
作者&投稿:芮明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Paul参加的部分活动(不是很特别完整): 活动时间 活动名称 2001年 参加opos杂志活动 2002年 拍摄杂志 2003年 举办小型歌友见面会 2004年 拍摄新杂志 2004年 宣传电影《实习医生》 2005年 和nadia演唱泪洒天堂的主题曲;接受记者采访 2005年 和kob参加七台的WWWY节目宣传替身女友,示范错位吻戏,现场吉他弹唱始终为你。

急急急!求my campus life (我的校园生活)的英语演讲稿!3分钟之内讲完...
In September I start my third year at Fudan University,which means that I've spent exactly two years living on campus. In my opinion, university life is about enjoying yourself and realizing your dreams.The class timetable in the university is flexible, which gives students more fr...

罗马全面战争 的城市英文的名字谁知道啊 高手统计下 谢谢啊
City: Tylis, X 150, Y 83阿德里安堡 City: Thessalonica X 138, Y 68 City: Larissa X 136, Y 59 City: Corinth X 139, Y 50 City: Athens X 144, Y 52 City: Sparta, X 138, Y 46 City: Thermon, X 132, Y 55 City: Apollonia, X 124, Y 63 City: Memphis, X 183, Y...

让你的脚360度感受凉爽。 adidas Y-3 basketball High ,将adidas的篮球鞋与Yohji Yamamoto的设计美学相结合,运用蓝色电镀皮革与开放式网眼,鞋底的摩擦纹路更是直接采用"Y-3"的样式。 Yeezy、NMD不是adidas的全部 没落的巨人定会重新雄起 期待看到更多三道杠的身影 毕竟,我永迪 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个...

5、【Y旅舍】地址:香港东区柴湾道238号青年广场12楼 【地理位置】位置在柴湾,看起来离闹市区有点距离,但酒店出门就是地铁,而且不知道是香港小,还是地铁速度比内地要快,去尖沙咀40分钟,所以我觉得住在这里交通不是问题。如果行程倾向于购物的话,还是建议住在更市区的地方~【价格优势】最便宜的三...

21、《爆炎CAMPUS》的作者是真锅让治 (N)改正: 《爆炎CAMPUS》的作者是萩原一至。22、《无赖布鲁斯》的作者是中原裕,其主角名为前田太尊。 (N)改正: 《无赖布鲁斯》的作者是森田正泽,其主角名为前田太尊。23、《暗黑破坏神》的主人公英文名字缩写是D.Z (Y)24、《足球小将》的作者是...

通知英语范文 ; Y' }" X3 P- e8 {,c2 N7 } —、标题 通知的正上方通常要有一个标题。口头通知常用 Announcement ,书面通知多用 Notice 或 NOTICE 。二、日期 口头通知因是现场发布,不需要日期,但书面通知要写日期。布告式通知的日期一般 写在最后一行,即左下角,要低于落款;书信式通知的...

A: Your campus life is so colorful! I have nothing but books!B: Are you two interested in doing sports? I heard that some sports competitions like football match and basketball match will be held recently.C: Joining sports activities is surely a good way to meet new friends ...

英语作文:how to save energy on campus最好是新奇一些的想法_百度知 ...
thing and sort them out according the their possibility of recycling.Last but not least,we should use less plastic bags.We should get into the habit of preparing the enviromently-friengly container before weo go shopping.Those are some ordinay ways,but it is very utilizing ...

99、从事三陪、M Y、P C活动。 100、对老师的建议与批评不屑一顾。 追问: 有么有英语作文啊,关于这个方面的, 回答: 为了提高学生自身素质,你校正在开展“创建文明班级,区建和谐校园”活动,请根据以下内容,以“A Meaningful Activity”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍有关情况。 主题:同陋习告别,与文明握手。 目的:...

董泼13935924431问: My campus life为题的英语作文 -
城关区奈达回答: The year I experienced in the campus really changed me a lot. The greatest change is that I learned how to be brave. Yes, courage is very important. But it takes me a long time to command it. In the past, sometimes when I met something that I did ...

董泼13935924431问: 关于 my campus life 我的校园生活 英语作文 带翻译哦~~ -
城关区奈达回答: 《My campus life 》 Campus life ornament my path, it in my heart will always be good. Campus life not only looks boring course, still have next class students of laughter and EnEnYuanYuan and knowledge heart! Sometimes cat-and-dog, can ...

董泼13935924431问: 一片关于大学英语作文 名字my life on campus -
城关区奈达回答: It has been two years since I first got to university. Some of my classmates say that the college life is boring, because they have plenty of time but do not know what to do. However, from my point of view, the campus life in college is interesting and ...

董泼13935924431问: 求关于“my campus life ”的英语范文? -
城关区奈达回答: Hello everyone.Today I'm glad to be here to give a speech about my fresh experience in China Agriculture University. First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high school.For instance,I used to lean upon my ...

董泼13935924431问: 谁可以给我一篇英语作文啊?题目是my campus life .
城关区奈达回答: Some people say that campus life dull, but I think that campus life is colorful. Class, we discussed intense, mutual express their views. I once to a problem and students of the quarrel, we all disagree, we can not reach a consensus. Later, we solved ...

董泼13935924431问: 以my school life was 为题写一篇英语短文(90词左右) -
城关区奈达回答: my school life was:我的学校生活 Our campus is peaceful in the morning.In a while, students come to school, most of them walk to school,some ride on bicycle and a few by car. The campus liveliness now. Look,a few junior students clean the path ...

董泼13935924431问: 以“我的校园生活”为题写一篇英语作文100词左右的带译文 -
城关区奈达回答: Hello everyone.Today I'm glad to talk about my fresh experience in XXX University/College. First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high school. For instance,I used to lean upon my dormitory teacher to wake ...

董泼13935924431问: My school life 英语作文? -
城关区奈达回答: Our future school will be very different from the one we have now. The campus will be bigger. There will be a large playground and a big fountain in the school. There will be lots of trees and flowers. The classrooms will be equipted with multimedia. ...

董泼13935924431问: 写一篇英语作文,六年级水平,是my school life我的校园生活50词.谢谢. -
城关区奈达回答: When I first went into the school gate, see my new classroom and teachers, I thought I would have a new start. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as sports meeting, science week and art week. We ...

董泼13935924431问: 英语小作文:My school life -
城关区奈达回答: My School Life Everyday we go to our beautiful school in spite of rain or shine. We'll spend a whole day in school. In the morning, we come to school. Most of us get up earlier to avoid our names to be listed. But of course, there are few students who...

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