
作者&投稿:右仁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【警急】英语课本牛津版 初一到初二的单词
Unit 1 hi \/haI\/ int.(引人注意时的喊声,打招呼)嗨 morning \/5m:nIN\/ n.早晨,早上 Good \/Ud\/ morning. 早晨好。上午好。Miss \/mIs\/ n.(对未婚女子的称呼)女士,小姐 goodbye \/7Ud5baI\/ int.再见 afternoon \/A:ft«5nu:n\/ n.下午 Good afternoon. 下...


*hear v. 听见 Module 2experience n.经验;*ever adv.曾经competition n.竞争,竞赛*airport n.机场;航空港cabin n.(飞机的)客舱steward n.乘务员captain n.机长;船长; (运动队)队长*country n.围家 take off 起飞*before adv.以前 prep.&conj.在……之前*prolilen) n.问题,难题wonderful adj.绝妙的;...

④ ear一般读做: [E:]例如:early earth learn [CE]例如:bear wear [iE]例如:hear near dear [A:]例如:heart ⑤ eer一般读做[iE],例如:pioneer engineer ⑥ eir一般读做[CE],例如:their ⑦ ere一般读做: [CE]例如:where there [iE]例如:here mere ⑧ ew大多读做[U:],例如:blew grew flew ...

18. When you hear two shouts or whistles,you know that people will...
【答案】:18.T【解析】根据第四段“When people hear you,they will give two shouts or two w}ustles. When a signal is given twice,it is an answer to a call for help'可知此题正确。

[iƏ]例如:hear near dear [a:]例如:heart ⑤ eer一般读做[iƏ],例如:pioneer engineer ⑥ eir一般读做[ɛƏ],例如:their ⑦ ere一般读做:[ɛƏ]例如:where there [iƏ]例如:here mere ⑧ ew大多读做[u:],例如:blew grew flew ⑨ 特殊...

ust gonna stand there and watch me burn,well that's alright because...
(你)就仅仅站在那里看着我毁掉自己,好吧,那样也对,因为是我自己引火烧身的, (你)就站在那儿 听我哭嚎吧~因为没有语境,我凭自己理解翻得,希望能帮到你~西西

字母a e i o的发音规则是?
[i�0�3]例如:hear near dear [a:]例如:heart⑤ eer一般读做[i�0�3],例如:pioneer engineer⑥ eir一般读做[�0�7�0�3],例如:their⑦ ere一般读做: [�0�7�0�3]例如:where there [i�0�3]例如:here mere⑧ ew大多读做[u:],例如:blew grew flew⑨ 特殊词汇:...

morning \/5m:nIN\/ n.早晨,早上 Good \/Ud\/ morning. 早晨好。上午好。Miss \/mIs\/ n.(对未婚女子的称呼)女士,小姐 goodbye \/7Ud5baI\/ int.再见 afternoon \/A:ft«5nu:n\/ n.下午 Good afternoon. 下午好。How \/haU\/ are you? (问候用语)你好吗?I \/aI\/...

the pep it gave him in the afternoon. Soon enough, after The Body graduated and found a job, he needed another can of soda just to push through the midafternoon slump. That was the start of my glory years.Nephron via Wikimedia Commons Hear that? The Body’s opening a ...

貂幸13257832748问: Hear的用法 -
鄞州区乙酰回答: 1、 表示“听见”,通常为及物动词,多指无意识的动作.如: He listened but heard nothing.他注意听,但什么也没听见. Suddenly I heard a strange noise.我突然听到一种奇怪的响声. 若表示“倾听”“听取”等,则表示有意识的动作.如:...

貂幸13257832748问: hear的用法
鄞州区乙酰回答: 1.做“听到,听见”,hear sth.及物动词.如:I heard a strange voice just now. 2.hear of/about“ 听到关于...”.如:I heard of him before. 3.hear sb do sth“听到某人做某事”.如:I heard Tom sing yesterday. 4.hear sb doing sth“听到某人...

貂幸13257832748问: must表示推测 的用法 -
鄞州区乙酰回答: 21.5 must表示推测 1) must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为"一定". 2) must表对现在的状态或现在正发生的事情的推测时,must后面通常接系动词be的原形或行为动词的进行式. You have worked hard all day.You must be tired. 你辛...

貂幸13257832748问: must & should & may & can区别 -
鄞州区乙酰回答: 1 情态动词的语法特征 1) 情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计某事的发生. 2) 情态动词 除ought 和have 外,后面只能接不带to 的不定式. 3) 情态动词没...

貂幸13257832748问: " I'm sorry to hear ”后面要不要加“that”? -
鄞州区乙酰回答: that 是 代替你听到了什么.如果你说 I'm sorry to hear you're failed again.就不用that了,that是笼统地代替后面的东西.如果你要说 I'm sorry to hear that也可以,就是我很遗憾听到什么什么,而没有具体说是什么.

貂幸13257832748问: 什么是目的状语从句? -
鄞州区乙酰回答: 目的状语从句:从句部分是用以补充说明主句中谓语动词发生的目的的. 表示目的状语的从句可以由that, so that, in order that, lest, for fear that, in case等词引导; 目的状语从句的谓语常含有may, might, can, could, should, would等情态动词. 例...

貂幸13257832748问: must need 的用法和区别 -
鄞州区乙酰回答: 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语, 只能和其他动词原形构成谓语. We can be there on time tomorrow. 我们明天能按时去那儿. May I have your name? 我能知道你的名字吗? ...

貂幸13257832748问: hear 和hear about 有什么区别? -
鄞州区乙酰回答: hear感官动词, hear sb do or doing sth ,听见某人做某事, hear+that从句 that可以省略 hear about 动词短语, 意为听到关于什么的某事

貂幸13257832748问: I am sorry to hear that.与I am sorry to have heard that.的区别是什么? -
鄞州区乙酰回答: 后者强调时间的先后关系, 即听到那事以后很是遗憾 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

貂幸13257832748问: 求英语专业人士详解:I sorry to hear that. 与I am sorry to -
鄞州区乙酰回答: 后者正确.sorry是形容词 第一句中I sorry to hear that 成分不完整,结构残缺.这里少了谓语动词be(在这里因为I作主语所以是am) 英语的语法不能完全通过直接翻译为汉语来理解.汉语中可以用形容词做谓语,如“我很难过”,但是英语若要...

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