
作者&投稿:只罗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

首先基本的:Happiness--幸福 more often--更经常 than--比 not ends--不以...为终 sadness--悲伤 通常英文短语省略了很多字词,这句在这里其实用完整的话来说就是:happiness ends in sadness more often than not ends in sadness.幸福以悲伤终结多过不以悲伤终结。但是因为听起来比较麻烦,既然...

more often than that ...是什么意思?
回答:比....更普遍 或者更寻常 要根据语境来的 看哪种翻的过去

more often than that ...是什么意思?
more often than that 是时常,经常的意思

most often than not是什么意思
more often than not译为 常常,多半 以下例句来自 大学英语疑难讲解 Every night, more often than not, you'd find my father at the local pub.每天晚上你大多能在附近的小酒店里找到我父亲。He is a fairly good runner. He wins more often than not.他是一个相当好的运动员,在比赛...

more often than啥意思
通常,多半 1. Ben is a fairly good runner,he wins more often than not . 本是个相当不错的赛跑选手,他常常跑赢

it will more often than not end in regret怎么翻译
More often than not 是一个习语,表示:常常,多半的意思。其中not不表否定,只是习语中固定搭配。整句话的意思是,它往往会在遗憾中结束

more often than before 什么意思
more often than before 比以前更多\/频繁 例句:Stock dyeing is used more often than before.原料染色比以前用的多。Daddy started to go to town or somewhere else more often than before.现在爹地比以前更常进城或到其他地方去。希望能帮到你 ...

more often than never 什么意思
非正式的用法,“通常,多半”eg.I like cooking, but more often than never(not) I just open a tin of something when I get home. 我喜欢烹饪,但我回到家通常是打开一个罐头了事。PS:因此than never要不要都不影响其意思,口语中只是起强调作用。

read less more often原文
read less more often原文:When Grateful Begins to Grate,I know a woman who is a grateful wife . She has been one for years .In fact ,her gratitude has been as deep and constant as her affection .And together they have traveled a long ,complicated road .In the beginning ,...

1.more often than not 2.every now and than 3."i
往往,多半 More often than not she's late for school.他上学多半迟到。every now and than=sometimes 有时

叱干林17047851906问: more than怎么用 -
嵊泗县牛黄回答: 1.more than可放在数词之前,意为“超过;不止;以上”,用于此意义时可与over互换使. 例句: Altogether more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet is covered by .整体说来,我们这个星球表面有 70% 以上都为水所覆盖. 2.more than...

叱干林17047851906问: more than one +单数名词 和 more + 复数名词+ than one 有 -
嵊泗县牛黄回答: more than one +单数名 作主语时,谓语动词用单数. more +复数名词+than one 作主语时,谓语动词用复数. 意思相同,more than one boy go to play more boys than one go to play

叱干林17047851906问: more often than not为啥是常常的意思? -
嵊泗县牛黄回答: 固定用法more often than not就等于more often,个人觉得是比较书面语吧

叱干林17047851906问: more than n/a/ad的区别 -
嵊泗县牛黄回答: more than 后跟形容词、副词、分词、动词、名词, more than 起强调作用,含义是 more than 后的形容词、副词、分词、动词、名词的分量不足以反应实际情况而加以说明,汉语意思是:“十分,非常,岂止,简直,不仅仅,绰绰有余”. 例...

叱干林17047851906问: more than 和no more than怎么用吖?!~ -
嵊泗县牛黄回答: more than的用法如下: A. “More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如: 1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information. 2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. B. “More than+数词”含“以上”或...

叱干林17047851906问: 请问more ofen than not如何翻译 -
嵊泗县牛黄回答: more ofen than not词组:常常,时常 还有,every so often / (every) now and again也可用来表达相同的意思

叱干林17047851906问: more than one和no more than后面的谓语动词各是怎样的? -
嵊泗县牛黄回答: more than one+n +v单数,no more than+numeral +n动词看名词单、复数决定. 如:more than one boy is in the room》 No more than one boy studies English. No more than five boys have come. 希望对你有所帮助.学习进步、快乐!

叱干林17047851906问: 关于more...than...的一个句子 怎么解!!! -
嵊泗县牛黄回答: 这边词组的理解应该把:more often than not 放在一起 意思是:时常、往往、多半 整句的翻译是:幸福往往以悲伤告终.more often than not时常、往往、多半 幸福往往以悲伤告终

叱干林17047851906问: more often than not是什么意思 -
嵊泗县牛黄回答: 一、more often than not大半;大概;很经常=as often as not例句:1、No matter, because everything is cooked through and more often than not,delicious.不要紧,因为每样东西都是煮熟的,并且通常比生的好吃的多.2、For instance, if ...

叱干林17047851906问: more offen than or not怎么翻译? -
嵊泗县牛黄回答: 这是一个习语,意为通常,往往,一贯如此as often as not| more often tahn not, eg: More often than not, he is late for work. 他上班往往迟到

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