
作者&投稿:袁禄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He must work hard for earning money.

用英语翻译一下: 你在2012年暑假到一家饭店工作,你为饭店刷盘子,打扫卫 ...
During my summer vacation in 2012, I workeda casual job in a restuarant. My main duty was to wash dishes and do some cleaning. I worked 7 hours a week for 4 weeks and I made 800 dollars (yuan) during that time. Through work, I experienced how hard it is to earn ...

小男孩通过卖报纸赚够了接受教育所需的钱(succeed in)要用到这个短语...
The boy succeed in affording himself to get educated by selling new papers.

EBIT是你息税前利率 那么息前利润 税前利润 净利率有用什么字母表示呢...
EBITDA: earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amoriztion 息税折旧摊销前 EBIT:earning before interest and tax 息税前 EBT:earning before tax税前 NI:net income 净利 Income statement损益表中几个较常见科目:Revenue 销售收入 - COGS: cost of goods sold 成本 =gross profit 毛利 -...

Can't earning million or earning money but it told me to work hard

高收入人群 用英语怎么说?谢谢!
最常见的2种说法:high-income people high-earning people 例句:1. 我的背景是工薪阶层,在这些高收入人群中感到很不自在。With my working-class background, I feel like a fish out of water among these high-income people。2. 调查显示,在供职于大型跨国公司的高收入人群中,有45%的人是...

partially protected by player-controlled plastic bats called flippers. A game ends after all the balls fall into the drain. Secondary objectives are to maximize the time spent playing (by earning "extra balls" and keeping the ball in play as long as possible) and to earn bonus ga...

His game only got better the longer that he was in the NBA, earning him multiple All-Star game positions. It was not long before Jordan's face and clips of his basketball skills were everywhere around the world, including his famous clip from the 1990-1991 season when he switched hands ...

花钱容易赚钱难 ,用英语怎么说
spending money is much easier than making money

virtual double earning() const; virtual void print() const;private: static double Fee;};#include "Student.h"using std::cout;using std::endl;double Student::Fee = 800.0;Student::Student(const string &first,const string &last,const string &ssn) :worker(first,last,ssn){ }Student::Student(...

夹露19529414319问: meaning可不可以用复数? -
海南藏族自治州赖脯回答:[答案] 这个词是不用复数的meaning ['mi:niŋ] vt. mean1的变形 n. 1. 含意;意思;意义 2. [古语]意向;意图;用意;目的 3. 重要性;价值 4. 【逻辑学】 内涵;外延 5. 有效的内容;效力 adj. 1. 含...

夹露19529414319问: meaning有复数形式吗 -
海南藏族自治州赖脯回答:[答案] 当然有复数形式,给你个例句 We may assume that the meanings of these underwater sounds correspond closely to these with which we are familiar on land.

夹露19529414319问: meaning是否可数? -
海南藏族自治州赖脯回答: meanings英 ['mi:nɪŋz] 美 ['mi:nɪŋz]n. 含义; 意思( meaning的名词复数 ); 含义; 重要性; 价值1. These expressions are often used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings. 这些表达方式经常相互替代使用,但它们的含义却有所不同. 2. I became more aware of the symbols and their meanings. 我进一步理解了这些符号及其意义.

夹露19529414319问: meaning有复数形式吗 -
海南藏族自治州赖脯回答: 当然有复数形式,给你个例句 We may assume that the meanings of these underwater sounds correspond closely to these with which we are familiar on land.

夹露19529414319问: 这个空应该填meaning的吧?单数还是复数的呢?谢谢! -
海南藏族自治州赖脯回答: meaning,单数. 因为后面用的是a word,也是单数

夹露19529414319问: 英语meaning有复数形式吗 -
海南藏族自治州赖脯回答: 没有,因为MEANING 是抽象的,抽象的是没有复数的

夹露19529414319问: meaning可数吗 -
海南藏族自治州赖脯回答: meanings.: 含义,价值(meaning的复数)

夹露19529414319问: 英语单词saying(谚语)有复数吗?还有meaning -
海南藏族自治州赖脯回答:[答案] saying 是可数的 有复数 meaning 也是一样,但是如果meaning 表示意思是可数,表示意义、价值的时候不用复数

夹露19529414319问: 英语单词saying(谚语)有复数吗?在线等……谢了 -
海南藏族自治州赖脯回答: saying 是可数的 有复数 meaning 也是一样,但是如果meaning 表示意思是可数,表示意义、价值的时候不用复数

夹露19529414319问: They are full of deep meaning,meaning为什么不加s? -
海南藏族自治州赖脯回答: They are full of deep meaning,meaning为什么不加s? 答:meaning是不可数名词,没有复数形式,所以不加s.

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