
作者&投稿:狂兰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

谁能帮忙翻译一下,Miss you!!! But I cannot bear to distu_百度...
想念你! ! ! ! !但是我不忍心打扰你,因为我知道,我们不能在一起!牵挂万千,我只能深深埋在了心底深处,一次又一次的提醒自己,不要去触及。想念你,但我不忍心打扰你,因为我知道你和我有一个世界上遥远的距离。这个距离,我不能。你有你的生活,我有我的路,不小心相交的命运,遇见是短暂的和美丽...

...and___you play or watch TV,you mustn’t distu
B whether...or引导让步状语从句,“无论是不是……都……”。“不管你玩呢还是看电视,你都不能打扰我。”?

模糊C 均值聚类 FCM 算法MATLAB代码问题(还有一周就要答辩了,求解答...


Python numpy怎么定义一个有关参数u(均值),o(标准差)和随机变量x的正态...
u = L[:, 0]o = L[:, 1]计算协方差矩阵 cov = np.diag(o**2)生成多元正态分布函数 multi_normal_dist = np.random.multivariate_normal(u, cov)return multi_normal_dist L = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]result = get_multi_normal_distribution(L)print(result)...

gmx rms rmsf rmsdist
几个概念:rmsd vs rmsf vs rmsdist RMSD 是对原子总数求平均, RMSF 是对单个原子时间求平均RMSD表示的是分子结构变化的程度,而RMSF值表示的是分子中各个原子运动的自由程度rmsd 计算的是某个结构(N个原子)相对于参考结构(-s指定)的 root mean square deviation rmsf 计算的是一个原子在一段时间的平均...

SPFA 原理 pascal语言


int u =;pq.pop();if (dist[u] != 0) continue;for (int v : graph[u]) { int weight = graph[u][v];if (dist[u] + weight < dist[v]) { dist[v] = dist[u] + weight;prev[v] = u;pq.push({dist[v], v});} } } } int main() { int n,...

=inf;vec(ix)=dist(ix);[a,u]=min(vec);visited(u)=1;for v=1:n,if (W(u,v)+dist(u)<dist(v)),dist(v)=dist(u)+W(u,v);parent(v)=u;end;end;end if parent(t)~=0,path=t;d=dist(t);%回溯最短路径 while t~=s,p=parent(t);path=[p path];t=p;end;end;

骑树18493112360问: 英语句型 谢谢英语大神们啊~ -
越西县鱼腥回答: 1 Thanks to 2 freedom 3 provide for 4 is sure to 5 Getting up early is 6 considers inspite that 7most are disturbed 二: cold and hungry 2he has been working hard 3 would rather to have a house of her own 4:What's the difference between living in the city or in the countryside 5 It is a pity that

骑树18493112360问: 哪位高手知道bother 和disturb之间的区别 -
越西县鱼腥回答: disturb / bother 1、disturb的语气最强,常指较为强烈、持久的干扰,甚至可以指精神失常.如: The communications are being disturbed by the solar spots. 各种通讯正受到太阳黑子的严重干扰. He is mentally disturbed. 他精神失常了. 此外多...

骑树18493112360问: bothered和disturbed的区别? -
越西县鱼腥回答: bothered:使(某人)烦恼(或担忧、不安); 给(某人)造成麻烦(或痛苦); 打扰; 搭话烦扰; 主要强调情绪状态. [例句]It bothered me that boys weren't interested in me.男孩子们对我不感兴趣令我很烦恼. disturbed:被扰乱的; 心理失常的; 被干扰打扰的,被扰动的.主要强调情绪的波动,受影响.

骑树18493112360问: What - _ - ( 打扰 ) me most was the noise from the nearby factories. -
越西县鱼腥回答:[答案] disturbed

骑树18493112360问: disturbing和disturbed分别有什么词组或者句型 -
越西县鱼腥回答: disturbing是令人不安的意思,通常修饰事物. disturbed是不安的 意思,通常修饰人. 词组: be disturbed by/about 对……感到不安,忧虑

骑树18493112360问: disturbed 这个英语单词是什么意思?
越西县鱼腥回答: 作动词(过去式)是“打扰”

骑树18493112360问: disturb 的用法 -
越西县鱼腥回答: disturb是动词,可作谓语,“打扰、干扰、妨碍、搅乱”. eg: Don't disturb me because I am preparing for the exam.不要打扰我,......I felt disturbed to hear of your illness. 听说你病了,我感到不安.

骑树18493112360问: disturbed是什么意思 -
越西县鱼腥回答: disturbed 英[dɪˈstɜ:bd] 美[dɪˈstɜ:rbd] adj. 被扰乱的; 心理失常的; 为心理失常者服务的; v. (disturb的过去分词) 干扰;

骑树18493112360问: ...when I grow up!” Facing this, I was deeply aware of their high expectations and in sudden, my imagination created an unexpected accident that disturbed my... -
越西县鱼腥回答:[答案] 27th,June,2004 was a special and glorying day in my life,because on that day I received the offer from Tsinghua University./ ... After a while,on hearing this,most of my relatives,including my aunts and uncles,came to my home,desirable to greet the arrival ...

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