
作者&投稿:岑咳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





24-甲基胆甾烷-7,22-二烯-3β-醇(24-methylcholesta-7,22-dien-3β-ol),灵芝-22-烯酸(ganoderenic acid)A、F、G,灵芝-22-烯酸H、I甲酸(methyl ganoderenate H、I),7-表灵芝酸A甲酯(7-epiganoderate A),呋喃灵芝酸(fur...>> 问题十:这是什么是树舌吗能吃吗枯树上的 是灵芝~...

貂琪14771419279问: exercise名词时何时加s 何时不加 -
灵寿县东方回答: 运动, 锻炼 Moderate exercise will benefit you. 适当的锻炼对你有好处. 练习, 习题 Please do that exercise over again. 请重做那个练习. 演习, 操练 The captain set his soldiers various exercises. 上尉让他的士兵做各种操练. 使用, 应用 ...

貂琪14771419279问: excercise在当练习讲时是复数还是单数,当做操讲呢? -
灵寿县东方回答: 1.当练习的时候是单数 练习;习题[C],例如 Do the vocabulary exercise at the end of the chapter. 做这一章末尾的词汇练习.2.当做操作也是单数 【军】演习;操练[C]

貂琪14771419279问: 适量运动用英语怎么说 -
灵寿县东方回答: suitable/proper exercise/sports

貂琪14771419279问: 急求一篇英语作文!两个题目任选一,exercise can result in iron loss或者physical activity has a positive effect on mental functioning字数150左右,不需要特... -
灵寿县东方回答:[答案] 下面这篇两个题目都适用. All of us know that exercise is good for our health.Regular exercise can help protect you fro- m heart disease and stroke,high blood pressure ,obesity,back pain,osteoporosis and can improve your mood and help you to better ...

貂琪14771419279问: exercise怎么组词 -
灵寿县东方回答:[答案] 用作句词时:1.运动, 锻炼 Moderate exercise will benefit you.适当的锻炼对你有好处.2.练习, 习题 Please do that exercise over again.请重做那个练习.3.演习, 操练 The captain set his soldiers various exerci...

貂琪14771419279问: 大修之后Moderate Revision,编辑是啥意思 -
灵寿县东方回答: SCI专用术语: 就是 中修; 大修:Major Revision 小修:Minor Revision

貂琪14771419279问: doing moderate exercise is must 这句话对吗 -
灵寿县东方回答: 不对~must是助动词~不可以这么用

貂琪14771419279问: 英语短文运动 -
灵寿县东方回答: Exercise Benefits Your Health(运动益身) Moderate exercise, such as walking, can reduce the risk of diabetes in obese and sedentary people whose blood sugar is starting to rise. That outcome was shown in a large federal study in which ...

貂琪14771419279问: “运动要适度”英文怎么说 -
灵寿县东方回答: 运动要适度 Exercise should be moderate

貂琪14771419279问: 英文造句,拜托..急需! -
灵寿县东方回答: Blindness is a very serious disability.失明是非常严重的残疾.Not speaking French in Paris is a real disability.在巴黎不会说法语真是个缺陷.It would be beneficial to keep abreast of developments in Asia.跟上亚洲形势的发展会有帮助.Moderate...

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