
作者&投稿:融弘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我的mine[main] writer[rait](作者)。好的fine[fain] 7.ive读[aiv],ove读[u:v]发光shine[ain] 到达arrive[raiv]线line[lain] 驾(驶)drive[draiv]机器特例读machine居住live[liv][mi:n] 给give[ɡiv]内服药读作medicine 贵的expensive[medisin] [ikspensiv]6.ite读[ait] 提高improve[impru:v]怀特...

past middle age ,visited the manager for th position.a.well b.much c.too d.highly 为什么先A,well 作副词,修饰past ,表示“很,非常”。如:THe tree is well above the others.这颗树 比其他高出许多。28。all my family are looking forward to meeting you .you ___come ove and...

大家帮忙翻译下 很急英翻中
但我无法取得他的话对我的主意。他们丁就像一个鞭子。 “我胖” ,我想: “我不只是把对数磅,我无法摆脱我的体重很容易。我只是平原发” 。 nobaby了以往任何时候都来电我发之前,它伤害了可怕的。但它是真实的。在这一天,正如我坐在泳池希望nobaby会看到我在我的泳衣,我答应自己,没有人会...

轻音节少就可以念得慢点,轻音节多就必须念得快些。如: It’s’haUpast,one.It’sa‘quartere‘leven.第一句话有4个音节,第二句话有8个音节。但因为这两句话都各有两个重音,按照英语的发音规则,说这两句话所占用的时间是基本上相等的,每句话各占两拍。学生对英语语音这一重要特点较难掌握。他们受汉语语言...


...learn from the people and events in the past, some people_百度知...
I prefer to learn from the people and events in the past:The world is changing too fast, and too many new things spring up everyday, I am not sure that I can grasp those up-to-date things.Moreove, whether those current people and events are valuable enough for us to do ...

1、Eyes are raining for her,heart is holding umbrella for her,this is love.眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情。2、Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk ...

Can You Fell The Love Tonight 歌词
the truth about my past?-impossible!she'd turn away from me he's holding back, he's hiding but what, I can't decide why won't he be the king Iknow he is the king Isee inside?chorus can you feel the ove tonight?the peace the evening brings the world,for once,in ...

old school love 中文歌词
Guess I’m living in the past 我想我仍然活在我珍爱的过去 I still like it that 我依旧喜欢那昔日的美好 I can’t keep up (up) 但我已经跟不上它的脚步 What happened to that old school lo, uh uh ove 这昔日的爱情怎么了?lo uh uh ove, lo, uh uh ove 怎么了?What happened...

I also bought a home for ants, count, there are about 10 ant. Originally thought to be a few months before the real friend home. Unexpectedly, when the dark past, the very next day early in the morning warm in the morning sunlight, there is a long tunnel has formed a fri...

阮咬19851883481问: go past和go along的区别 -
寻甸回族彝族自治县舒肝回答:[答案] go past 有两个含义:1.= move past,就是经过,路过,绕过等 - 这个是具体的past;2.= be superior or better than some standard,就是超越,胜过等,这个是抽象的past go along = To cooperate,即合作.

阮咬19851883481问: move past it的意思是? -
寻甸回族彝族自治县舒肝回答: 抛开它.意为"别在意"

阮咬19851883481问: 求:头文字D系列MOVE演唱的所有歌曲 -
寻甸回族彝族自治县舒肝回答: 就是这些啦!^_^!小女不才!没有找到全部在一起的!这个网站相对来说比较好了!试试看吧! 头文字D 第一部 OP1「around the world」歌:move(1~19话) OP2「BREAK IN2 THE NITE」歌:move(20...

阮咬19851883481问: 英语里什么是现在完成时?有没有句子可以举例? -
寻甸回族彝族自治县舒肝回答: (1)强调动作是从过去持续到现在,并有可能继续持续下去. (2) 强调对现在的影响或结果,此用法容易和一般过去时混淆.两者的区别是:一般过去时有动作发生的时间点,即过去某一时间发生某一动作;现在完成时则没有,即不强调是哪个时...

阮咬19851883481问: 动画版头文字D里与FD比赛的时候的插曲 -
寻甸回族彝族自治县舒肝回答: 主题曲Around the world / move片尾曲ACT1-14 Rage your dream / move ACT15-26 奇迹的蔷薇 / Galla插曲ACT 1 Space Boy / DAVE RODGERS No One Sleep in Tokyo / EDO BOYSACT 2 BE MY BABE / JILLY REMEMBER ME / LESLIE ...

阮咬19851883481问: 求跑跑卡丁车的视频歌 -
寻甸回族彝族自治县舒肝回答: 01.move–around the world 02.move–Rage your dream 03.move–ROCK IT DOWN 04.move–over drive 05.move–See you, my best love 06.Galla–奇迹の蔷薇 07.move–BREAK IN2 THE NITE 08.move–Wanna fly to be wild 09.move–past days~追忆 ...

阮咬19851883481问: move的用法 -
寻甸回族彝族自治县舒肝回答: move的用法不算难吧,英文单词主要分动名词来区别咯.动词的:1. move 搬,移动 一般都是move something 2. move 搬迁 一般都是move to somewhere 名词:一般用作感动 moving 希望能帮到你啊 哈

阮咬19851883481问: 让过去过去.这句话用英语怎么说,要标 -
寻甸回族彝族自治县舒肝回答: 翻译如下; 让过去过去 地道的翻译:Put the past in the past 例句: 就让过去的过去,重新上路! Put the past in the past and move on!

阮咬19851883481问: 跑跑卡丁车音乐
寻甸回族彝族自治县舒肝回答: 第一首就是 OK

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