
作者&投稿:宇文花 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

程克13590079934问: 四年级下册英语手抄报主题my classroom -
平山区银杏回答: my classroom I'm in Class -(数字), Grade -(数字). My classroom is not very big, but it is clean. There are many desks snd chairs in it. There are two blackboards on the wall. There is a teacher's desk in front of the blackboard. There are four ...

程克13590079934问: 英语手抄报我的教室 -
平山区银杏回答: Title: image: contents: 1. To celebrate teacher s day poem - who is [[teacher, hard]] - the ignorance of lead us into the spacious classroom, teach us abundant knowledge? Is you! The teacher! Do you use the sweat of hard feeding spring just ground ...

程克13590079934问: 关于我爱我教室的英语手抄报内容 -
平山区银杏回答: most always his sense of values is changed

程克13590079934问: 关于 教室的英语手抄报 可以写些什么? -
平山区银杏回答: 你与同学在教室里嬉戏.打闹时发生的故事,以及教室所承载的回忆.

程克13590079934问: 用“myclassroom"写一段话不少于5句英文 -
平山区银杏回答: My classroom is quite tidy and big. There are many desks and chairs in my classroom. The blackboard is on the wall. It is in the front of the classroom. In the corner, there is a rubbish bin.

程克13590079934问: 我爱读书的手抄报好看的优秀的有哪些 -
平山区银杏回答: 我爱读经典手抄报内容:读书,使我们健康;读书,使我们美丽;读书,使我们智慧.让每一个学生都想读书、爱读书、乐读书、会读书,丰富他们的知识,开阔他们的视野,活跃他们的思维,陶冶他们的情操,让他们养成好读书、勤读书的好...

程克13590079934问: 英语以My classroom 为题!...以My classroom 为题 每个人都有一个美丽整洁的教室,你的教室是怎么样子的,里面有些什么,,写5句话,要求语句通顺,... -
平山区银杏回答:[答案] My Classroom This is our classroom,which is a nice big room.The windows are big and the walls are white.There is a blackboard on the front wall.On the back wall there is a map,which is a map of China....

程克13590079934问: 教室节手抄报怎么做?版面简洁明了,有英语作文的.
平山区银杏回答: 先在手抄报的任何地方写上标题(写大点,英文标题,最好标题每个字母用不同的颜色,先用铅笔苗好了再上色)之后最好在品德书上找好看的画画下来,要看你要做的手抄报什么关于什么的,找难度高点的,不要找到和一年级小朋友画的那样的,至于写字框什么的五年级的品德书上有很多,不想写就画画多点,但写总是要写点的,之后你要写英语的什么内容在百度搜一下,有的,接近点的就行了,一般手抄报不会看你文字的,(文字一定不要涂改)最主要的是你画上色的色一定要鲜艳,

程克13590079934问: 四年级my classroom5句话 -
平山区银杏回答: This is my classroom. My classroom is very beautiful. There are many students in my classroom . We study in my classroom . I love my classroom.

程克13590079934问: ...还有一块黑板在教室的后面,用来出黑板报.教师的右边有4扇窗户,左边有2扇窗户.这就是我的教室.如果不能,请发另一篇《My classroom》,并注明中文 -
平山区银杏回答:[答案] My classroom is big and clean.There are twenty-five desks and twenty-five chairs.There is a blackboard on the wall.In front of the blackboard,there is teacher's desk.There are four windows and two doo...

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