
作者&投稿:敏咽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

more than加句子是什么从句
属于比较状语从句。 __ore_than”之后可接名词、动名词、动词、数词、形容词、副词等,有“不止、超过、胜过、多于、以上、很”等意思。

more than one和no more than后面的谓语动词各是怎样的?
M ore than one person has protested against the proposal.不止一个人反对这个建议。但"more than+数词+复数名词"结构作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:More than one thousand men and women are working in this factory.有1000多男女工人在这家工厂做工。."one and a half+复数名词"&#x...

he is no more a writer than a painter
1.与其说他是一名作家,倒不如说他是一名画家.2.我这个学期已经写了不下5篇的文章.3.张先生和李先生都不聪明.*(这个注意,no more than 是两者都不...的意思)4.我把他当作我的朋友,而不是我的老师.5.他很有可能要失败.6.是大洋连接世界而不是分离世界.7.令人啧啧称奇的是,两位好战逼人的...

简单的比较级句型翻译~ 求高手~ 比较急!
1.与其说他是一名作家,倒不如说他是一名画家.2.我这个学期已经写了不下5篇的文章.3.张先生和李先生都不聪明.*(这个注意,no more than 是两者都不...的意思)4.我把他当作我的朋友,而不是我的老师.5.他很有可能要失败.6.是大洋连接世界而不是分离世界.7.令人啧啧称奇的是,两位好战逼人的...

(即Emo-Hardcore,有别于Emo-PostHardcore)(例如Envy) 激流硬核Thrashcore 摸屎硬核Beatdown Hardcore(即Moshcore) 旋律硬核Melodic Hardcore(例如Verse, FC FiVE) 现代硬核Modern Hardcore(例如The Great Divde, More Than Life) 硬核朋克(HARDC0RE Punk,又译做核心朋克) 硬核朋克是朋克摇滚中最强硬个极端的一个...

clever和more clever的区别是什么,是第二个在句子中有than的填
more clever是clever的比较级 如果只是叙说,说一个人很聪明,那就用clever 但如果是比较,说这个人比那个人更聪明,那就要用比较级,也就是more clever,一般涉及到比较的句子中都会有than存在

ore than tWO thousand years ago,China came under therule of the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty,known asthe Emperor Shihuang.This emperor was exceedinglycruel,forcing people from every part of the country to slave to build theGreat Wall to protect his em…...

4.铁矿储量:可译为iron ore reserves。5.有色金属王国:可译为Kingdom of Nonferrous Metals。6.不及世界平均水平的一半:可译为less than half of the world average level。“平均水平”译为average level。英语六级翻译训练:矿产资源的相关内容小编就说到这里了,更多关于大学英语六级考试的...

this flower is m___ beautiful than that one

Mchuchuma coal and Liganga iron ore,请问谁能翻译,急急急啊,好心人...
over 364 million tonnes of coal and 219 million tonnes of iron ore deposits at the twin projects. It is estimated that three million tonnes of coal will be mined annually, lasting for over 100 years and 2.9 million iron ore deposits mined every year for not less than 90 ...

道录19373415441问: 用 more than造句,意思是不仅仅 -
枞阳县优泌回答: more than [词典] 超过; 不只是; 很; 在…次以上; [例句]He supervised and trained more than 400 volunteers. 他指导和培训了400多名志愿者.You don't have to join in; there are more than enough people on the job already. 人够多了,您就不...

道录19373415441问: 用“more than”造句 -
枞阳县优泌回答: 1、We know more than you do.我们比你知道的多.2、Some worth more than others.有些比其他的更值钱.3、More than one woman?需要的女人不只一个?4、More than I can eat.多到我吃不完.5、A man needs more than money.一个男人...

道录19373415441问: more than怎么用 -
枞阳县优泌回答: 1.more than可放在数词之前,意为“超过;不止;以上”,用于此意义时可与over互换使. 例句: Altogether more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet is covered by .整体说来,我们这个星球表面有 70% 以上都为水所覆盖. 2.more than...

道录19373415441问: More than 的用法 -
枞阳县优泌回答: more than 1.very(后接形容词,表示被修饰的形容词的强烈程度)非常;十分;不仅仅*He was more than upset by the accident.他为此事故深感不安.*They were more than glad to help us.他们...

道录19373415441问: 翻译成英,写作不仅仅是造句(用more than) -
枞阳县优泌回答: Writing is more than making sentences

道录19373415441问: Sth more adj than do sth句型是什么意思?详见例句 -
枞阳县优泌回答: 这个是比较句型的倒装,当than后面的句子比较长时,可以把动词提前,这样念起来顺口,要不然念了一大串后跟个did,这些没有什么句型,老外说话形成的语法,都是为了方便才这样的. 如果than后面的句子很短,就一般不倒装了.

道录19373415441问: 哪位大神告诉我more than在高中阶段的几个主要用法? -
枞阳县优泌回答: more than 的用法 1. more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”.例如: (1)Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不只是睡觉. (2)Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils.凯特不仅仅是位教师...

道录19373415441问: 求高中英语more than 常用固定搭配总结
枞阳县优泌回答: over = more than more than 基本意思:比...多,多于... 1.不仅仅 例如:Peace is much more than the absence of war. 2.非常,极其 例如:What he did more than satisfied me. 3.无法 例如:The beauty of this city is more than world can describe. [拓...

道录19373415441问: 英语中带morethan的句子都是比较级吗 -
枞阳县优泌回答: 不一定.也可以表示“与其说...不如说”的意思 例如:He is more a friend than a teacher.与其说他是个老师他更像是个好朋友.

道录19373415441问: more than 的用法 -
枞阳县优泌回答: Harry Potter知道的不仅仅限于Hogwarts的魔法.more than的用法还是很多的,而且很灵活. 下面是些好例子:A. “More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如:1) Modern science is more than a large amount of ...

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