[答案] Mydream job is to be a doctor.I'm going to study hard and I'm going to a famous medical university in Beijing.I'm going to find a part-time job and save some money..Then I'm going to be a good teacher and take good care of the patients.

诺泽17666974736问: 英语翻译,我的梦想是当一名医生,帮助人们解除痛苦,过上健康的生活. -
硚口区得力回答:[答案] My dream is to be a doctor ,to help people remove pain ,and live a healthy life.pain在这里是不可数的.

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