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more ...than ...该这么翻译
more than 1.多于 2.在...次以上 3.不只...More than 100(多于100)

more than的特殊用法有哪些
more than 多于;超出;比……多 短语 1.more than 多于超过不只是多比 2.more often than not 时常多半常常通常 3.more likely than not 较有可能多半可能有可能很可能 4.more less than 多 5.More girls than boys 女生比男生多,女生的人数比男生多 6.More male than female 男多女少 7...

more than的用法?
1 sb\/sth is more A than B “与其说sb\/sth是B,不如说是A”例如:He is more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。2 sb\/sth is less A than B “与其说sb\/sth是A,不如说是B”例如:I'm less thirsty than hungry.与其说我渴,不如说我饿。3...

关于more than的问题
1、请写出more than 表示“多于”意思的例句。He had called him more than once. 他不止一次给他打电话。More than half of the students of our class came to the party. 我们班半数以上的同学都来参加了这次聚会。He has been taking pleasure in helping others for more than scores of ...

more than和more... than有什么区别?
more than与more ... than的区别:1、more than的主要用法有:(1) 后接数词,表示“多于”(= over)。如:more than a mile. 一英里多。 more than 50 students. 五十多个学生。(2) 后接名词、动词或从句,表示“不只是”(= not only)。如:He is more than a father to her. 他待她...

more than的同义词是什么?
"more than" 的同义词包括:超过 (exceed), 超越 (surpass), 多于 (greater than), 在...之上 (above),高于 (higher than),超出 (beyond),比...更多 (in excess of),超过了 (went beyond),超越了 (went above),大于 (greater),大过 (over),超额 (over and above),超越程度 (...

more than 和no more than \\not more than 区别
more than 1.very(后接形容词,表示被修饰的形容词的强烈程度)非常;十分;不仅仅 2.rather(后接副词或分词)简直;十分;不止…3.nearly(后接动词)十分;绰绰有余;大大地;几乎 4.not only(后接名词,或名词从句)不只是…;不仅仅…;非但…尤其…5.over(后接数词)…以上;不只 ...

more than的用法

初二英语more than的用法
more than 相当于一个形容词或副词短语,在句中作定语或状语,修饰其后的动词、副词、数词或名词等。一. more than 的用法 more than 后跟数词,相当于over,翻译成“„„多、超过„„”等,强调某物数量上超出某一范围。如: More than 1,500 people were killed in ...

求解释,more than 他们分别 是什么词性,more是副词?than是连词?以下三...
more than 如果分开来看,more是形容词或副词,than用在比较级后面是介词。但其实这是个复合词组,合起来是一个词性。它修饰名词时做形容词,修饰动词和形容词时是副词。We need more than(形容词) material wealth to build our country .I have known David for more than(副词) 20 years.Mor...

枝琰15023063589问: more than和over的区别 -
昂昂溪区蒙诺回答:[答案] over只单一的表示量的超过 more than表示: (1)量的超过 We have more than 20 eggs. (2)不仅仅是 She is more than a teacher.She is our friend,too. (3)比起...更... Jack is more lazy than stupid. (注意这个翻译为比起愚蠢,Jack更懒惰)

枝琰15023063589问: more than有时可以转化成OVER吗?什么时候? -
昂昂溪区蒙诺回答:[答案] more than 后面接一个数词的时候可以转化成over,如: There are more than 30 students in the class. =There are over 30 students in the class. 但是,如果more than 之后接其他成分,则不可以用over替换,如: He is more than selfish. = He is very ...

枝琰15023063589问: more than 与over的区别如题 -
昂昂溪区蒙诺回答:[答案] more than 用于两者比较(A more than B);over 表示多余,超过(A over 数量).

枝琰15023063589问: more than和over的区别不懂用在什么的句子里 要例句的 急``````````````` -
昂昂溪区蒙诺回答:[答案] more than 和 over可以通用 例子:The whale is over 100 tons. =The whale is more than 100 tons. 鲸鱼超过100吨

枝琰15023063589问: more than与over的区别 -
昂昂溪区蒙诺回答:[答案] over只单一的表示量的超过more than表示:(1)量的超过We have more than 20 eggs.(2)不仅仅是She is more than a teacher.She is our friend,too.(3)比起...更...Jack is more lazy than stupid.(注意这个翻译为比起...

枝琰15023063589问: over和more than的区别 -
昂昂溪区蒙诺回答: over和more than的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、意思不同 1.over意思:超过,越过... 2.more than意思:超过;多于;不仅仅;非常二、用法不同 1.over用法:可表示方式,作“通过,凭助,经由…的媒介”解,其后常接电话、...

枝琰15023063589问: more than=over( ) -
昂昂溪区蒙诺回答:[答案] over than

枝琰15023063589问: more than=over( ) -
昂昂溪区蒙诺回答: over than

枝琰15023063589问: over与more than -
昂昂溪区蒙诺回答: 不可以,只有当more than后面接的是具体的金额时才能替换成OVER.

枝琰15023063589问: more than over什么意思
昂昂溪区蒙诺回答: 超过……以上 例句: It said that the increase would be dropped as soon as the crude oil price returns to below $35 for more than over 30 consecutive days. 法航表示,一旦原油价格连续30天以上回到35美元之下,将马上取消这笔附加费.希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳哦,谢谢!

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