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more often than not是什么意思
more often than not 中文释义:往往;多半;通常 英文发音:[mɔː(r) ˈɒfn ðæn nɒt]例句:More often than not, he's drunk when I meet him.每当我见到他时,他经常是喝得醉醺醺的。词汇解析:often 英文发音:[ˈɒfn]中文释义:...

oftener还是more often?
额· 楼主, 你这个词 很少见这样用嘚 如果是频繁的意思。我建议你用 more frequent 。更好些

more often than not是什么意思
more often than not 写全了就是more 【often than not often】.often表示频率,是经常的频率,not often是不经常,也是频率,那当事人做这件事到底是经常还是不经常,(often) vs (not often),想来想去,觉得(often)比(not often)多一些(more),所以就口语化一些 "more often than not (...

more often词组的意思

more often than n
通常情况下,"more often than not"这个短语表示的意思是“通常”或“多半”,常用来强调某种情况发生的频率较高。在网络用语中,它也意味着“时常”或“常常”。这个词组可以用来表达对某种情况的普遍认同,例如:在烹饪中,不管怎样,因为食材熟透了,结果往往比生的更美味(Nomatter, because every...

often是频率副词。often是频率副词,一般用在主语后情态动词后实义动词前。可以翻译为常常、经常,等等。单词简介 adv、常常;经常;时常;再三。最高级:most often.比较级:more often.例句 1、Specialist magazines are often expensive.专业杂志通常更贵。2、Karman often receives death threats.卡曼...

more often than not 什么意思
more often than not意思是:通常;多半 [网络短语]more often than not 时常,多半,常常 more often than not motivation 动机 more often than not it's 往往 例句 1)Nomatter, because everything is cooked through and more often than not,delicious.不要紧,因为每样东西都是煮熟的,并且...

more times和more often表达做某事更经常,次数更多的时候两者有何区别...
more times中的more是形容词many\/a lot of的比较级做复数名词的定语;而more often中的more是副词much的比较级,做了频度副词often的程度状语。

more often than not 和usually ,often,always的区别
more often than not:往往,多半 1.More often than not she's late for school.他上学多半迟到。2.Every night, more often than not, you'd find my father at the local pub.每天晚上你大多能在附近的小酒店里找到我父亲。Humility often gain more than pride.满招损,谦受益。The Shanghai...

more often than not是什么意思啊?
幸福远远好过沉浸于无尽的悲伤。more often than not 意思为"通常,多半" 固定搭配,惯用语,记住即可。问问题的人其实将句子写错了,正确的句子是没有is的,因为ends是谓语动词。结构 这种句子先看结构,than比较级是最明显的,所以翻译出两种状态的比较大致意识就有了,而比较的结构than两者前后句式...

国瑗17845283403问: more often than not为啥是常常的意思? -
拉孜县小青回答: 固定用法more often than not就等于more often,个人觉得是比较书面语吧

国瑗17845283403问: 英语比较级四般情况下的五个例子 -
拉孜县小青回答: 一般1. 表示"比...更".用比较级形容词+than+比较成分, than后主词的述语动词往往省略, 非正式用法的than后的人称代名词可用受格. He is younger than me. 他比我年轻. I am a better swimmer than he(him). 我游泳比他好. 2. 表示"较......

国瑗17845283403问: more often than not是什么意思 -
拉孜县小青回答: 一、more often than not大半;大概;很经常=as often as not例句:1、No matter, because everything is cooked through and more often than not,delicious.不要紧,因为每样东西都是煮熟的,并且通常比生的好吃的多.2、For instance, if ...

国瑗17845283403问: no more than 和not more than 的区别 -
拉孜县小青回答: no more(...)than与not more(...)than 的用法 在阅读理解里面,我们经常会遇到自己认为熟悉短语,于是便按照字面意思去理解. 实际上,在英语里面有很多短语都有其约定俗成的用法和意思,不能按其字面意思去理解,象这样的短语有很多,...

国瑗17845283403问: nothing more than英语释义是什么 -
拉孜县小青回答: more than的用法如下: A. “More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如: 1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information. 2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. B. “More than+数词”含“以上”或...

国瑗17845283403问: 请问 it will more often than not end in regret怎么理解? -
拉孜县小青回答: 你的理解是错的. more often than not 这是一个习语,表示多半,常常的意思,加上not并不是否定. end in regret 在遗憾中结束.整个的意思就是它往往会在遗憾中结束.

国瑗17845283403问: more often than not怎么翻译 -
拉孜县小青回答: 往往不比

国瑗17845283403问: 英语比较级 -
拉孜县小青回答: 比较级(Comparative Degree )在英语中通常用下列方式表示的词:在形容词或副词前加more(如 more natural,more clearly )或加后缀 -er(newer,sooner ).典型的是指形容词或副词所表示的质、量或关系的增加.英语句子中,将比较两个主...

国瑗17845283403问: more often than not 什么意思 -
拉孜县小青回答: 意思等于often 新概念3有,这个表达可以用于句子中间作为插入语,而often一般很少这样用 Behind the success of man,there is ,more often than not,a woman who supports him.

国瑗17845283403问: 解释一下more often than not it is . 是个什么结构
拉孜县小青回答: 主系表 这是倒装句 是由“It is more often than not”这个正常语序的句子变来的 it 主语. is 系动词(像be,和表感官的动词,如look, taste, sound 等).然后,你就记住 系动词后面的都是表语就是了.

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